RRI - Voice of Indonesia https://voinews.id/index.php/2-latest Sun, 22 Dec 2024 09:54:33 +0700 Joomla! - Open Source Content Management en-gb Vision and Mission https://voinews.id/index.php/about-us/vision-and-mission https://voinews.id/index.php/about-us/vision-and-mission


“To Make RRI  a Trusted and Global Public Broadcasting Institution”

 Mission Statements

1. Meet citizens' rights to obtain objective and independent news and information
2. Meet citizens' rights to broadcast program for enlightening and empowering and favoring vulnerable and disable groups
3. Organizing broadcasts that ensure diversity and national identity
4. Organizing a healthy entertainment broadcast
5. Improving service and broadcast coverage that is easily accessible to people in border, remote, outer and coastal areas
6. Strengthening overseas broadcasts to promote Indonesia along with Pancasila ideology and bring the world to Indonesia in accordance with foreign policy
7. Optimizing broadcasting technology to support the implementation of RRI broadcasts capable of reaching the entire territory of NKRI and accessible to the world community
8. Improving the quality of LPP RRI management in accordance with the principles of Good Public Governance
9. Developing Professional Human Ressources
10. Developing communication and promotion strategies
11. Optimizing the potential of RRI as a source of income according to the prevailing laws and regulations

admin@gmail.com (Administrator) VOI Wed, 02 Aug 2017 14:17:40 +0700
Contact Us https://voinews.id/index.php/2-latest/114-contact-us https://voinews.id/index.php/2-latest/114-contact-us

You may contact us via several ways below.


Mail: RRI Voice of Indonesia – English Desk

LPP Radio Republik Indonesia, 4th Floor

Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat 4-5, Central Jakarta, Jakarta 10110, Indonesia

Phone : +62 21 3456 811

Fax     : +62 21 3500 990


E-mail us: voi@voinews.id


Follow our social media:

Instagram : @voi__official

TikTok       : @voi__official

YouTube    : VoI Official (English video playlists: VOI News Report, Indonesia and Diplomacy, Diplomatic Forum, VOI Special Interview, and others)

admin@gmail.com (Administrator) VOI Sat, 05 Aug 2017 03:10:25 +0700
BUSINESS ADDRESS https://voinews.id/index.php/2-latest/161-business-address https://voinews.id/index.php/2-latest/161-business-address

Jl. Merdeka Barat, 4-5, 4th Floor,

Jakarta 10110.

Phone : +62 21 3456 811,

Fax     : +62 21 3500 990

ShortWave: 3325 kHz

admin@gmail.com (Administrator) VOI Fri, 26 Jan 2018 04:33:23 +0700
Broadcasting Schedule https://voinews.id/index.php/2-latest/162-broadcasting-schedule https://voinews.id/index.php/2-latest/162-broadcasting-schedule


admin@gmail.com (Administrator) VOI Sat, 27 Jan 2018 06:39:06 +0700