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Zona Integritas




Thousands of people gathered in Warsaw on Friday for an annual march organised by the far-right to mark Independence Day, with a handful carrying white supremacist or anti-gay rights banners and firing off red flares.

Marchers, including families with children as well as representatives of far-right groups, waved white and red Polish flags and chanted "God, Honour, Homeland" as they walked through central Warsaw amid a heavy police presence.

The annual event has become a point of friction between far-right groups and supporters of the nationalist Law and Justice (PiS) government of Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki on one side, and their liberal opponents on the other.

Since it came to power in 2015, PiS has sought to instill more conservative, traditional family values in public life, including the introduction of a near-total ban an abortion. Critics at home and abroad have accused it of fomenting homophobia during election campaigns.

"Poland will be independent only if everybody's rights to life are equal and abortion is fully banned," said one participant, Magorzata Kurzeja, 42, an anti-abortion activist.

The Warsaw city hall has made numerous attempts in the past to delegalize the event, but the Independence March association, the organizer, has successfully challenged court decisions. (Reuters)





U.S. President Joe Biden on Friday praised Egypt for speaking up strongly on the war in Ukraine and said Cairo had been a key mediator in Gaza.

Biden was speaking as he met Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi at the COP27 summit in the resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt.

"In the face of Russia’s war in Ukraine, Egypt has spoken up strongly in the United Nations and that is appreciated very much as well," he said. (Reuters)





Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) outlined six important points related to the crisis in Myanmar, including the affirmation of the call to end violence in the ASEAN country hit by a political crisis.

President Jokowi accentuated several important points related to the Myanmar crisis at the retreat session of the 41st ASEAN Summit in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Friday, which specifically discussed the implementation of the 5-point consensus (5PC) in Myanmar, as quoted from a written statement by the Presidential Secretariat Press Bureau, Friday.

"The first point is that the implementation of the 5PC remains as the main reference for ASEAN in helping Myanmar to get out of its political crisis," Jokowi noted.

Under the second point, he emphasized the call for an end to violence in order to immediately create conducive conditions in Myanmar.

Thirdly, President Jokowi proposed the assignment of the Secretary-General of ASEAN and the AHA Center (the ASEAN Coordinating Center for Humanitarian Assistance on Disaster Management) to continue to seek access to complete the Comprehensive Needs Assessment immediately.

He affirmed that humanitarian assistance to sustain life has become more important at this time for Myanmar.

According to the fourth point conveyed by the president, the decision on non-political representation from Myanmar should also be applied in addition to the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting (AMM) and High-Level Conference.

"Fifth, ASEAN's engagement with all Myanmar stakeholders must be carried out immediately. It is because only by opening dialogue with all parties can the ASEAN be able to facilitate the national dialogue mandated by the 5PC," he remarked.

The sixth point is to respect the principle of non-interference. ASEAN does not provide support for elections that are not inclusive and are not prepared based on national dialogue, he remarked.

"We have a responsibility to the people of ASEAN and the world. If we do not act appropriately, ASEAN's credibility and relevance are at stake," he affirmed.

During the event, President Jokowi was also accompanied by Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno Marsudi. (Antaranews)





Indonesia Vice Minister of Environment and Forestry, Dr Alue Dohong, alongside UK Minister of State for Overseas Territories, Commonwealth, Energy, Climate and Environment, Lord Goldsmith spoke at the Forest and Climate Leaders’ Partnership: Unpacking FACT Dialogue, Traders Roadmap and Forest Tenure Pledge event in the UK Pavilion at COP27.

Indonesia and UK guided participating FACT governments to make progress on the prioritized roadmap actions and reflect on the progress to date. The FACT Progress Report represents a renewal of the commitment of the FACT governments to continue to work together to achieve their shared goals to promote sustainable development and trade while protecting forests and other critical ecosystems.

“Glasgow was a landmark moment – the moment nature moved from the margins of the debate on climate change, to the heart of our response to it… Now the challenge for us at COP27 is to deliver. And turn these ambitions into action. To do this, collaboration is essential," Minister of State for the Overseas Territories, Commonwealth, Energy, Climate and Environment, Lord Goldsmith said in a release received by Voice of Indonesia on Friday.

Indonesia has shown international leadership and demonstrated its reputation as a “climate superpower” at COP27, by highlighting the Forest and Agricultural Commodity Trade (FACT) Dialogue’s important role in addressing climate change and the transformations of the global food system to support sustainability and protect forests, ecosystems, and people.

It brought together the producer and consumer countries, some of the largest global traders and brands, civil society, and indigenous communities, to reflect on progress to date as set out in the FACT Progress Report, and to explore the challenges and opportunities for turning ambition into collective action.

“I am proud that over the past year, our voluntary collaboration with more than 28 producer and consumer countries, has made good progress overall in the four thematic areas of the FACT Roadmap of Actions. The FACT Dialogue needs to continue to provide a platform for governments and key stakeholders to work together, share best practices, and develop actions, which may be related to policies, voluntary approaches, technology and innovation” Vice Minister of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr. Alue Dohong said in the release.

“At COP26, 28 of the largest producer and consumer countries committed to work together through the FACT Dialogue and its Roadmap. By cooperating within this unique partnership, Indonesia and the UK can bring much needed changes to protect precious natural environments like rainforests and tackle climate change," British Ambassador to Indonesia and Timor-Leste Owen Jenkins said.


The FACT Progress Report represents a renewal of the commitment of the FACT governments to continue to work together to achieve their shared goals to promote sustainable development and trade, while protecting forests and other critical ecosystems.

Looking ahead, FACT Governments will continue to work together to deliver the FACT Roadmap, with a strong focus next year on continuing to provide an important forum for collaboration between major producer and consumer countries, and to drive good results by developing a common understanding of market expectations and strengthening engagement with stakeholders. (VOI)