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Indonesia is lined up as Chair of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations). Indonesia will continue to discuss the three main issues of the G20 Summit.

Spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu) Teuku Faizasyah said the continuation of the discussion of the G20 issues was to encourage the acceleration of global recovery after the pandemic. This is in line with the G20 theme, namely, Recover Together, Recover Stronger.

"The priority issues that Indonesia raises (for the G20) will be followed up when they become ASEAN chairman," he told Pro3 RRI, Saturday (12/11/2022). The three main issues that Indonesia is promoting as its presidency at the 2022 G20 Summit are the transition to sustainable energy, digital transformation, and global health architecture.

"As chairman of the G20, of course, he will take advantage of the achievements of the G20. Including Indonesia's priority issues to be followed up as chairman of ASEAN," said Faizasyah.

Indonesia, he continued, will generate concrete ASEAN economic cooperation.

"And ensure the centrality of ASEAN in the Indo-Pacific region," said Teuku.

"The description of Indonesia's chairmanship is more or less like that, and in the future, we will hear more clearly. At that time, President Jokowi received the chairmanship of (ASEAN) from Cambodia (Chairman of ASEAN in 2022)," he said.

He also said that Indonesia has experience as Chair of ASEAN.

Because, according to ASEAN records, Indonesia has been chairman four times, namely in 1976, 1996, 2003, and 2011.

Therefore, Indonesia's task in 2023 will be to overcome various major issues that are currently happening.

Namely, covering the impact of the war between Russia and Ukraine, the food crisis, energy, and others.

"It is also a challenge to be able to contribute within the ASEAN framework. So, making the ASEAN region a formidable one, it will be Indonesia's main responsibility, when it leads ASEAN," said Teuku.

The following is a list of the 10 ASEAN members:

1. Brunei Darussalam

2. Indonesia

3. Cambodia

4. Laos

5. Malaysia

6. Myanmar

7. Philippines

8. Singapore

9. Thailand, dan

10. Vietnam. (RRI)


The floating PLTS - 



Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Menko Marves) Luhut B. Pandjaitan attended the inauguration of the Muara Nusa Dua Floating Solar Power Plant (PLTS) on Friday (11 - 11 - 2022). "The construction of this PLTS is a form of Indonesia's commitment to the energy transition to address climate change," said Coordinating Minister Luhut.

Specifically on the topic of energy transition, Indonesia has committed to contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and achieving the Net Zero Emission target in 2060. Various efforts have been made by the government to reduce carbon emissions and achieve this net zero emission.

"Starting with the plan to transfer generators based on fossil energy to more environmentally friendly generators, and continue to develop technology and innovation in utilizing environmentally friendly energy sources," he explained.

According to a release received by Voice of Indonesia on Saturday, this Floating PLTS is Indonesia's new step in utilizing solar energy as a floating energy source in a body of water. The installed capacity of this Floating PLTS is 100 KWp, the construction was done in a short time and the TKDN value has reached 49.6%.

This initial step will be a driving force for the development of PLTS Floating in Indonesia, because the potential is very large. "The use of land above this water body will overcome the obstacles to the construction of power plants, which are often difficult to find the right land," he explained.

“Once again, today we witness the construction of the first floating solar power plant in Indonesia whose electricity is absorbed by PT. PLN. We will use this PLTS as one of the showcases at the G20 Summit and prove that Indonesia can build PV mini-grid with domestic resources," said Coordinating Minister Luhut.

"Once again, the construction of this PLTS is our commitment for the good of the future, including one way to increase job opportunities in Indonesia," added the President Director of PT. PLN Darmawan Prasodjo//VOI


IFLA President Vicky McDonald when giving speech on National Library building -  


Elected President of the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA), Vicki McDonald was impressed with the programs carried out by the National Library (Perpusnas).

According to him, the social inclusion-based library transformation program can really meet the social needs of the community.

"And I see here, the program is right to focus on ensuring it can provide opportunities with economic results for community members. Apart from that, it is also a very strong form of determination to increase literacy in Indonesia," said Vicki during her visit to National Library of Indonesia on Friday (11/11/2019). 11/2022).

Vicki further explained that with this program the library can be recognized as having an important role in society. So that the library does not only play a role in the field of education.

"So I can see that this important program is important for the community and much more can be done. It is a fantastic opportunity to be here and see first-hand the works in Indonesia," continued Vicki.

He hopes to work with National Library to represent Indonesia in the IFLA arena. "We are looking forward to collaborating but also interested in talking about social inclusion," he hoped.

Head of National Library Muhammad Syarif Bando said that the social inclusion library transformation program has been carried out to villages.

"We no longer use the National Library as a deposit and repository center, but we have principles to transform the knowledge in the library to the public," he said.

According to a release received by Voice of Indonesia on Saturday, in a social inclusion strategy, careful planning is needed, all actions taken must involve the government at the provincial, district/city levels, academics, practitioners, and scientists.

"Then the task of the National Library and libraries in the regions is to prepare books on applied science and life skills. But that is not enough, it needs to be followed up with training," he explained.

Meanwhile, Librarian of the Gunung Kidul Library and Archives Service, Agung Wibowo, recounted social inclusion-based library activities by organizing various activities in the economic field, for example by training in making banana chips, to making batik.

"Not only activities to improve the economy, but we also organize activities to improve people's abilities, such as writing lessons to the English Club," explained Agung.

Literacy activist, Rodinatun also shared his experience of living from garbage crafts which is the result of reading books in the library.

"My life has become better after reading a book about the use of waste. From that reading I practiced and Alhamdulillah I was able to increase my family's income," he said.

During her visit, Vicki McDonald also had the opportunity to visit child, elderly and disabled services. Not only that, the Elected President of IFLA for 2022-2023 also made an honorary membership card//VOI


Immigration office receiving foreign tourist to handle visa on arrival - 


Acting Director General of Immigration instructs the Head Immigration Office of Soekarno-Hatta, Ngurah Rai and for Surabaya to provide facilities and special services for about 2,051 foreign journalists who will be covering the G20 Summit in Bali.

“We have informed the Head of the Immigration Office in charge of the International airport of Soekarno-Hatta, Ngurah Rai and Surabaya to facilitate foreign journalists who will cover the G20 Summit in Bali,” explained Plt. Director General of Immigration, Widodo Ekatjahjana, Friday (11/11/2022). These foreign journalists can enter Indonesia with Visa exemption facility, or use Visa on Arrival (VoA) if they want to stay in Indonesia longer.

According to a release received by Voice of Indonesia on Friday, the three immigration offices were instructed to: provide appropriate immigration services easy and fast, both to obtain a Visa exemption facility, VoA and the clearance process at the Immigration Checkpoint; provide a special service counter if there is any journalists and G20 delegates who have lost their passports and need immigration service assistance; and create a hotline number for G20 journalists who need help of immigration//VOI