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State-owned construction firm PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk has set a target of completing the construction of the Presidential Secretariat Building and other supporting buildings in Nusantara capital city (IKN), East Kalimantan, by late 2024.

The project will be built on 50,678 square meters of land, with the total area of the buildings spanning 33,312 square meters, Waskita SVP Corporate Secretary Novianto Ari Nugroho noted in a statement released in Jakarta on Monday.

The buildings will comprise the Presidential Secretariat, Presidential Security Detail (Paspampres) dormitory, and supporting buildings.

"It will take 720 calendar days to achieve the target of completing the construction of the buildings at the end of 2024," he stated.

Waskita Karya had secured a new contract for construction of the Presidential Secretariat and supporting buildings, worth Rp1.35 trillion, in the new capital city.

Nugroho said Waskita was proud of securing the contract.

"The company will use all its best resources to realize the project properly. From the company's experience, we are convinced that the project can be completed with the right quality and on schedule, in accordance with the contract," he remarked.

Earlier, Waskita Karya had also won two tenders for the construction of the Simpang Tempadung comprising the Jembatan Pulau Balang section of the IKN toll road worth Rp990 billion and the section of the Sepaku ring road worth Rp182 billion.

In total, Waskita Karya won tenders for IKN projects worth Rp2.55 trillion.  (Antaranews)


Wamenparekraf when visiting the brightspot market - 


Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy / Deputy Head of the Tourism and Creative Economy Agency (Wamenparekraf / Wakabaprekraf) Angela Tanoesoedibjo appreciated the 2022 Brightspot Market event which was present featuring MSME products and local brands made by the nation's children.

Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Angela while attending the Brightspot Market at Plaza Senayan, Jakarta, Friday (4/11/2022) said that the government will continue to encourage creative economy players to be promoted.

"Kemenparekraf will continue to support and try to improve the quality of MSMEs in Indonesia through events like this and one of them is through the Proudly Made in Indonesia National Movement," he said.

More than 99.9 percent of the total business actors come from MSMEs. This sector absorbs 97 percent of the total national workforce and contributes to Indonesia's gross domestic product (GDP) by 57 percent.

“This phenomenon explains that MSMEs are a productive business to support the macro and micro economy in Indonesia, and influence other sectors to also develop. For that, I hope that creative economy actors in Indonesia can see this as an opportunity so that they can take part in the development of MSMEs," said Angela.

While attending the exhibition which took place on 3-6 November 2022, the Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy had a chance to taste several products from MSME players, one of which was The Coffee Academic, where the current processed coffee drinks are increasingly loved by the younger generation.

According to a release received by Voice of Indonesia on Saturday, Brightspot Market 2022 comes with the theme “Renew” which presents local products that have been curated in several categories, such as retail and culinary. Not only that, visitors can also enjoy music and various other entertainment at the same time.

There are 200 tenants who appear at Brightspot Market. This time, the cast carries the concept of One Stop Shopping and the application of conscious buying which puts consumers first to choose local products over foreign products as a form of empowering domestic resources and fostering a sense of pride in local products//VOI


Workers cleans up waste on the ocean side before the upcoming G20 in Bali - 



Indonesia is preparing to welcome dozens of heads of state at the G20 Summit in Bali on November 15-16. All supporting activities are prepared, including waste management. As the location of the peak of international events, of course, this issue becomes a priority.

In order to prepare for the event, the Mayor of Bali, IGN Jaya Negara, is mobilizing resources to clean up the garbage in 23 3R TPS in Denpasar City. This step is taken so that there are no piles of garbage in Denpasar, which will be passed by the heads of state at the G20 Summit.

"We cleaned it before the G20, we emptied it, in collaboration with the Gianyar Regency Government, it will be exiled to Temesi. So that in the G20 area there is no mobility of waste there. Empty. Neat,” he explained when interviewed by telephone by the G20 media team, Saturday (5/11/2022).

The Mayor of Denpasar Jaya is also committed to ensuring the cleanliness and comfort of the G20 event.

Currently, there are three TPSTs in Bali, namely Tahura Ngurah Rai, TPST Kesiman Kertalangu, and TPST Padang Sambian Kaja. All three are in the process of installing waste processing equipment. Tahura Ngurah Rai and Kesiman Kertalangu will start operating before the peak of the G20 Presidency next November.

"The physical progress will be completed before the G20, and the machine can only be operational in Tahura 2 and in Kertalangu, but the process is not yet complete. The capacity is only 20 tons during the trial," explained Jaya Negara.

The three new TPSTs on the Island of the Gods were built because the Suwung landfill has exceeded capacity.

The construction of the TPST is a benefit that Bali receives from the G20 Summit. Because after the summit, Bali will maximize its use as a waste processing facility. "And he (the manager) agreed that at the end of November it was only 100 percent completed," he said.

According to a release received by Voice of Indonesia on Saturday, waste management has become a serious concern for the government of President Joko Widodo. During the G20 implementation, Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian said that four districts/cities in Bali, namely Denpasar, Badung, Gianyar, and Tabanan, were the main focus areas for waste management.

"The place which is the location of the G20 and its surroundings as well as the four areas must have good waste management so that we can talk. Even if necessary they (the G20 delegation) come to see," said Tito, while visiting the Kertalangu TPST, last September.

Moreover, Tito reminded that at the G20 meeting there would be discussions on climate change. Therefore, waste management is an important part.

Indonesia makes Bali as one of the pilot provinces that implement net zero emission in 2045. Meanwhile, one of the contributors to greenhouse gas emissions is waste. For this, better waste management is needed.

Assistant Deputy for Waste and Waste Management at the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs, Rofi Alhanif, said that waste that is not managed properly will release methane that pollutes ozone.

Another interesting thing about the three new TPSTs is the application of RDF (refused derived fuel) technology. RDF technology is a technology in processing waste into biomass which can then be used as a new and renewable energy source (EBT). This waste-processed biomass is a coal co-firing in the cement industry and steam power plants (PLTU). This is in line with the G20 agenda in the field of energy transition.

This refused derived fuel (RDF) product can be used as a substitute for LPG gas for pyrolysis reactors in accordance with the concept of a green and zero waste waste treatment model.

With this waste management technology, it is hoped that it can reduce the waste problem and turn it into a product of economic value so that it can improve the welfare of the community. In addition, the location of waste processing has the potential to become a place for training and tourism.

In Indonesia, the development of the first RDF TPST is in Tritih Lor Village, Jeruklegi District, Cilacap, Central Java. The construction of the RDF facility in an area of ​​3 hectares has been carried out since 2017.

The construction of the RDF TPST is arguably a new milestone in waste management in Indonesia as well as a step towards the energy transition. From Cilacap the government then developed the RDF TPST infrastructure in Kongok Gardens, Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB)//VOI


The workshop literacy program - 

No matter how good the idea is, if it is not put into writing, it will forever be unknown to others. From the results of the writings that are read, a knowledge transfer process is created.

Reading and writing habits cannot be separated. Great writers are born from the habit of reading. And the National Library is committed to encouraging the birth of new writers so that the knowledge transfer process continues," said the Head of the Center for Library Analysis and Reading Culture Development at the National Library of Indonesia, Adin Bondar when opening the Writer Literacy Workshop for Beginners in Medan City, Friday (11/04/2022).

Adin assesses that many areas in Indonesia have not been exposed or known to many people because there are still few writers who want to raise this potential. In fact, if it is done, it will increase the attractiveness of tourist visits to come. From these small things, the wheels of the community's economy rotate so that it has an impact on welfare.

"How many tourists visit because of reading simple articles or writings which finally sparks curiosity to come," added Adin.
On the same occasion, the wife of the Governor of North Sumatra, Nawal Edi Rahmayadi, added that people who are active in writing are born from the habit of reading.

"It is certain that people who like to read have broad knowledge and insight that can help their vocabulary when expressing ideas in writing," added Nawal Edi.

On the first day of the workshop, the author and literacy activist, Maman Suherman, said that the author's strength is to catch signs and symbols. This skill needs to be honed.

“Great writers are born from extraordinary readers. In fact, my parents taught me that you won't be hungry as long as you can read,” said the writer who is familiarly called Kang Maman.

However, Kang Maman also reminded not to leave the 5R formula in every writing, namely read, research, reliable, reflecting, and (w) right in the sense of writing correctly.

Meanwhile, the writer Wiwik Puspitasari explained that the writing process begins with imagination. The fairy tales that we often read, hear and watch come from the process of imagination. In the education method in developed countries, the habit of storytelling and reading fairy tales is consistently carried out for each student.

“From these routines, children are used to imagining. then from the imagination, they write. The important thing is to write first. Don't edit. Don't be the editor of your own writing," explained Wiwik.

According to a release received by Voice of Indonesia on Saturday, literacy workshop for novice writers was held for two days. Each participant was given a number of understandings about the stages of writing, such as how to find ideas, the process of collecting data and facts, determining the systematics of writing, to how to make an interesting title. After that, each participant was given the opportunity to practice writing with the guidance of the resource persons//VOI