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Zona Integritas




Crime is now rampant. Crimes, such as theft, pickpocketing, and robbery often target wallets by exploiting the carelessness of their owners. Therefore, students of Yogyakarta State University (UNY) create a wallet equipped with a security system that will provide information to the owner, if the wallet is more than 10 meters apart from its owner. Uniquely, the wallet is made of banana midrib fiber which is given a Javanese letter motif.

The students make Smart Wallets or Dompi. The materials needed are Bluetooth HC-05 Module, Arduino UNO, PCB, connecting cable, capacitor, buzzer, resistor, lithium battery, tin soldier, charger pin, and push button. Meanwhile, the tools needed are a soldering iron, IDEA Software, Arduino Application, and Bluetooth Simple. To assemble it, the material is assembled on the PCB, then set the programming code on the IDEA application and wraps the sensor in a box to make it safe, and neatly visible. The sensor on the wallet will inform if it is 10 meters away from the owner's device by sounding like a siren. This sensor is connected to the device via Bluetooth and the owner just needs to track the whereabouts of the wallet through the device.  

This product is created as a creative effort to preserve culture and promote local culture. They use banana stems because so far, it has only become waste and polluted the environment. In addition, to raise public interest, they make wallets with Javanese script patterns to introduce the nation's culture as well as to improve knowledge of Javanese script, where Javanese script is increasingly rare in existence. They also added a science motif to attract the attention of scientists, to educate the public, and to add to the unique value of the innovative wallet. This work won funds from the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology in the Student Creativity Program in the field of Entrepreneurship in 2021.


Cangget Dance is one of traditional dances owned by the indigenous Lampung people of Pepadun. In 1942 before the arrival of the Japanese to Indonesia, Cangget Dance was performed for traditional events, such as on the harvest, in the ceremony to build a house or to accompany people who were going for Hajj. But now Cangget Dance is often used to accompany wedding ceremonies or title bestowing ceremonies. The people of Lampung are familiar with various types of Cangget dances. This time we introduce you to one of them, namely Cangget Pilangan Dance.

Cangget Pilangan, is a dance that is played by young men and women when they release one of their members who will marry and go out of the village, following their wife or husband. Cangget dance is performed with traditional clothes and traditional Lampung musical instruments. Some of the properties used, such as kris, jempana, umbrella, spear, gold tray, and others. The songs that accompany the Cangget dance, are tabuh mapak, tabuh tari, serliah adak, mikhul bekekes, gupek,and hujan turun.

Cangget dance is usually performed by 6 to 14 female dancers and two male dancers. The movement pattern of female dancers is dancing in lines, while male dancers dance in front of female dancers while showing their dance attractions to steal the attention of the woman. Although the cangget dance consists of various types, this dance basically has relatively the same movements, namely: worship movement (as an expression of respect); the floating knui movement (symbol of majesty); igel movement (symbol of might); gesture (symbol of fortitude and purity of heart); the movement of a tree (a symbol of tenderness); jajak/pincak movement (symbol of alertness in the face of danger); and the knui tabang movement (a symbol of confidence).



Indonesian President Joko Widodo said the country has made the Covid-19 pandemic period as a period of self-improvement, by laying new foundations for stronger and sustainable growth. In addition, Indonesia also continues to reform the economic structure and improve the business climate. The Head of State conveyed this in his remarks at the World Economic Forum: State of the World Address virtually last Thursday, January 20. President Joko Widodo emphasized Indonesia has improved the investment ecosystem, facilitated licensing, provided legal certainty and special incentives for priority investment sectors.

He also said apart from the economic sector, Indonesia also continues to improve the quality of human resources through various programs, ranging from up-skilling and re-skilling, formation of polytechnics in collaboration with industry to collaboration with universities abroad.

Indonesia also continues to accelerate infrastructure development that contributes to increased investment and business climate. New sources of growth, especially the green economy will continue to be developed, among others, development of the electric vehicle industry ecosystem and the construction of the largest green industrial area in North Kalimantan.

President Joko Widodo added collaboration with the private sector will also continue to be strengthened. In addition, investment opportunities will also be opened as wide as possible for the six priority sectors, namely, export-oriented labor-intensive industries, renewable energy, infrastructure, automotive, tourism and mining. In addition, a number of development priorities have also been set by the government, including increasing food production through the development of food estates, implementing the concept of low carbon development (green recovery) and transformation to a digital economy through expansion, equity and improving the quality of digital infrastructure and services. President Joko Widodo invites stakeholders in the forum to partner with Indonesia.


Apparalang beach is located in Ara Village, Bontobahari District, Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi. To visit this place, tourists are recommended to use private or rented vehicles because public transportation is not yet available to go there. In addition, it is also recommended that tourists hire the services of a tour guide, because the journey, which is taken, is quite confusing if you go alone. Heading to Apparalang Beach, from Makassar City, takes to the south by motor vehicles about 4.5 hours. Then, the journey continues to Tanjung Bira to Ara Village where Apparalang Beach is located.

Unlike other beaches, Apparalang Beach is located on the edge of a steep cliff. Therefore, this place is also often called the Apparalang Cliff. The local people usually perform attractions by jumping from cliffs into the sea. If interested, tourists can test their adrenaline by jumping off the cliff. For tourists who want to go to the sea, but do not dare to jump off the cliff, there are stairs provided to get to the sea. The sea water is so clear that make easy for tourists to see the bottom. In addition to swimming, tourists can also do snorkeling activities to enjoy the atmosphere of this beach.

At Apparalang Beach, you don't have to worry about a shortage of supplies. Because there are food stalls that sell delicious dishes at low prices. The stalls allow you to enjoy the fresh catch of fish from the local fishermen. In addition, this beach is also equipped with supporting facilities for the convenience of tourists, such as small gazebos, bathrooms, and souvenir shops.