Let's Speak Bahasa https://voinews.id Sun, 09 Feb 2025 00:23:30 +0700 Joomla! - Open Source Content Management en-gb Ingin Menjadi Penyelam https://voinews.id/index.php/component/k2/item/28897-ingin-menjadi-penyelam https://voinews.id/index.php/component/k2/item/28897-ingin-menjadi-penyelam


Dear readers, wherever you are. We meet again in the program "Let's Speak Bahasa Indonesia," which introduces you to Indonesian vocabulary and guides you to use it properly. This program, "Let's Speak Bahasa Indonesia," is a collaboration between Voice of Indonesia, the Overseas Service of Radio Republik Indonesia, and the Agency for Language Development and Cultivation, the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology. Today's topic is “Di Labuan Bajo” (2x) which means In Labuan Bajo.


You will read a conversation titled “Ingin Menjadi Penyelam” (2x), which means (I Want to Become a Diver). This conversation takes place between Chris, a vlogger from Australia, and Nana, a tour guide at Manta Point, Manggarai Barat Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province. Chris mentions that since he was a child, he wanted to become a diver. Let’s read their conversation!


Tour guide (F): Chris, kamu sudah sering menyelam?
Chris (M): Ya, tentu. Saya sudah punya lisensi menyelam. Sejak kecil saya ingin menjadi penyelam.
Tour guide (F): Wah, hebat. Semoga nanti kita beruntung bertemu manta.


After reading the conversation, I will introduce you some vocabulary related to today’s material, “Ingin Menjadi Penyelam” (2x), which means I Want to Become a Diver. I will say it slowly, and you can repeat it after me.


"Sejak kecil" (2x) which means "since childhood"
"Menjadi" (2x) which means "to become"
"Penyelam" (2x) which means "diver"
"Sejak kecil saya ingin menjadi penyelam" which means "Since childhood, I wanted to become a diver"
"Menyelam" (2x) which means "to dive"
"Beruntung" (2x) which means "lucky"
"Bertemu" (2x) which means "to meet"
"Manta" (2x) which means "manta ray"


In the conversation, you heard the statement “Sejak kecil saya ingin menjadi penyelam” (2x), which means "Since childhood, I wanted to become a diver." In the context of the conversation, the word “penyelam” (2x) which means diver… In that expression, the word “penyelam” (2x) refers to a person whose profession is diving and is related to the word "menyelam” which refers to the activity of diving in water.


Another Example

Let’s read another example of words referring to people with specific professions.


"Penari" (2x) which means (dancer)
"Penari menarikan tari danding dari Manggarai." which means "The dancer performs the danding dance from Manggarai"

"Pedagang" (2x) which means "merchant"
"Banyak pedagang di kawasan wisata" which means "There are many merchants in the tourist area".


One of the popular tourist destinations in Komodo National Park, East Nusa Tenggara Province, is Manta Point. At Manta Point, visitors can dive and meet manta rays. Mantas are a type of ray from the species **Manta birostris**, which are shaped like a kite and have long tails.


Before we end today’s Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia, let’s read the example conversation once again for more clarity.


Tour guide (F): Chris, kamu sudah sering menyelam?
Chris (M): Ya, tentu. Saya sudah punya lisensi menyelam. Sejak kecil saya ingin menjadi penyelam.
Tour guide (F): Wah, hebat. Semoga nanti kita beruntung bertemu manta.


That was “Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia” with a conversation titled “Ingin Menjadi Penyelam” or I want to become a diver. We hope this edition is useful for those of you who want to know more about the Indonesian language. We will meet again next week with a different topic. Thank you for your attention, and see you next time!

reyvoi@gmail.com (rey) Let's Speak Bahasa Tue, 29 Oct 2024 06:19:48 +0700
Ingin Menjadi Penyelam https://voinews.id/index.php/component/k2/item/28880-ingin-menjadi-penyelam https://voinews.id/index.php/component/k2/item/28880-ingin-menjadi-penyelam


We meet again in the program "Let's Speak Bahasa Indonesia," which introduces you to Indonesian vocabulary and guides you to use it properly. This program, "Let's Speak Bahasa Indonesia," is a collaboration between Voice of Indonesia, the Overseas Service of Radio Republik Indonesia, and the Agency for Language Development and Cultivation, the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology. Today's topic is “Di Labuan Bajo” (2x) which means In Labuan Bajo. 



You will listen to a conversation titled “Ingin Menjadi Penyelam” (2x), which means (I Want to Become a Diver). This conversation takes place between Chris, a vlogger from Australia, and Nana, a tour guide at Manta Point, Manggarai Barat Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province. Chris mentions that since he was a child, he wanted to become a diver. Let’s listen to their conversation!

Tour guide (F    :    Chris, kamu sudah sering menyelam?  

Chris (M)            :    Ya, tentu. Saya sudah punya lisensi menyelam. Sejak kecil saya

                                 ingin menjadi penyelam.  

Tour guide (F)   :    Wah, hebat. Semoga nanti kita beruntung bertemu manta.



I will introduce you some vocabulary related to today’s material, “Ingin Menjadi Penyelam” (2x), which means I Want to Become a Diver. I will say it slowly, and you can repeat it after me.


"Sejak kecil" (2x)

which means "since childhood"  

"Menjadi" (2x)

which means "to become"  

"Penyelam" (2x)

which means "diver"

"Sejak kecil saya ingin menjadi penyelam"

which means "Since childhood, I wanted to become a diver"

"Menyelam" (2x

) which means "to dive"


which means "lucky"

"Bertemu" (2x)

which means "to meet" 


which means "manta ray"


In the conversation, you heard the statement “Sejak kecil saya ingin menjadi penyelam” (2x), which means "Since childhood, I wanted to become a diver"… In the context of the conversation, the word “penyelam” (2x) which means diver… In that expression, the word “penyelam” (2x) refers to a person whose profession is diving and is related to the word "menyelam” which refers to the activity of diving in water.


Another Example


Example of words referring to people with specific professions.

"Penari" (2x) which means (dancer)  

"Penari menarikan tari danding dari Manggarai." which means "The dancer performs the danding dance from Manggarai"

"Pedagang" (2x) which means "merchant"

"Banyak pedagang di kawasan wisata" which means "There are many merchants in the tourist area".



One of the popular tourist destinations in Komodo National Park, East Nusa Tenggara Province, is Manta Point. At Manta Point, visitors can dive and meet manta rays. Mantas are a type of ray from the species **Manta birostris**, which are shaped like a kite and have long tails.


Before we end today’s Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia, let’s listen to the example conversation once again for more clarity.

Tour guide (F    :    Chris, kamu sudah sering menyelam?  

Chris (M)            :    Ya, tentu. Saya sudah punya lisensi menyelam. Sejak kecil saya

                                 ingin menjadi penyelam.  

Tour guide (F)   :    Wah, hebat. Semoga nanti kita beruntung bertemu manta.


That was “Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia” with a conversation titled “Ingin Menjadi Penyelam” or I want to become a diver”. We hope this edition is useful for those of you who want to know more about the Indonesian language. We will meet again next week with a different topic. Thank you for your attention, and see you next time!

reyvoi@gmail.com (rey) Let's Speak Bahasa Wed, 23 Oct 2024 10:17:00 +0700
Hitting wooden stick https://voinews.id/index.php/component/k2/item/28847-hitting-wooden-stick https://voinews.id/index.php/component/k2/item/28847-hitting-wooden-stick


We meet again in Let's Speak Bahasa Indonesia which introduces you to Indonesian vocabulary and guides you to use it properly. Let's Speak Bahasa Indonesia is a collaboration between Voice of Indonesia, the Overseas Service of Radio Republik Indonesia and Language Development and Fostering Agency, Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology. Our topic today is "Di Bima" (In Bima).

Here is a monologue titled "Memukulkan Tongkat Kayu" (Hitting Wooden Stick). This monologue is performed by Chris, a vlogger from Australia, while recording the "kareku kandei"  or pounding rice seeds competition at the Rimpu Mantika Festival, Bima City, West Nusa Tenggara Province. Chris describes the rhythm created from the sound of the tools used. Let’s listen to the monologue. 

Chris (P): Saat ini saya sedang menonton lomba kareku kandei atau lomba menumbuk pada lesung dalam sebuah festival budaya. Dari sini terdengar suara peralatan yang berirama. Para peserta memukulkan tongkat kayu ke lesung atau wadah kayu.  

Here are some vocabulary related to today's topic, "Memukulkan Tongkat Kayu" (Hitting Wooden Stick).

"Peserta" (Participant)  

"Memukulkan" (To hit with)  

"tongkat kayu" (wooden stick)  

"Lesung" (Mortar)  

"wadah kayu" (wooden container)  

"Para peserta memukulkan tongkat kayu ke lesung atau wadah kayu" (The participants hit the wooden stick against the mortar or wooden container)  

"menonton" (to watch)  

"lomba" (competition)  

In the monologue, there is the phrase "Para peserta memukulkan tongkat kayu ke lesung atau wadah kayu" (The participants hit the wooden stick against the mortar or wooden container). In this phrase, there is the expression "memukulkan tongkat kayu" (hitting with a wooden stick), which means "making the wooden stick a tool for hitting." In the context of the sentence, Chris describes the participants of the competition who are hitting the wooden stick against the wooden container.

Another Example:

Here is an example of using affixed words that mean using something as a tool in other sentences.

"Mengikatkan" (To tie with)  

"Nelayan mengikatkan tali besar di ujung kapalnya" (The fisherman ties a big rope to the end of his boat)

"Membalutkan" (To wrap with)  

"Saya membalutkan perban di kakinya" (I wrap the bandage on his leg)

Kareku kandei (pounding rice seeds) is a unique tradition of the people of Bima City, West Nusa Tenggara province, that has been around since ancient times. This activity is usually performed by women. The activity of pounding rice creates a rhythmic sound. Kareku Kandei was registered by the Indonesian government as an intangible cultural heritage of Indonesia in 2017.

rahmavoi@gmail.com (rahma) Let's Speak Bahasa Fri, 11 Oct 2024 12:05:19 +0700
Before going up https://voinews.id/index.php/component/k2/item/28842-before-going-up https://voinews.id/index.php/component/k2/item/28842-before-going-up


Welcome back to “Mari Berbahasa Indonesia” or Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia, which introduces Indonesian vocabulary and guides you to speak in Indonesian language. Mari Berbahasa Indonesia or Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia is a collaboration between Voice of Indonesia and the Language Development Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research & Technology. Today’s topic is “Di Bima” which means “In Bima.”

Here is a conversation about “Sebelum Naik” which means “Before going up”. The conversation is between Chris, a vlogger from Australia, and a local of Bima who owned a traditional building at Maria tourism village, Bima Regency. The person is telling Chris about how to enter their traditional building.

  Chris (P)              :  “ Bangunan ini tinggi ya. Untuk masuk ke dalam harus

                                   naik tangga.

  Warga lokal (W)  :   Dulu, tangga ini dilepas kalau tidak dipakai. Kami harus

                                   memasang tangga sebelum naik.

  Chris (P)              :   Tangga ini terbuat dari kayu apa?


Here are some vocabulary and expressions related to today’s topic “Sebelum Naik” which means “Before going up”. I will say it two times slowly, and please repeat after me.

kami (2x)

which means We

harus (2x)

which means Must

memasang (2x)

which means Install

tangga (2x) 

which means Ladder

sebelum (2x) 

which means Before

naik  (2x)

which means Going up

Kami harus memasang tangga sebelum  naik     (2x)

which means We must install a ladder before going up.

tinggi (2x)

which means High

kayu (2x)

which means Wood


In the conversation, there is the expression “Kami harus memasang tangga sebelum naik” which means “We must install a ladder before going up”. There is the conjunction “sebelum” which means “before”, which connects two clauses and states the chronology.

The word “sebelum” which means “before” connects a clause with another clause containing an activity done afterwards, namely “Kami harus memasang tangga” which means “We must install a ladder” and “naik” which means “going up”.

Other example.

Here is another use of “sebelum” (2x) which means “before” with another sentence.

Chris menonton pacuan kuda sebelum pergi ke Desa Maria which means Chris watched a horse race before going to Maria Village.  

Sebelum masuk ke bangunan tradisional, ibu-ibu memasang tangga which means Before entering the traditional building, the women installed a ladder.


Some stilt houses like uma lengge could be found in some regions across Indonesia. The traditional stilt houses can be found in Sulawesi, Sumatera, Java, and Kalimantan. Stilt houses have a high floor and are far from the ground. In the past, stilt houses were built to avoid wild animals and floods.

rahmavoi@gmail.com (rahma) Let's Speak Bahasa Thu, 10 Oct 2024 12:10:52 +0700
Can I? https://voinews.id/index.php/component/k2/item/28839-can-i https://voinews.id/index.php/component/k2/item/28839-can-i


Welcome back to “Mari Berbahasa Indonesia” or Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia, which introduces Indonesian vocabulary and guides you to speak in Indonesian language. Mari Berbahasa Indonesia or Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia is a collaboration between Voice of Indonesia and the Language Development Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research & Technology. Today’s topic is “Di Bima” which means “In Bima.”

Here is a conversation about “Bolehkah” which means “Can I”. The conversation is between Chris, a vlogger from Australia, and a local of Bima who owned a traditional building at Maria tourism village, Bima Regency. After watching a horse race, Chris asked for permission to enter the traditional building.

Chris (P)             : “ Unik sekali rumah ini.

Warga lokal (W) :   Dulu bangunan ini digunakan sebagai rumah dan tempat

                                menyimpan padi. Sekarang bangunan ini hanya menjadi

                                objek wisata budaya dan sejarah.

Chris (P)             :   Bolehkah saya masuk?

Warga lokal (W) :   Boleh. Mari, silakan.

Here are some vocabulary and expressions related to today’s topic “Bolehkah(2x) which means “Can I”.

bolehkah (2x)

which means Can

saya (2x)

which means I

masuk (2x)

which means Come in

Bolehkah saya masuk? (2x)

which means Can I come in?

unik (2x)

which means Unique

bangunan (2x)

           which means Building

Objek wisata     (2x)

which means Tourism object



In this conversation, you hear the expression “Bolehkah saya masuk?” (2x)which means “Can I come in?”. In the expression there is the word “bolehkah” (2x)which means “Can I?”, which is followed by an activity they want to do.

In the expression there is the word “bolehkah” which means “Can I?” which is followed by “saya masuk” (2x) which means “come in”. So the expression“ Bolehkah saya masuk?” (2x) which means “Can I come in” which means asking for permission to enter the building.

Other example.

Here is another use of “bolehkah” (2x) which means “Can I” to ask for permission in other sentences.

Bolehkah kami datang ke perayaan itu? (2x) which means Can we come to the celebration?

Bolehkah saya duduk di kursi ini? (2x) which means Can I come to the chair?

Maria village is one of the tourism villages in Wawo, Bima Regency, West Nusa Tenggara. In the tourism village, there is the uma lengge. In the language of Mbojo, uma lengge means “a house with a high and cone-shaped ceiling”. In the past, uma lengge was used as a house and storage for harvest.

rahmavoi@gmail.com (rahma) Let's Speak Bahasa Thu, 10 Oct 2024 11:53:21 +0700
Whether oven roasted or stove roasted https://voinews.id/index.php/component/k2/item/28604-whether-oven-roasted-or-stove-roasted https://voinews.id/index.php/component/k2/item/28604-whether-oven-roasted-or-stove-roasted


Welcome back to “Mari Berbahasa Indonesia” or “Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia”, a segment that introduces you to Indonesian vocabulary and guides you to speak in the Indonesian language. “Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia” is a collaboration between Voice of Indonesia, the Overseas Service of Radio Republik Indonesia, and the Language Centre and Development Agency at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia. Today’s topic is “Di Bali” which means “In Bali”. Stay Tuned!

Here is a conversation entitled " Baik Dipanggang di Oven maupun di Tungku" which means "Whether Oven Roasted or Stove Roasted". This conversation takes place between Chris and a waitress at a restaurant in Bali. The waitress said that both stove-baked and oven-baked chicken betutu taste equally good.

Chris (P)                  : Ayam betutu ini direbus atau dipanggang?

Pramusaji (W)         : Di restoran ini ayamnya dipanggang di tungku. Di tempat lain  

                                  mungkin dipanggang di oven.

Chris (P)                  : Apakah rasanya beda?

Pramusaji (W)         : Rasa ayam betutu, baik yang dipanggang di tungku maupun di

                                   oven, sama-sama enak.


Here are some vocabulary related to today's material.


rasa which means taste

ayam betutu which means betutu chicken

dipanggang which means roasted

tungku which means stove

oven which means oven

sama-sama which means equally

enak which means delicious

Rasa ayam betutu, baik yang dipanggang di tungku maupun di oven, sama-sama enak which means the taste of chicken betutu, whether roasted on the stove or in the oven, is equally good.

direbus which means boiled or stewed

restoran which means restaurant


In the conversation, there is the statement rasa ayam betutu, baik yang dipanggang di tungku maupun di oven, sama-sama enak which means “the taste of betutu chicken is good, whether roasted on the stove or in the oven”.  In this statement, there is an expression baik yang dipanggang di tungku maupun di oven (2x) which means "Whether roasted on the stove or in the oven".

The expression contains a connection betweenayam betutu dipanggang di tungkuwhich means betutu chicken roasted on the stove and di dalam ovenwhich means in the oven which is paired by the conjuction baikwhich means whether or both and maupunwhich means or and and. The conjuction baik and maupun which means whether and or in the expression connects the parts of the sentence that states how betutu chicken being rosted in a stove and being roasted in an oven, which produces the same quality of taste.

Betutu is a Balinese speciality that can be made from chicken or duck. The word betutu means 'a dish made from chicken or duck meat that is seasoned and cooked in a shell until the meat and bones are tender'. The special seasoning gives off a distinctive aroma of spices and can make the texture of the meat tender. Betutu was declared an Indonesian Intangible Cultural Heritage by the Indonesian government in 2017.

rahmavoi@gmail.com (rahma) Let's Speak Bahasa Tue, 16 Jul 2024 12:13:36 +0700
Ngaben is a cremation ceremony https://voinews.id/index.php/component/k2/item/28601-ngaben-is-a-cremation-ceremony https://voinews.id/index.php/component/k2/item/28601-ngaben-is-a-cremation-ceremony


Welcome back to Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia, which introduces Indonesian vocabulary and guides you to speak in Indonesian language. Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia is a collaboration between Voice of Indonesia and the Language Development Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research & Technology. Today’s topic is Di Baliwhich means “In Bali.”

Here is a conversation about “Ngaben adalah upacara pembakaran jenazah which means “Ngaben is a cremation ceremony”. The conversation is between Chris, a vlogger from Australia, who was talking to a hostel owner when a Ngaben parade is passing through in front of the hostel and to a temple. The hostel owner explained the meaning of the Ngaben ceremony to Chris.

Chris (P)                  : Ramai sekali  pura di sana. Ada acara apa?

Pemilik Hostel  (W)  : Ada ngaben, Pak.

Chris (P)                   : Ngaben? Acara apa itu?

Pemilik Hostel  (W)  : Ngaben adalah upacara pembakaran jenazah umat Hindu Bali.


Here are some vocabulary and expressions related to today’s topic “Ngaben adalah upacara pembakaran jenazah which means “Ngaben is a cremation ceremony”.


which means be


which means Ceremony

pembakaran jenazah

which means Cremation

umat Hindu  

which means Hindus people

di Bali

which means in Bali

Ngaben adalah upacara pembakaran jenazah umat Hindu di Bali

which means Ngaben is a Hindu people’s cremation ceremony in Bali.

ramai sekali

which meansvery crowded


which means temple


which meansthere is


which meansevent


In this conversation, there is the expression “Ngaben adalah upacara pembakaran jenazah umat Hindu di Bali which means “Ngaben is a Hindu people’s cremation ceremony in Bali”. In the expression, there is the word ”adalah” which means “be” similar to “is, am, are, was, were, been”. The word ”adalah” which means “be” marks a definition or meaning of something. Therefore, in the sentence, the word ”adalah” which means “be” connects the word “ngaben” with its definition, namely ”upacara pembakaran jenazah umat Hindu di Baliwhich means “a Hindu people’s cremation ceremony in Bali”.

Here is another use of the word ”adalah” which means “be” to define something.

Jenazah adalah tubuh orang yang sudah meninggal which means Corpse is a dead man’s body  

Umat adalah para pengikut suatu agama which means Umat is a follower of a religion.

One of Bali’s tourist landmarks is”pura” which means “Hindus temple” or simply “temple”.”Pura” is a worship place for Hindus. You can find a lot of”pura” which means “temple” in Bali with distinct structures and ornaments.

rahmavoi@gmail.com (rahma) Let's Speak Bahasa Mon, 15 Jul 2024 10:35:35 +0700
If Left Unprotected https://voinews.id/index.php/component/k2/item/28575-if-left-unprotected https://voinews.id/index.php/component/k2/item/28575-if-left-unprotected


Welcome back to “Mari Berbahasa Indonesia” or Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia, which introduces Indonesian vocabulary and guides you to speak in Indonesian language. Mari Berbahasa Indonesia or Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia is a collaboration between Voice of Indonesia and the Language Development Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research & Technology. Today’s topic is Di Baliwhich means “In Bali.”

Here is a conversation about “Kalau Tidak Dilindungiwhich means “If left unprotected”. Chris, a vlogger from Australia, was talking to a staff member at a sea turtle conservatory. The staff told Chris about the impact if the sea turtles are left unprotected.

Petugas (W) : Di Pulau Serangan ini, ada tiga jenis penyu yang dikonversi, yaitu penyu hijau, penyu sisik,   dan penyu lekang.

Chris (P)       :   Mengapa penyu-penyu itu dikonservasi?

Petugas (W) :   Kalau penyu-penyu itu tidak dikonservasi, kehidupan terumbu karang di sini terganggu.


Here are some vocabulary and expressions related to today’s topic.“Kalau Tidak Dilindungiwhich means “If left unprotected”.


which means If


which means Sea turtles


which means Being conserved


which means Life

terumbu karang 

which means Coral reef


which means Disturbed

Kalau penyu-penyu itu tidak dikonservasi, kehidupan terumbu karang di sini akan terganggu

which means If the sea turtles are not conserved, the life of coral reefs would be disturbed.

Pulau Serangan  

which means Serangan Island

tiga jenis  

which means Three kinds

penyu hijau

which means Green sea turtle

penyu sisik

which means Hawksbill sea turtle

penyu lekang

which means Olive ridley sea turtle



In this conversation, there is the expression Kalau penyu-penyu itu tidak dikonservasi, kehidupan terumbu karang di sini akan terganggu” which means “If the sea turtles are not conserved, the life of coral reefs will be disturbed”. In the expression, there is the conditional conjunction ”kalau” which means “if”, it connects the clause ”penyu-penyu tidak dikonservasi” which means “the sea turtles are not conserved” and the clause ”kehidupan terumbu karang di sini akan tergangguwhich means “the life of coral reefs will be disturbed”.

The first clause mentioning sea turtles is the condition or cause, while the second clause mentioning coral reefs is the result or consequences. The two clauses are connected with the word ”kalau” which means “if”.

Another example.

Here is another use of the conditional conjunction ”kalau”(2x) which means “if”.

Kalau kekurangan makanan, tukik akan memangsa tukik lain which means “If they lack of food, the turtle will prey each other”

Kalau kamu datang terlambat, kamu akan tertinggal pesawat which means“If you come late, you will be late for the flight.”

For your information, in Indonesian, there are several animals similar to penyu which means “sea turtles”. They are kura-kura which means “tortoise”; bulus (2x) which means “asiatic softshell turtle”; and labi-labi which means “softshell turtle”. Kura-kura which means “tortoise” has legs and lives in land and water. While bulus and labi-labi (2x) which means “softshell turtle” have flipper for legs and a soft shell, and live in freshwater.

rahmavoi@gmail.com (rahma) Let's Speak Bahasa Tue, 09 Jul 2024 09:48:50 +0700
Daily Show https://voinews.id/index.php/component/k2/item/28457-daily-show https://voinews.id/index.php/component/k2/item/28457-daily-show


Welcome back to “Mari Berbahasa Indonesia” or “Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia”, a segment which introduces you to Indonesian vocabulary and guides you to speak in the Indonesian language. “Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia” is a collaboration between Voice of Indonesia, the Overseas Service of Radio Republik Indonesia, and the Language Centre and Development Agency at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia. Today’s topic is “Di Bali” which means “In Bali”. Stay tuned!


Here is a conversation entitled "Pertunjukan Harian" which means "Daily Show". This conversation takes place between Chris, an Australian vlogger, and Widari, a member of a vlog community from Bali, while watching a kecak dance performance in Uluwatu. Widari told Chris that it was a daily performance.


Chris (P)    :   Tari kecak ini heboh, ya. Gerakan penari sangat energik dan kompak. Padahal, mereka menari tanpa iringan musik.

Widari (W):   Ya. Karena itu, tari kecak menjadi pertunjukan harian di sini. Setiap hari penontonnya penuh.

Chris (P) :    Apalagi, penonton juga disuguhi pemandangan matahari terbenam.


Here are some vocabulary related to today's material.


karena itu which means therefore

tari kecak which means kecak dance

menjadi which means to become

pertunjukan which means show

harian which means daily

di sini which means here

Karena itu, tari kecak menjadi pertunjukan harian di sini which means Therefore, kecak dance becomes daily show here

heboh which means excited

gerakan which means movement

energik which means energetic

kompak which means harmonious

padahal which means whereas

Penari which means dancer

iringan musik which means music accompaniment

setiap hari which means every day

penonton which means viewer

apalagi which means moreover

disuguhi which means to be presented

pemandangan which means panorama

matahari terbenam which means sunset


In conversation, there is you the statement Wow, banyak sekali anting ibu itu which means "Wow, that Lady put on a lot of earrings " In this sentence there is an interjection Wow! which means Wow! or Awe! which functions as an exclamation of admiration and amazement. The word wow which means wow or awe is used by Chris to express his amazement at the number of earrings worn by a Dayak woman he met.

In the conversation, there is the statement "Karena itu, tari kecak menjadi pertunjukan harian di sini" which means "Therefore, kecak dance has become a daily performance here" which. The statement contains the word harian which means 'daily' or 'every day'. The word harian, which means "daily" expresses the frequency of activities that are done every day. In the statement , the word harian is used to describe the kecak dance performance that is performed every day in Uluwatu.


Here are other examples of an adverbial word that expresses the frequency of an activity in relation to a unit of time.

Mingguan which means 'weekly' or 'every week' 

Saya mengikuti kursus bahasa Indonesia mingguan which means I attend a weekly Indonesian language course

Bulanan which means monthly or 'every month'

Penari kecak di sini menerima gaji bulanan which means The kecak dancers here receive a monthly salary. 


Kecak dance is one of the traditional Balinese dances. Kecak dance is usually performed by dozens of male dancers. They sit in a circle, move, and sing together. The distinctive sound heard is 'cak-cak-cak'. The sound makes this dance called kecak dance. Kecak dance is inspired from the epic stories of the Ramayana. 

rahmavoi@gmail.com (rahma) Let's Speak Bahasa Wed, 12 Jun 2024 09:52:24 +0700
In Baubau https://voinews.id/index.php/component/k2/item/28447-in-baubau https://voinews.id/index.php/component/k2/item/28447-in-baubau


Welcome back to “Mari Berbahasa Indonesia” or Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia, which introduces Indonesian vocabulary and guides you to speak in Indonesian language. Mari Berbahasa Indonesia or Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia is a collaboration between Voice of Indonesia and the Language Development Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research & Technology. Today’s topic is “Di Baubau” which means “In Baubau.”

You will listen to a conversation about “Berjam-jam” which means “For hours”. Chris, a vlogger from Australia, was talking to a passenger at Betoambari Airport on their trip to Bali through Makassar. Chris told the passenger that he has been waiting for the plane for hours. 

Penumpang (W) : Kata petugas Bandara Betoambari, pesawat terlambat datang karena cuaca buruk. Bapak sudah menunggu lama?
Chris (P) : Saya sudah menunggu berjam-jam. Semoga cuaca segera membaik.
Penumpang (W): Ya, semoga pesawat kita segera tiba. Tujuan Bapak ke Makassar?
Chris (P) : Iya..

Here are some vocabulary and expressions related to today’s topic. “Berjam-jam” which means “For hours”. saya (2x) which means I

menunggu (2x) which means Wait
berjam-jam (2x) which means For hours
Saya sudah menunggu berjam-jam (2x) which means I have been waiting for hours
petugas (2x) which means Officer
terlambat (2x) which means Late
cuaca buruk (2x) which means Bad weather
menunggu lama (2x) which means Wait for long
semoga (2x) which means Hopefully
segera membaik (2x) which means Gets better soon
pesawat (2x) which means Aircraft
tiba (2x) which means Arrive
tujuan(2x) which means Destination
Makassar (2x) which means Makassar

In this conversation, there is the expression “Saya sudah menunggu berjam-jam” which means “I have been waiting for hours”. In the expression, there is the word ”berjam-jam” which means “for hours”, it means several hours have passed. In the conversation, the expression was used to tell that the person has been waiting for the plane for hours.

Here is another use of expression to recommend or suggest something.

Berhari-hari which means “Many days”  
Dari Jakarta ke Kota Baubau, penumpang feri perlu waktu berhari-hari which means “From Jakarta to Baubau, ferry passengers take many days.

Berminggu-minggu which means “Many weeks”  
Paket Chris belum sampai selama berminggu-minggu which means Chris’s package is not delivered for many weeks.


For your information, Betoambari Airport is located in Baubau, Southeast Sulawesi. This airport was built in 1976 as a pioneer flight. Currently, Betoambari Airport is one of the access that connects tourism destinations of Wakatobi Islands with the capital city of South Sulawesi namely Makassar City.

rahmavoi@gmail.com (rahma) Let's Speak Bahasa Fri, 07 Jun 2024 14:55:28 +0700