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Menparekraf with Genpi - 


Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy/Head of the Tourism and Creative Economy Agency (Menparekraf/Kabaparekraf) Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno invites Generation Pesona Indonesia (GenPi) to play an active role in the success of the G20 Summit activities, which will be held in Bali, on 15-16 November 2022.

Menparekraf Sandiaga, in his remarks at the National Coordination Meeting for GenPi with the theme 'KERIS' namely Creative and Synergistic, at Novotel Solo, Saturday (5/11/2022), wanted GenPi to play a role in strengthening positive narratives from preparation to implementation of the G20 Summit.

“GenPi is one of the tourism, creative economy and digital literacy communities in Indonesia. Therefore, help echo, help promote international forum events held in Indonesia such as the G20 Summit in the near future," said Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga.

The Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy also encourages GenPi to support the Mandalika World Super Bike (WSBK) which will take place on 11-13 November 2022, the Bali Global Tourism Forum (GTF) Annual Meeting which will take place on 17-18 November 2022, and the ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF). ) which will take place in Yogyakarta in 2023.

He assessed that the involvement of the young community (millennials) plays an important role in bringing up movements that support the achievement of successful international events held in Indonesia, as well as the success of the vision and mission in generating Indonesian tourism.

According to a release received by Voice of Indonesia on Saturday, The Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy said that Indonesia had climbed 12 positions or ranked 32 out of 117 countries in the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI) in 2021, based on data released by the World Economy Forum in May 2022. According to him, this achievement was also because of the support from GenPi.

"We see Indonesia's tourism now, Alhamdulillah, it has gone up 12 places, beating Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam. It's thanks and support from GenPi friends. So thank you GenPi," said the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy.

Menparekraf also hopes that GenPi can continue to support the government in revitalizing the tourism sector and the creative economy, so that the impact will be felt directly by the community, such as opening up business opportunities and employment opportunities//VOI


The Minister of cooperative and small and medium enterprises of Indonesia, Teten masduki during his speech on Diplomatic Forum - 


Micro, Small and Medium enterprises or MSME has been contributing 61 percent of Indonesia’s gross domestic product and become the backbone of the national economy for many years including during the pandemic. During the Diplomatic Forum event with the theme “MSME as the agent transformation for Bali’s Economy” held by Voice of Indonesia on Wednesday in Bali, The Minister of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises, Teten Masduki explain that to revive the MSME back on track, Indonesian government through the G20 presidency that will be held in Bali also highlight Indonesian MSME’s product that is expected will boost 8.74 trillion rupiah for Indonesian GDP.

"Contributing to our country GDP of 61 percent equivalent 8.5 Trillion Rupiah SME’s are the backbone of Indonesian economy. Sure enough SME in Bali also make an extensive contribution as one of the leading tourism center in Indonesia and so when covid-19 hit SME in Bali are the one that got the most terrible impact. Ministry of cooperative and SME are making prior attempt to revive Bali’s economy for instant Indonesia will host G20 high level conference which will occur in Bali on November. It is expected to boost domestic consumption by 1,7 Trillion Rupiah and 8,74 Trillion Rupiah Indonesian GDP", Teten said. 

Minister Teten Masduki added that Indonesia’s SME has an opportunity to showcased the products during the G20 main event. The ministry also have the Nusa Dua market in Bali which will function SME exposition center prior to G20 summit. It is time for Bali to visit the world and transfer their transaction into digital format, this will also be supported by the cooperative and small and medium enterprises ministry. The minister also hope that this Diplomatic forum discussion will give positive impact and take SME to the next level// VOI


Diplomatic Forum held by Voice of Indonesia in Bali - 


Voice of Indonesia again held the 44th Diplomatic Forum in Bali with the theme "MSMEs are agents of transformation for the Balinese economy". After the Covid-19 pandemic, the economy in Bali began to rise because the tourism industry and MSMEs, which were the backbone of Bali's economy, were again excited.

Research conducted by the Institute for Economic and Community Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia (LPEM FEB UI) in 2020 noted that the three provinces with the highest increase in the number of business actors on one of the e-commerce platforms, during the pandemic were Bali with an online transaction index of 66.2 percent.

In his speech, the Director of Voice of Indonesia, Soleman Yusuf, Wednesday (02/11/22) said that Voice of Indonesia held a Diplomatic forum with the theme to find out the efforts of Bali MSME actors who are not only the backbone of the economy in Bali but also the Indonesian economy.

"Through the theme "MSMEs are agents of transformation for the Balinese economy", Voice of Indonesia is here to find out the economic development of MSME actors in Bali, which are the backbone of the nation's economy", Soleman Yusuf said.

In addition to the Minister of Cooperatives and Small & Medium Enterprises, the Governor of Bali, Foreign Representatives in Bali, as well as IJMKM practitioners and Associations in Bali. Diplomatic forum also invites students from several universities in Bali so that they know the meaning of diplomacy.

"As the second bastion of Indonesia's diplomacy, we present the Diplomatic Forum program which is able to strengthen Indonesia's bilateral relations with various countries in the world. This forum also opens opportunities for Indonesia's young generation to know the meaning of diplomacy", Soleman added//VOI


The "Sudden Toba Creative Gathering" event at Seis Cafe & Public Space, Medan - 


Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy/Head of the Tourism and Creative Economy Agency (Menparekraf/Kabaparekraf) Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno encourages creative economy actors in North Sumatra (North Sumatra), especially in Medan to jointly make Lake Toba a world-class tourist destination.

In the "Sudden Toba Creative Gathering" event at Seis Cafe & Public Space, Medan, Tuesday (1/11/2022), Menparekraf Sandiaga revealed that Lake Toba as one of the five Super Priority Destinations in Indonesia needs to be strengthened by the presence of various local MSMEs. world class and quality. So that Lake Toba can become a tourist destination that opens up business opportunities and employment opportunities for the people of North Sumatra.

"We see that Lake Toba can become a locomotive for the creation of 1.1 million new jobs this year and 4.4 million new and quality jobs in 2024," said Sandiaga.

To realize these ideals, said Sandiaga, in addition to presenting quality MSMEs, his party also continues to develop the tourism potential of Lake Toba through the implementation of national and international class events. "So I hope that young people in Medan and its surroundings can also see Lake Toba as a potential for creative collaboration to invest creatively and do business," he said.

Sandiaga hopes that the "Sudden Toba Creative Gathering" activity will also become a forum for learning and new collaborations for creative youths in the Lake Toba Region and Medan City to realize the potential that exists in Lake Toba, so that in the future they can collaborate and contribute through creative works. to support the development of Lake Toba as a Super Priority Destination Area.

"In addition, we hope that Medan City as the closest source of quality creative human resources from Lake Toba can be a source of skill and knowledge transfer for creative young people there," said Sandiaga.

In this event, Sandiaga was accompanied by the Special Staff of the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy for the Sector of Tourism Destinations and Strategic Issues, Brigadier General Ario Prawiseso; Head of Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf HR Development Center, Faisal; Head of the Bureau of Human Resources and Organizations of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Wawan Ruswan; and Director of the Implementing Agency for the Lake Toba Authority (BPODT), Jimmy Bernando Panjaitan.

Also present was the Head of the Culture and Tourism Office of North Sumatra Province, Zumri Sulthony//VOI