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Wednesday, 08 December 2021 12:23

Herd immunity reduces the risk of virus mutation: Researcher

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Achieving herd immunity can reduce the risk of mutation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes COVID-19, a researcher from the National Research and Innovation Agency's Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology has said.

"The more people possess immunity, the less chance the virus will spread. The sooner herd immunity is achieved, the lower the chance the virus will mutate," Armin Soebandrio told ANTARA here on Tuesday.

A virus mutates due to replication or when the viral load increases within a host's body as a way to survive, he explained.

Mutation occurs when the virus makes a new copy of its genetic material during replication, he said.

When the virus is given a chance to replicate, the risk of mutation increases, he added.

Replication occurs when the virus manages to infiltrate a new cell, he said. Once the virus successfully infects a new host, then it has an opportunity to replicate, he added.

In theory, if we can prevent the virus from finding a new host, then mutation can be slowed down, he explained.

Improving immunity can prevent a virus from entering a new host, he added.

Immunity can be bolstered through vaccinations, or it can be built by receiving COVID-19 medication or through natural infection, primarily in individuals with no symptoms (OTG) or who do not appear to be sick, he said.

"When more people develop immunity, that is when herd immunity happens," Soebandrio noted.

To this end, vaccinations should be expanded across Indonesia to build immunity among the people, which would prevent the virus from infecting new hosts, replicating, and mutating, he said.

"When more people are immune, meaning the (when there is) realization of herd immunity, then the virus will not be able to easily enter another person and mutate," he affirmed. (antaranews)

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