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Friday, 11 November 2022 10:56

G20 Forum Accelerates Indonesia's Digital Transformation

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The Government of the Republic of Indonesia has made the G20 Forum a means of improving the digital economy and accelerating national and global digital transformation. Namely through the establishment of the Digital Economy Working Group (DEWG).

“The Digital Economy Working Group is a working group that specifically discusses the digital economy. This forum also discusses digital transformation among G20 countries," said the Special Staff (Staffsus) of the Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo), Dedy Permadi, in a virtual #G20Updates webinar, Thursday (10/11/2022).

Dedy explained, there are three things discussed in DEWG. These are connectivity, post-covid-19 recovery, digital skills and literacy, cross-border data flow, and free data flow with trust.

For connectivity issues, Indonesia encourages communication via the internet or digital connectivity to contribute to recovery after the Covid-19 pandemic. An example is the use of digital connectivity to sharpen and maintain MSMEs, even in the midst of an extraordinary economic contraction.

"So when MSMEs use digital instruments, they can survive in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. Such solutions were discussed in the trial (DEWG),” said Dedy.

On the issue of digital skills and digital literacy, Indonesia proposes digital skills and literacy as a solution to accelerate digital transformation. This is because the internet and digital media are unavoidable in everyday life.

Digital literacy is an absolute must for every society. Both in Indonesia, as well as in other G20 countries.

“The simplest example is when we are dealing with threats called hoaxes. Hoaxes will circulate very widely if people are not digitally literate,” he said.

This forum also discusses the issue of cross-border data flow and data-free flow with trust. They discussed data governance if people's data had to cross national borders.

For global data governance, he continued, Indonesia introduced three principles, transparency, lawfulness, and fairness.

"It becomes the basis for world countries to build data governance, although this is only in the introduction stage," he said. (RRI)

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