Editorial https://voinews.id Sat, 26 Oct 2024 16:10:07 +0700 Joomla! - Open Source Content Management en-gb Ghebreyesus appreciates Minister Budi Sadikin in tightening Indonesia-WHO relations https://voinews.id/index.php/component/k2/item/28448-ghebreyesus-appreciates-minister-budi-sadikin-in-tightening-indonesia-who-relations https://voinews.id/index.php/component/k2/item/28448-ghebreyesus-appreciates-minister-budi-sadikin-in-tightening-indonesia-who-relations

World Health Organization (WHO) Director General Tedros Ghebreyesus appreciated the leadership of Indonesian Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin who brought closer relations for Indonesia and WHO.


Tedros, in the Instagram account of Indonesian Health Ministry on Saturday (01/06/2024), thanked Indonesia. Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin according to Tedros is an amazing figure. Tedros was very proud of Budi Sadikin because WHO can cooperate closely with Indonesia.


Tedros appreciated Minister Budi's effort that put emphasis on health strategy in preventing people from getting sick or to keep them healthy with promotive and preventive programs in Indonesia.


In his talk with Minister Budi amid "The Walk The Talk: Health for All Challenge" in conjunction with the 77th World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland, Tedros gave some tips in maintaining a healthy life for 280 million people of Indonesia. Tedros further remarked that to stay healthy, one can create their health from home by maintaining health at home. However, should there be a health problem, they can pay a visit to the hospital.


People can begin with a healthy lifestyle such as exercise regularly, avoid or stop smoking, and maintain nutrition intake for the body.


As known, Minister Budi came as a speaker in the 77th World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland on 27 May until 1 June 2024.

rahmavoi@gmail.com (rahma) Editorial Fri, 07 Jun 2024 15:28:33 +0700
The New Vietnamese Presidential Election https://voinews.id/index.php/component/k2/item/28390-the-new-vietnamese-presidential-election https://voinews.id/index.php/component/k2/item/28390-the-new-vietnamese-presidential-election

Vietnamese Minister of Public Security, Tô Lâm, who was recently elected as the country's new president. (Photo: Reuters via rri.co.id)

The Communist Party of Vietnam on Saturday (18/5/2024) named the Minister of Public Security Tô Lâm the new president of Vietnam.

Lâm, 66 years old, has been the Minister of Public Security since 2016 and was accepted at the Political Bureau (Politburo) in 2021.

His candidacy followed the resignation of Võ Văn Thưởng in March, after being the president just for one year, but failed in eradicating corruption.

After going through an approval process from the parliament, which is predicted to be carried out this week, General Lâm will take over as the President.

Lâm, the party's Anti-Corruption Director Deputy Committee since 2021, played an important role in the anti-corruption campaign which caused thousands of officials and famous company executives to be brought to justice or forced to resign.

The anti-corruption movement was popular among the public. Apart from political leaders, other big business figures were also dragged into the purge. One of them was the property tycoon Trương Mỹ Lan, who was sentenced to death last month for a billion-dollar fraud case.

All this happened when Vietnam attempted to increase foreign investment, especially from the US. Vietnam is currently trying to develop its economy from low-value manufacturing employment to high-tech industry.

Indonesian Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi in April 2024 visited Vietnam to attend and lead together the 5th Joint Commission on Bilateral Cooperation in Hanoi. During that visit, Minister Retno Marsudi also had an honorary visit to the prime minister of Vietnam Phạm Minh Chính. The meeting was about the two countries' commitment to enhancing trade value up to US$18 billion by 2028.

This was quite ambitious amid the unending world's political turmoil. Therefore, a strong commitment by the next leader of Vietnam will be necessary to achieve the target jointly by the two countries.

Indonesia, through Minister Retno Marsudi, also emphasized the importance of enhancing cooperation in eradicating transnational crime that keeps rising in the region, especially online scam-related human trafficking.

The election of Vietnam's new president is expected to be smooth, for it would affect national and regional stability, especially in strengthening the world's trust in Vietnam.

Indonesia especially hoped the new president of Vietnam would maintain the commitment to enhancing bilateral relations that include many sectors, starting from trade, resilience, security, and maritime cooperation.

Editorial Mon, 20 May 2024 17:47:53 +0700
Singapore's New Prime Minister's Foreign Policy https://voinews.id/index.php/component/k2/item/28389-singapore-s-new-prime-minister-s-foreign-policy https://voinews.id/index.php/component/k2/item/28389-singapore-s-new-prime-minister-s-foreign-policy

Singapore's new Prime Minister Lawrence Wong is sworn during a ceremony at the Istana in Singapore on Wednesday (15/5/2024). (Photo: AFP/Edgar Su)


Lawrence Wong was sworn in as Prime Minister of Singapore on Wednesday (15/5). He is the fourth government leader since Singapore's independence on 9 August 1965. Like his predecessors, he is a People's Action Party member.

Quoted by Channel News Asia, Thursday (16/5), in his first speech as the country's leader after he was inaugurated, PM Lawrence Wong said he would use his own style in advancing Singapore in the future. He also remarked that he would display a different style of government from previous leaders.


Wong did not explain clearly what this leadership style was like. What is clear is that Singaporeans eagerly await a different leadership style to solve various problems, such as widening income disparities, increasingly unaffordable housing prices, population density caused by migration, and so on.


In his first speech, PM Lawrence Wong promised to help realize the dream of a renewed Singapore. A dream that is not only defined by material success but also provides meaning and purpose in the careers and lives of Singaporeans.


PM Lawrence Wong is also committed to involving the younger generation in Singapore's development to ensure that its government runs in accordance with the aspirations and needs of the people.


PM Wong's foreign policy is highly anticipated by many countries, considering Singapore's reputation in the international arena so far. In his maiden speech, PM Lawrence Wong revealed the city-state's foreign policy. For example, he touched on the rivalry between the United States and China. He hopes that the two countries can have stable relations. The new Prime Minister also emphasized that Singapore will remain neutral and maintain good relations with the United States and China.


The Lawrence Wong government's neutral stance is understandable because historically, China is Singapore's largest trading partner, while the United States is its largest foreign investor and important military partner.


Hopefully, Prime Minister Lawrence Wong will maintain neutrality amidst global rivalries, including the rivalry between the United States and China. Singapore's neutrality is very important to maintain, not only for the good of Singapore itself but also for global stability.

Editorial Fri, 17 May 2024 17:34:25 +0700
Indonesia Towards OECD Membership https://voinews.id/index.php/component/k2/item/28388-indonesia-towards-oecd-membership https://voinews.id/index.php/component/k2/item/28388-indonesia-towards-oecd-membership

Markas OECD di Paris, Prancis. (Foto: X/Twitter @OECD)


Indonesian President Joko Widodo on Tuesday (14/5) welcomed the decision of 38 member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) to support Indonesia to become a member of the organization.

As said on the website oecd.org, the OECD is an international organization that seeks to build better policies for a better life. The organization aims to shape policies that promote prosperity, equality, opportunity, and well-being for all.


According to President Joko Widodo, becoming a member of the OECD is a significant step for Indonesia to access more global investment and international financial resources. In addition, membership in the OECD will help Indonesia avoid the middle-income trap. Indonesia's joining the OECD is also expected to encourage Indonesia's transition into a developed country.


Indonesia has been a Major Partner country of the OECD since 2007. Even a Joint Work Program has been developed with Indonesia since 2014. On February 20, 2024, the OECD Council decided to open discussions on the accession of Indonesia, the first Southeast Asian candidate, to OECD membership. The Accession Roadmap for Indonesia was adopted on March 29, 2024.


While founded by developed countries, the OECD now has members from developing countries. However, the requirements to become a member are uneasy. One of the requirements that Indonesia must meet to become an OECD member is an average income per capita of US$10,000. Meanwhile, Indonesia's average per capita income remains at US$5,500 as of 2024. Whether Indonesia will be like South Korea and Japan, which took 10 years from accession discussions opening to becoming full members, remains to be seen.


Hopefully, Indonesia's membership in the OECD will be able to support reforms towards the Golden Indonesia 2045 ideal to become a developed country, which, of course, will lead to the welfare of all Indonesian people.

Editorial Wed, 15 May 2024 17:22:10 +0700
UN General Assembly Emergency Special Session, a Historic Move for Palestine https://voinews.id/index.php/component/k2/item/28352-un-general-assembly-emergency-special-session-a-historic-move-for-palestine https://voinews.id/index.php/component/k2/item/28352-un-general-assembly-emergency-special-session-a-historic-move-for-palestine

The results of a vote on a resolution for the UN Security Council to reconsider and support the full membership of Palestine into the United Nations is displayed during a special session of the UN General Assembly, at UN headquarters in New York City, United States on Friday (10/5/2024). (Photo: AFP/Charly Triballeau)


The United Nations General Assembly Emergency Special Session in New York on Friday (10/5/2024) ratified the resolution titled "Admission of New Members in the United Nations". This resolution is co-sponsored by 77 countries, including Indonesia, and supported by 143 UN member countries.

This resolution gives some rights and privileges for Palestine, among many is to sit among UN member countries, to propose resolutions, and to co-sponsor a resolution. Palestine can also be chosen to lead a UN General Assembly Session and its various committees, and fully participate in conferences under the UN and international conferences under the UN General Assembly Session.


By adopting this resolution, the General Assembly will improve the rights of Palestine in the UN, although it has yet to include the rights to vote or to join candidacy in UN bodies such as the Security Council or ECOSOC.


The President of Palestine Mahmoud Abbas appreciated the countries' support in the UN. He said Palestine will keep applying for full membership in the UN after the voting in the General Assembly. He affirmed that the resolution ratification showed that the world supports the rights and freedom of Palestinians, and opposes Israel's colonization.


On the other hand, after voting against the resolution, the US criticized the voting for more privileges for Palestine in the UN General Assembly. Robert Wood, US Deputy Ambassador to the UN said to the General Assembly that such a unilateral act in the UN and the field will never move forward the two-state solution.


According to him, the US is not rejecting Palestine as a country. However, the state recognition must be realized through direct negotiations between the parties.


Meanwhile, China's Ambassador to the UN, Fu Cong said their government supported the UN Security Council review for Palestine's full membership in the UN and urged the US not to interfere with the process.


The ratification of "Admission of New Members in the United Nations" resolution is a historic moment. This was the first time for an observer state, without full membership, to be granted rights and privileges almost like other UN members.


With the path open for Palestine toward full membership in the UN, it was expected that the political visibility of Palestinian issues and struggles would increase. Therefore, it will make it easier and faster for Palestine to apply for full membership in the UN Security Council. Moreover, the resolution also recognizes that Palestine has met the criteria for full membership according to the UN Charter.

rama@voinews.id (Rama Shidqi P.) Editorial Mon, 13 May 2024 17:20:01 +0700
Vladimir Putin Officially Leads Russia for the Fifth Time https://voinews.id/index.php/component/k2/item/28351-vladimir-putin-officially-leads-russia-for-the-fifth-time https://voinews.id/index.php/component/k2/item/28351-vladimir-putin-officially-leads-russia-for-the-fifth-time

Russian president-elect Vladimir Putin walks prior to his inauguration ceremony at the Kremlin in Moscow on Tuesday (7/5/2024). (Photo: AFP/POOL/Sergei Ilnitsky)


Vladimir Putin was inaugurated as President of Russia for the fifth time in his political career, last Tuesday (7/5).

Previously, in the 8th Russian Presidential election from March 15 to 17, Vladimir Putin won an absolute victory in the first round, with more than 87% of the votes in support.


The inauguration of the elected President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, took place at the Kremlin Palace last Tuesday (7/5). In the presence of the Federal Council members and the Russian Constitutional Court judges, Vladimir Putin was sworn to respect and defend all human and citizen rights and freedoms, obey the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and safeguard his country's sovereignty and independence.


Domestically, Putin's victory reflected the Russian people's trust and hopes for him, especially when Moscow was involved in a war with Ukraine. Putin's fifth term begins about two years after Russia's military deployment to Ukraine, which drew world critics.


On one hand, in this war, Russia is not only in conflict with Ukraine but also with Western countries that support Ukraine. Putin accused Western states of using Ukraine as a vehicle to try to defeat and divide Russia. On the other hand, the West accused Russia of attacking Ukraine to control its territory.


Russia's confrontation with Western countries caused the United States and several of its allies to boycott Putin's oath-taking and inauguration and not send representatives to attend.


In contrast to the United States, Russia's traditional ally, North Korea has shown support for Putin from the start.


North Korean Leader, Kim Jong-un on Monday (18/3) or one day after the Russian presidential election, congratulated Vladimir Putin on winning it.


Vladimir Putin will lead Russia for the next 6 years, until 2030. His victory will almost certainly not change the global geopolitical map, especially regarding the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Hopefully, the allies who support both parties can provide input that encourages an end to confrontation, instead of "throwing oil into the fire".

Editorial Fri, 10 May 2024 17:48:33 +0700
Ambassador Iwan Bogananta Accompanies Members of Commission I of the House of Representatives to Visit Bulgarian Rendang Factory https://voinews.id/index.php/component/k2/item/28346-ambassador-iwan-bogananta-accompanies-members-of-commission-i-of-the-house-of-representatives-to-visit-bulgarian-rendang-factory https://voinews.id/index.php/component/k2/item/28346-ambassador-iwan-bogananta-accompanies-members-of-commission-i-of-the-house-of-representatives-to-visit-bulgarian-rendang-factory

Indonesian Ambassador to Bulgaria, Albania and North Macedonia, Iwan Bogananta accompanied the delegation of Commission I  of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI) to visit the Bella Rendang Factory and logistics facilities in Plovdiv Province, Bulgaria. The visit was  to harmonize the opening of a hub  of trade in national products to the European market on Tuesday (7/5).


It was also attended by members of parliament Commission I DPR,  Nico Siahaan,  Andhika Hasan, Abdul Bakri Haji Musa and Ali Imron Bafadal. Ambassador Iwan in a press release from the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Sofia stated that the visit was a good momentum in developing and expanding national products to the Bulgarian and European markets. He hopes that stakeholders and the Indonesian government can support and realize the program he has initiated.


Chairperson of the delegation of Commission I DPR, Utut Adianto  appreciated the dynamic work of Ambassador Iwan in advancing the image of Indonesia and developing national export products to the international level. Utut also explained  that his side had witnessed directly to the factory site. According to Utut, Bulgaria is very ready with adequate infrastructure  and most importantly, they have become part of the European Union. All trade regulations refer to the rules issued by Europe  both in terms of tariffs, quality control and standardization.  He added that parliament will encourage the government to support future plans to develop rendang and other Indonesian foods to the world and European markets through Bulgaria.


Meanwhile, CEO of Bella,  Dimitar Mitev conveyed that  he was very happy to work with Indonesia.  The taste of Indonesian food is very well known to the world. He also plans to invest in the future in Indonesia to develop the Indonesian food industry.

rahmavoi@gmail.com (rahma) Editorial Mon, 13 May 2024 08:11:57 +0700
Ahead of the 2024 World Water Forum https://voinews.id/index.php/component/k2/item/28325-ahead-of-the-2024-world-water-forum https://voinews.id/index.php/component/k2/item/28325-ahead-of-the-2024-world-water-forum

The 10th World Water Forum logo signage at Hotel Indonesia roundabout in Jakarta. (Photo: RRI/Retno Mandasari)


The 10th World Water Forum is just a few days away. The final international agenda in President Joko Widodo's administration will be held from 18 to 25 May in Nusa Dua, Bali.

Indonesia is indeed doing its best to host the 2024 World Water Forum. Since it was established through the World Water Council General Assembly on March 19, 2022 in Dakar, Senegal, the best preparations for the international forum, themed "Water for Shared Prosperity", have started to be done.


Indonesia initiated several agendas for the 10th World Water Forum. One of them is encouraging the formation of a Global Water Fund. As reported from kompas.com on May 1, the Director General of Public Works and Housing Infrastructure Financing at the Indonesian Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Herry Trisaputra Zuna, explained that the Global Water Fund is essential to respond to budget imbalances. The Global Water Fund is also considered important in accelerating the sixth goal achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): achieving access to clean water and sanitation for all by 2030. It is hoped that all participants will accept this proposal.


As the host, Indonesia provides the best facilities for participants. For a successful event, the readiness of the security forces on duty is demonstrated. More than 5,700 personnel were deployed to provide security for the event. About 55 events have been prepared as side events. One of them is the traditional Balinese ritual, melukat.


As reported by Antara on Tuesday (7/5), Regional Secretary of Bali province, Dewa Made Indra explained during the press conference on Bali's preparation to host the 10th WWF on Tuesday, that Melukat can be interpreted as an activity to purify oneself from inner impurities. The delegates were invited to experience the magic of the tradition of purifying themselves with consecrated and prayed water. The Bali provincial government has prepared several places in Melukat, such as Jatiluwih and Taman Baginda Temple.


As the first country in Southeast Asia to host the World Water Forum, Indonesia's preparation is clear evidence of the theme "Water for Shared Prosperity". Not only does it make the 10th World Water Forum an effective platform for discussing innovative ideas, and agreeing on commitments for the sustainability of water resources, but it also becomes the best example for water governance.


Hopefully, the 10th World Water Forum, to be attended by 14 heads of state and 50,000 participants, will produce concrete steps to tackle water scarcity in various places worldwide. Thus, "Water for Shared Prosperity" will soon be realized.

Editorial Wed, 08 May 2024 17:15:11 +0700
Ministerial Candidates at Prabowo-Gibran Cabinet https://voinews.id/index.php/component/k2/item/28324-ministerial-candidates-at-prabowo-gibran-cabinet https://voinews.id/index.php/component/k2/item/28324-ministerial-candidates-at-prabowo-gibran-cabinet

Indonesian president-elect Prabowo Subianto and vice president-elect Gibran Rakabuming Raka. (Photo: RRI/Saadatuddaraen)


Following the Constitutional Court's verdict to reject all of the claims in the 2024 Presidential Election dispute, Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka are now preparing to form their cabinet team members in the government that will serve for the 2024-2029 period. Both will be inaugurated in October 2024 as Indonesian president and vice president. But before they are inaugurated, the issue of who will become ministers has become interesting. Names of candidates have been circulating on social media and at important meetings. However, one of the most important comments regarding the ministerial candidates arose from the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Luhut Binsar Panjaitan. According to him, Prabowo Subianto does not need to bring "toxic" people into his cabinet.

Luhut's statement has become a byword among political elites and observers. They are guessing and looking for who the "toxic" people are. Moreover, the Nasdem Party and the National Awakening Party (PKB) will join the coalition. These two parties supported a presidential candidate with ballot number 1, Anies Baswedan and Muhaimin Iskandar.


Regarding "toxic" people, it can lead anywhere, both to coalition and non-coalition supporting parties. In addition, the sense of competition to present each political party's candidate at the Prabowo-Gibran cabinet is also strong. Each political party certainly does not want to lose its position in the cabinet. However, some political parties, such as the National Mandate Party (PAN) are okay with losing their ministerial post in the cabinet, especially with the planned entry of Nasdem and PKB. According to PAN Deputy Chairperson, Viva Yoga Mauladi, his side will follow the president-elect's direction, because it is the president's prerogative right. Meanwhile, the Democratic Party, one of the coalition supporters, is not worried that its seats in the upcoming cabinet will be reduced. Democratic Party Chairperson, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono said, the Democrats have confidence that the commitments will be carried out well by the supporting parties coalition led by Prabowo.


In connection with the mapping and the upcoming ministerial candidate selection, many political observers have reminded President and Vice President-elect: Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka that the formation of the cabinet is not a place for solely power sharing. Because if it is only based on power-sharing calculations, it will harm the wheels of government. Especially if the supporting political parties offer non-credible and problematic candidates, they are chosen based on something other than the meritocracy principle. So, what Minister Luhut Binsar Panjaitan said about "toxic" people should be considered by Prabowo as the prerogative holder. Therefore, transparency, accountability, credibility, and good governance are important in selecting ministers supporting the upcoming cabinet. Moreover, the challenges ahead are more complex, where the threat of economic crisis and world economic growth is slowing down due to the Ukraine-Russia crisis, the Middle East situation, and climate change problems.

Editorial Tue, 07 May 2024 17:41:28 +0700
The 15th OIC Summit Results in Banjul Declaration https://voinews.id/index.php/component/k2/item/28318-the-15th-oic-summit-results-in-banjul-declaration https://voinews.id/index.php/component/k2/item/28318-the-15th-oic-summit-results-in-banjul-declaration

First day of the 15th Session of the Islamic Summit Conference in Banjul, Gambia on Saturday (4/5/2024). The conference was held by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). (Photo: Union of OIC News Agencies)


The 15th Session of the Islamic Summit Conference was held in Banjul, Gambia on 4-5 May 2024. The summit's theme was "Enhancing Unity and Solidarity through Dialogue for Sustainable Development". The main spotlight at the summit was the Palestinian situation.

The 15th OIC Summit resulted in the Banjul Declaration, in which 34 points were directed at answering the future challenges of the Islamic world, including the resolution of the Palestinian conflict.


In this very declaration, the leaders affirmed their solidarity in facing the humanitarian disaster that struck the Gaza Strip and the people in it. Every nation on the planet was urged to take action to stop genocide by Israel's occupation and other temporary actions instructed by the International Court of Justice. Every effort must be made to accelerate the shipping of humanitarian aid for the people in Gaza and refuse every attempt to kick the Palestinians out of their land.


The OIC leaders also reaffirmed their strong support for Palestinians to be independent and have a sovereign territory according to the borders in 1967 with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital. The international community was also urged to force the Israel occupation to comply with international law and UN resolutions. Failure to do the two will only prolong the conflict, cause further suffering and regional instability, and lower the chance for the "two-state solution".


The Banjul Declaration praised the role of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) in helping the Palestinian refugees. It also invites all to support UNRWA in its historic mandate and responsibility.


The declaration also called for an immediate and unconditional truce and cessation of aggression against Palestinians in Gaza.


Discussion result implementation and agreement achieved in the 15th OIC Summit were expected to answer the future challenges for the Muslims jointly, including a resolution for the Palestinian conflict.

Editorial Mon, 06 May 2024 17:02:03 +0700