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The World Health Organization (WHO) urged countries to boost healthcare capacity and vaccinate their people to fight a surge in COVID-19 cases driven by the Omicron variant, and said travel curbs could buy time but alone were not the answer.

Despite shutting its borders to travel from high-risk southern African countries, Australia became the latest country to report community transmission of the new variant, a day after it was found in five U.S. states.


Omicron has gained a foothold in Asia, Africa, the Americas, the Middle East and Europe and has reached seven of the nine provinces of South Africa, where it was first identified. read more Many governments have tightened travel rules to keep the variant out.

"Border controls can buy time but every country and every community must prepare for new surges in cases," Takeshi Kasai, the WHO's western Pacific director, told a media briefing.


"People should not only rely on border measures. What is most important is to prepare for these variants with potential high transmissibility. So far the information available suggests we don't have to change our approach."

Kasai urged countries to fully vaccinate vulnerable groups and stick to preventive measures such as mask wearing and social distancing.


Omicron has been listed as a "variant of concern" by the WHO and scientists are still gathering data to establish how severe and contagious it is just as parts of Europe have been hit by surges of winter infections by the more familiar Delta variant.

Michelle Groome, a scientist with South Africa’s National Institute for Communicable Diseases, said the country was facing an unprecedented rise in infections due to Omicron.

Almost 264 million people have been reported to be infected by the coronavirus since it was first detected in central China in late 2019 and 5.48 million people have died, according to a Reuters tally. read more


Vaccination rates vary from country to country but there are worrying gaps in poorer countries. Indonesia, the world's fourth most populous country and once Asia's COVID-19 epicentre, has fully inoculated only about 35% of its population.

Australia's chief medical officer, Paul Kelly, said Omicron was likely to become the dominant variant globally within months, but at this stage there was no evidence it was any more dangerous than Delta.

In the United States, the Biden administration announced measures to guard against the virus spreading. From Monday, international air travellersarriving in the United States will have to have obtained a negative COVID-19 test within a day of travel. read more

"We're going to fight this variant with science and speed, not chaos and confusion," President Joe Biden said.

Fewer than 60% of the U.S. population have been fully vaccinated, one of the lowest rates among wealthy nations.

Global travel curbs have accelerated with Hong Kong, the Netherlands, Norway and Russia, among others, announcing new measures on Thursday.

Aside from wreaking havoc in the travel industry, the clampdown has pounded financial markets and undermined major economies just as they were beginning to recover from the lockdowns triggered by Delta.

Germany said it would bar the unvaccinated from all but essential businesses, and legislation to make vaccination mandatory would be drafted for early next year. read more

Several countries, including Britain and the United States, were bringing forward plans to offer booster shots, but, like travel bans, they are controversial.

Many scientists say the way to stop the virus spreading is to make sure poorer countries have access to vaccines, not to give blanket booster shots to people in richer countries. (Reuters)




Indonesia's presidency in G20 can contribute to management of the pandemic and address sustainable development issues occurring globally at the time, Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister Mahendra Siregar stated.

"If it can be implemented concretely, it will have an extraordinary contribution in terms of handling the pandemic conditions and economic recovery, equity issues, and sustainable development," Siregar noted on Thursday evening.

During the G20 Presidency in 2022, Indonesia will focus on concrete actions in three areas: inclusivity in health services, digital transformation, and the transition towards sustainable energy.

In a press release from the Communication and Informatics Ministry, the deputy minister remarked that President Jokowi had spoken about Indonesia prioritizing several main issues.

Siregar pressed for joint efforts to surmount the world anomaly in the midst of the global crisis that has had an impact on the economy and society during the COVID-19 pandemic.

He acknowledged the presence of undue politicization during a pandemic, such as about vaccines and drugs.

Indonesia was expected to play a role in overcoming the global crisis, given it has a free and active policy, he added.

"President Joko Widodo has good relations with all world leaders, so he can bridge differences in interests," he remarked, adding that Indonesia could serve as a sound example of leadership through these concrete actions.

Meanwhile, CSIS Indonesia observer Dandi Rafitrandi remarked that Indonesia's presidency at the G20 is a matter of pride for the people.

The themes revolving around economic recovery, health, trade, and development can be a comprehensive action.

"Next year will be Indonesia's biggest contribution. (It shows) how we are able to regenerate cooperation, which from a few years ago had begun to fade due to the pandemic," Rafitrandi opined.

Indonesia was expected to be able to voice the interests of several developing countries over vaccine inequality in the G20 forum, he stated.

Should the G20 fail to solve it, vaccine inequality can threaten the realization of sustainable recovery, he cautioned.

"No country can fully recover if it does not work along with other countries," he added.

Indonesia will officially lead the G20 Presidency during the period from December 1, 2021, to November 30, 2022, after it was earlier held by Italy.

During that presidency, Indonesia had brought up "Recover Together, Recover Stronger" as a theme.

The G20, as an international forum formed in 1999, comprises 19 countries and the European Union. Its member countries account for up to 80 percent of the world's gross domestic product and 75 percent of the global exports. (Antaranews)




Indonesia received millions of doses of AstraZeneca and Covovax vaccines through two batches on Thursday.

"The smooth arrival of vaccines has made the efforts to expedite the vaccination program more optimal," Director General of Information and Public Communication at the Communications and Information Technology Ministry Usman Kansong stated in a press release as quoted on Friday.

On Thursday, the vaccine batches 144 and 145 arrived at 22:10 and 22:40 local time. Each entry brought 656 thousand doses of AstraZeneca and 4,865,500 doses of Covovax vaccines. A total of 5,521,500 million doses of vaccine arrived in Indonesia on the same day.

COVID-19 vaccine procurement is one of the government's commitments to ensuring the availability of vaccines in Indonesia. In addition to supplying vaccines, the government also continues to boost the vaccination rate in regions.

Indonesia, on account of its geographical conditions and large population, is experiencing difficulties in creating herd immunity.

Kansong highlighted the importance of public participation, as cooperation from all stakeholders is paramount to ensuring that more number of people are covered through this national vaccination program quickly.

The government has continually urged everyone to get vaccinated immediately. People are also urged to not be picky regarding vaccine brands, as all vaccines are safe and efficacious.

"Vaccination is not just an effort to protect oneself but also to protect families and the entire community," he remarked.

The government also continues to encourage its regional counterparts, especially those with low vaccination rates, to accelerate and expand vaccination programs, especially for vulnerable groups, such as the elderly.

"Come on, let us get vaccinated. Encourage your parents, family, and relatives, who have not been vaccinated," he added.

"At the same time, the government does not forget to remind the public to continue to comply with health protocols," Kansong stated.

He also reminded the public to continue to adhere to health protocols, such as by using masks, washing hands, maintaining distance, staying away from crowds, and reducing mobility. (Antaranews)




The Communications and Informatics Ministry has readied an information portal regarding Indonesia G20 to serve as a reference for Indonesia's Presidency in G20.

"Indonesia creates a new page in history by taking over the G20 presidency. The Indonesian Presidency's key message is Recover Together, Recover Stronger. We hope it would be implemented properly," Minister of Communications and Informatics Johnny G. Plate noted in a press release on Friday.

Indonesia had officially taken over the presidency in the G20 forum on December 1, 2021. The government had also launched the portal that will become the reference for the entire series of activities of the G20 Forum.

The portal is managed by the Communications and Informatics Ministry. The ministry will provide information in various languages from countries in the G20 forum.

"The portal is not only available in English. The ministry will provide various languages in it. At least, we will keep up with the previous G20 portals," Plate informed.

The government plans more than 150 activities for the G20 Presidency in nine cities in Indonesia.

The Sherpa Track will take place on December 7-9 and the Finance Track is scheduled on December 9-10.

The highlight of the G20, the Leaders’ Summit, will take place in October 2022.

Plate drew attention to two schemes for the two forums as a precautionary measure against obstacles due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

First, the meeting will be held virtually if the new coronavirus variant emerged.

Second, the government will hold the meeting in a hybrid format. However, if the pandemic is brought under better control, the government would make preparations for the meeting to be held physically.

"Of course, we are paying attention to the developments in terms of the number of COVID-19 cases. Currently, many G20 member countries are striving to control the spread of the new Omicron variant," Plate remarked.

The G20 meeting will not only be attended by leaders of G20 countries but also of several other multilateral organizations, including private institutions for the Working Group and the Engagement Group, the minister stated.

Indonesia prioritizes three issues for the G20 Presidency: inclusive healthcare, digital transformation, and energy transmission. (Antaranews)