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Waterfalls may become tourism destinations that are widely spread in various parts of Indonesia. With the different contours of each region, each waterfall has its own uniqueness. One of the waterfalls is "Tumpak Sewu" or often called "Cliff of Nirwana" located in Sidomulyo Village, Pronojiwo District, Lumajang Regency, East Java. This waterfall has a uniqueness that makes everyone who sees it amazed. The towering cliffs with lots of water flow make the water spills twist beautifully. The splash of water hitting the cliffs produces a beautiful natural sound. The cliffs, which are semi-circular in shape with shaded trees around it, make this waterfall so green and soothing to the eyes.

Cliff of Nirwana can be reached by motor vehicles about 2 hours from Lumajang. If you want to use public transportation from the Wonorejo terminal in Lumajang, you can choose transportation to the Pronojiwo terminal. Afterwards, you continue the journey heading to the Sidomulyo area. If you want to feel safer and more comfortable, the manager of this tourism destination also provides shuttle facilities from and to the Lumajang terminal. With an entrance ticket price of 5000 rupiah, you can enjoy amazing cliffs of Nirwana all day long.

On the way to this waterfall, you will pass a smooth road to a panoramic point or a place to enjoy beaut
iful waterfall. While heading to the panoramic point, you will be presented with a beautiful atmosphere of Salak gardens on the right and left sides. Sidomulyo village is known for its Salak fruit or snake fruit. After walking for about 10 minutes, you will arrive at the panorama point. The wide expanse of cliffs, with a height that is parallel to the panoramic point, makes the cliffs clearly visible. Even though this waterfall is an outdoor tourism destination, the manager still follows health protocols, so you don't have to worry.



President Joko Widodo has approved the extension of the luxury tax (PPnBM) for automotive products. This was announced by Coordinating Minister for Economy, Airlangga Hartarto in an online press conference recently.

Minister Airlangga explained that cars worth less than Rp 200 million or low-cost green cars (LCGC) are imposed a 3% luxury tax and the government will cover that tax in Q1 2022. Then in Q2, 2% of luxury tax will be subsidized by the government, and 1% in Q3. Then in Q4, people will pay fully the 3% luxury tax.

Meanwhile, automotive products worth Rp 200 million to Rp 250 million with 15% luxury tax, the government will subsidize half of the tax in Q1 2022. In Q2, the people must fully pay 15%. He added that President Joko Widodo also approved the extension of property fiscal incentive or value-added tax subsidy (PPN DTP) until June 2022. Apartments and houses worth more than Rp 2 billion will be given a 50% value-added tax subsidy from the beginning of the contract. Then, a 25% value-added tax subsidy is given for apartments and houses worth from Rp 2 billion to 5 billion.

Minister Airlangga further remarked that President Joko Widodo also approved social assistance, namely cash assistance for street vendors, shop owners, and fishermen. The total social assistance for each person is Rp 600 thousand. Meanwhile, the total number of recipients reaches 2.76 million people. They consist of 1 million street vendors and shop owners, as well as 1.76 million fishermen and extremely poor people. The assistance will be carried out in Q1 2022.

Therefore, the government prepares the National Economic Recovery fund in 2022 worth Rp 451 trillion, which was approved by President Joko Widodo. Besides fiscal facilities and social security, the National Economic Recovery fund will also be given for the health sector.



To boost the trade relations between Indonesia and accredited countries, Indonesian representatives abroad establish close relationships with many partners, including the government and State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs). Recently, the Indonesian Embassy (KBRI) Amman has received a visit from Jordan Phosphate Mines Company (JPMC) in order to discuss business improvement for both countries last Thursday (13/1).

In the meeting, JPMC was represented by Chairman Mohammad Thneibat and JPMC CEO, Mr. Abdel Wahab Alrowwad. Chairman Mohammad Thneibat conveyed his welcome and congratulations on duty to Indonesian Ambassador to Jordan, Ade Padmo Sarwono. He also explained lots of business collaborations carried out by JPMC in Indonesia, including joint ventures, such as between PT Petrokimia Gresik and PT Petro Jordan Abadi which is located in East Java.

Meanwhile, Ambassador Ade Padmo expressed his appreciation to the two heads of JPMC for the ongoing business relationship and he hopes that business cooperation could be continuously enhanced with Jordan, particularly JPMC. Ambassador Ade also expressed Indonesia's interest in investing in Jordan, which has been welcomed well by Chairman Mohammad Thneibat.

JPMC is a state-owned enterprise of Jordan, which engages in the mining and phosphate industry that becomes the second largest phosphate exporter in the world. Every year, JPMC exports around 1.2 million tons of raw phosphate to Indonesia. Phosphate is one of the 3 major nutrients in artificial fertilizers. It can be processed into various derivative products; one of them is phosphoric acid which is used in various products, such as fertilizers, animal feed, detergents and food products.



The Indonesian Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries continues to increase the productivity of domestic aquaculture. In addition to initiating a breakthrough program, it also supports the development of aquaculture initiated by cultivating communities, organizations as well as private parties in encouraging increased productivity. Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Fisheries Sakti Wahyu Trenggono  stated it after witnessing the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Indonesian Aquaculture Society (MAI) and Norway Connect. Norway Connect is an organization that facilitates companies from Norway/ who will conduct business activities in the Southeast Asia region/ including Indonesia.

A Memorandum of Understanding was also signed between PT Multidaya Akuakultur Indonesia and Seven Stones Indonesia, a company oriented towards onboarding support for Nordic and local companies wishing to enter the Indonesian market share or the European market share from Indonesia. The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding took place in Jakarta, last Wednesday 12 January.

Minister Trenggono said this collaboration is also an effort to strengthen relations between Indonesia and Norway in the marine and fisheries sector. He admitted that Norway has qualified aquaculture cultivation technology that can be adopted by cultivators in Indonesia to increase the volume and quality of products.

On the same occasion, Norwegian Ambassador to Indonesia Rut Krüger Giverin also appreciated the cooperation that has been established. She believes the joint agreement will help increase aquaculture cultivation development in Indonesia. Rut Krüger also ensures that her country is ready to share experiences with Indonesia, both in the field of technology, cultivation practices and markets. Meanwhile, Chairman of the Indonesian Aquaculture Society Rokhmin Dahuri explained with this Memorandum of Understanding there is a potential investment of 35 million US dollars, especially for superior aquaculture commodities such as vaname shrimp, grouper and barramundi. In addition, there is support for blue economy programs, including mangrove planting, coral reef rehabilitation and the development of community-scale cultivation activities.