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The Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) held an online meeting with Indonesian Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Abdul Aziz Ahmad MA and a delegation from King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM) Saudi Arabia. The meeting, which was held on Thursday (20/1), was aimed at discussing opportunities for cooperation.

At the meeting, Director of Industry Collaboration of King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM) Saudi Arabia, Dr Sadiq Sait Mohammed along with and his staff was present. From the presentation, Ambassador Abdul Aziz Ahmad said that ITS and KFUPM are universities that can create great collaborations in the fields of science and technology.

Meanwhile, Senior Manager of ITS Global Engagement, Astria Nur Irfansyah explained about ITS research areas. From the explanation, there are similarities in the field of research between ITS and KFUPM. The similarity lies in the research center for materials, renewable energy, and nanotechnology. This collaboration can be carried out in the field of technology using various disciplines.

After the brief presentation from ITS, Dr Sadiq Sait Mohammed responded that the collaboration between ITS and KFUPM could be started by focusing on the latest research. At the end of the meeting, Ambassador Abdul Aziz Ahmad hoped that the cooperation between ITS and KFUPM would soon be established. He believes that the government and industry will fully support the cooperation, because both of them will also benefit from the results of the cooperation.



The spread of the Sars-Cov2 corona virus that causes Covid-19 of the Omicron variant in Indonesia enters a new phase. On Saturday (22/1), The Ministry of Health announced two Covid-19 patients infected with the Omicron variant died. This is the first time an Omicron case patient has died in Indonesia. According to Spokesperson of the Ministry of Health, Siti Nadia Tarmizi, both patients who died suffered from comorbidities. One case was a local transmission, and another one was an overseas traveler. They died in different hospitals.

The Omicron variant, although it is said to be lighter than the previous variants, is still fatal for certain people. The transmission no longer comes from people who have just arrived from abroad. Local transmission has also occurred. Thus, the spread of the Omicron variant cannot be underestimated. Seeing these developments, some epidemiologists ask the government to improve vigilance and make arrangements that are in accordance with the current development of the pandemic.

Indeed, various efforts have been made by the government to anticipate the spread of Omicron, such as intensifying testing, tracing and treatment or 3T, especially in Java and Bali. The government has also enhanced the tracing ratio, ensured the availability of centralized isolation rooms, intensified access to telemedicine and increased the bed ratio for handling Covid-19 in hospitals. /Meanwhile, third or booster vaccinations are also being intensified.

Several epidemiologists suggested the government review the level 2 of Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions in Java and Bali. They also suggested canceling off-line seasons in schools, and returning to online learning.

On one hand, the government is required to immediately take mitigation actions in a bid to prevent the fall of many victims. But on the other hand, people must also take precautions for their own safety. Strict health protocols must continue to be carried out by wearing masks, keeping a distance, and avoiding crowds. Vaccination must also be encouraged; both the third stage (booster) as well as the first and second vaccinations for those who have not received. Thus, mitigation efforts are carried out by all parties. Last year, Indonesian people experienced the bad consequences of the widespread transmission of Covid-19. This experience is expected not to reoccur.


If you have an opportunity to visit Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara one day, you are recommended to taste Lombok's typical culinary namely Ayam Taliwang. This chicken-based menu has become a popular menu among the people and tourists, because of having a delicious and spicy taste. In addition to Taliwang chicken, another typical dish of Lombok that you have to try is Ayam Rarang or Rarang chicken. It is not much different from Taliwang chicken, this dish also offers a spicy taste sensation.

Rarang is the name of a village in East Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara. From the regency, the Chicken Rarang menu was first introduced by Inaq Delah. From its texture, indeed Rarang chicken looks spicy because it is covered with chili sauce and sprinkled with cayenne pepper. Even the chili sauce seems like piling up that covers the chicken meat. Besides being spicy, the Rarang chicken meat is also tasty and not tough, because it uses young free-range chicken. The Rarang chicken is made from village chicken with spices, such as big red chili, candlenut, coriander, and pepper. Then, all these spices are mashed. Next, the chicken is fried or grilled on a wood-fired stove. After it is well-cooked, it is cut into pieces and covered with spices that have been mashed. Don't forget to add lime juice on the top.

Rarang chicken is usually served with fried soybeans, cucumber, clear vegetables, and chicken gizzard liver skewered like satay. You can also enjoy this unique dish of Lombok at Rarang Chicken food stalls located along the road in Rarang Village, East Lombok. Besides in Rarang village, East Lombok, now Rarang Chicken can be enjoyed in Mataram, the capital of West Nusa Tenggara. Most restaurants sell Rarang chicken from afternoon until evening. The price per portion is from Rp 45,000 to Rp 50,000.



Indonesia was elected as a member of the Governing Board in two subsidiary bodies of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), namely the Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Center for Islamic Countries (SESRIC) and the Islamic Center for the Development of Trade (ICDT). The election was held at the 44th Session of the Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural and Social Affairs (ICECS) at the OIC Headquarters in Jeddah from 11 to 13 January 2022.

SESRIC is a subsidiary body of the OIC based in Ankara, Turkey, which aims to promote cooperation among OIC member countries in the fields of statistics, research, training, and technical cooperation. While ICDT is an OIC subsidiary body based in Casablanca, Morocco, whose function is to promote and increase trade among OIC member countries.

As reported by the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Jakarta on Tuesday (18/1), the Indonesian delegation also submitted inputs regarding the amendment of the resolution and the draft of a new resolution on moderate Islam. These inputs were welcomed by the session participants.

The Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural and Social Affairs (ICECS) meeting is one of three series of regular annual Foreign Ministerial Conference (KTM) preparation sessions consisting of ICECS, Permanent Financial Committee (PFC) meetings, and Senior Officials Meetings (SOM). The results of the discussion of this series of sessions are in the form of recommendations which will later be adopted at the 48th OIC KTM, which will take place in Islamabad, Pakistan from 22 to 23 March 2022.