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Security preparations for the G20 Summit as of the end of October had reached 75 percent, according to Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police (Polri)  Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo.

"Currently, the preparations had reached 75 percent. We expect it will have reached 90 percent on November 7, and by November 11, everything will be 100-percent ready," Prasetyo noted here on Monday.

G20 is an international forum comprising 19 countries and the European Union that work together to handle major issues. Indonesia is holding the presidency of the grouping this year.

The G20 Summit is scheduled to be held in Bali on November 15-16, 2022.

To secure the G20 Summit, Polri will deploy eight thousand joint personnel from the Polri Headquarters, Bali Regional Police, and other closest regional police, such as the West Java Regional Police, West Nusa Tenggara Regional Police, and East Java Regional Police.

He affirmed that Polri would conduct the Puri Agung Operation starting before the G20 Summit, from November 7 to 18.

During the security operation, personnel will be deployed in five clusters: Seminyak cluster, 297 personnel; Jimbaran cluster, 257 personnel; East Nusa Dua cluster, 187 personnel; and South Nusa Dua cluster, 213 personnel.

"Some 1,038 personnel are especially involved in those clusters," he said.

Meanwhile, for security at the airport, Ring I will include officers from the Presidential Security Guard (Paspampres), Ring II will comprise officers from the airbase, and Ring III will include officers from the Bali Regional Police and Regional Military Command.

"Some 340 personnel are involved for security at the airport," he said.

Prasetyo further explained that the 2022 Puri Agung Task Force will secure the summit with three rings. Ring I is officers from Paspampres, Ring II is joint officers from the Indonesian Military (TNI) and Polri, and Ring III is officers from TNI supported by several officers from Polri.

In addition, 245 security officers will be deployed to secure hotels and the Garuda Wisnu Kencana area, 233 personnel will secure the mangrove forest areas, and 201 personnel will secure the Kura-Kura Island.

"Those areas become the focus of security for the 2022 Puri Agung Task Force," he remarked.



The government has continued to make efforts to improve human resources (HR) and develop vocational education in order to achieve inclusive and equitable development across Indonesia.

The efforts have been made in order to take advantage of the demographic bonus in Indonesia: the country currently has 70 percent of the population in the productive age group, with a workforce of 144 million people.

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs  Airlangga Hartarto  in  a statement here on Monday, said well-prepared human resources had a great potential for accelerating national economic development.

"If prepared properly, Indonesia's workforce has great potential to accelerate national economic development so that the workforce is expected to prosper before they get old," he added.

Vocational education and training need to complement the industry, such as being connected to the labor market information system, the minister highlighted.

Further, vocational training is related to re-skilling and up-skilling for the future, especially in the changing world of work, he noted.

So life-long learning is necessary, he added.

To face various challenges, the Ministry of Manpower, as the coordinator of vocational training, needs to continue to work with elements from the central government, regional governments, and the Business and Industrial World (DUDI).

Hartarto said that he expects vocational training to play an important role in developing human resources in the future.

The effort is in line with the government's policy outlined in Presidential Regulation Number 68 of 2022 concerning the revitalization of vocational education and vocational training.

The government is also offering Super Tax Deduction incentives to companies that participate in vocational activities, such as granting apprenticeships, work practice, and deploying industrial teachers, among others, with the maximum tax deduction set at 200 percent of the total costs incurred by the Business and Industrial World (DUDI) for vocational activities.

The coordinating minister lauded the steps taken by the Ministry of Manpower, which has continued to encourage the improvement of the quality of human resources and labor productivity through the implementation of vocational training.

He also praised vocational training personnel, DUDI, and all other stakeholders who have played a role in developing vocational training in the country.



Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi has affirmed that various countries are keen on holding a bilateral meeting with Indonesia at the G20 Summit in Bali next November.

"There are lots (of countries seeking the meeting), but a bilateral meeting remains dynamic," Marsudi stated after reporting about the G20 Summit preparations to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) at the Presidential Palace here, Monday.

The minister remarked that some 18 to 20 countries are seeking a bilateral meeting with Indonesia during the G20 Summit, including the United States, which already has the meeting scheduled.

Marsudi said her side continues to arrange the bilateral meeting schedule with various national leaders at the side of the G20 Summit.

"(It is) because Mr President must preside over (the G20 Summit), and opportunities for bilateral meetings are available only in between the summit," the minister noted.

Marsudi said that the government endeavors to ensure all bilateral meeting aspirations could be accommodated.

"We will exert our efforts to accommodate (the bilateral meeting), but if we failed to arrange the meeting (during the G20 Summit), we will seek alternatives. For instance, if they attend the ASEAN Summit, we will shift the bilateral meeting during the ASEAN Summit, or if they (attend) at the APEC meeting, we could meet there," she emphasized.

She affirmed that in principle, President Jokowi praised countries seeking a bilateral meeting with Indonesia and is keen to meet foreign leaders requesting the meeting.

The 17th G20 Summit will be hosted in Bali on November 15-16, 2022. The summit will be the peak of an intensive process and efforts throughout the G20 workflow of the Ministerial-Level Meetings, Working Groups, and Engagement Groups during Indonesia's year-long presidency.

Indonesia's theme for the 2022 G20 Presidency is "Recover Together, Recover Stronger" that serves as the government's call to the world to work hand in hand, support one another to recover together, and grow stronger in a sustainable manner.



The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) formed and unveiled the Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) within the agency to protect the electronic system security from cyber threats and attacks.

The CSIRT had actually existed before, but it had not been integrated, Head of BRIN Laksana Tri Handoko stated during the BRIN-CSIRT virtual unveiling on Monday.

BRIN-CSIRT was formed owing to BRIN's cooperation with the National Cyber and Encryption Agency (BSSN). The agency will continue to boost its capability to bolster cybersecurity within BRIN, he remarked.

Moreover, the BRIN is ready to become BSSN's partner for cybersecurity from the standpoint of technological, information system, research and innovation result, as well as human resources.

Meanwhile, during the event, Head of BSSN Hinsa Saburian noted that the most frequent attacks occurring in BRIN are malware attacks and traffic anomaly status.

"To this end, strengthening the electronic system security in BRIN is necessary, including in the handling of cyber incidents," he remarked.

The formation of BRIN-CSIRT is expected to form a safe and orderly electronic system that can support the realization of a reliable, professional, and innovative BRIN with integrity.

Moreover, through the formation of CSIRT, BRIN is also expected to improve its capability in cybersecurity incident handling within its institution. To this end, the BSSN is ready to support the strengthening of the cyber incident handling capability in BRIN.

The high usage of information and communication technology is directly proportional to security risks and threats.

As a result, an organization should always anticipate cyber threats and attacks through cyber incident handling readiness by forming the CSIRT.

The CSIRT should be able to resolve cyber security challenges by improving the capability of the team that has been formed.