RSS Feed for Voice Of Indonesia Sat, 27 Jul 2024 12:47:36 +0700 Joomla! - Open Source Content Management en-gb Deputy Minister Nezar Patria Appreciates RRI for Building Public Trust in Media

Launching of RRI News at RRI Headquarters by Deputy Minister Nezar Patria, Jakarta on Friday, 26 July 2024. Photo: Daniel/VOI
VOInews, Jakarta: Deputy Minister of Communication and Information (Wamenkominfo) RI, Nezar Patria appreciates the role of RRI in building public trust in the media through critical reporting and representing public problems and aspirations. This was conveyed by Deputy Minister Nezar during the launch of RRI News at the RRI Headquarters in Jakarta on Friday 26 July 2024.
"I often hear criticism that comes from a number of news reports that ask, for example, social assistance does not reach here, does not reach there, and it is done by RRI. I think that's a good criticism, because we are capturing some of the problems that exist in society. And that makes people trust the media, even though it is owned by the government, but it can take a place as a medium for positive communication between the community and the government. " said Deputy Minister Nezar.
In his remarks, Deputy Minister Nezar Patria expressed the importance of maintaining RRI's value proposition as a government-owned media as well as a professional media that continues to seek feedback and educate the public. RRI benefits from being part of the state, but of course we cannot survive if we just become a media known as PR, we have to be more professional to get good feedback from the public. And the public will get quality explanations about the policies and problems facing the nation,' he continued.
Nezar also mentioned the importance of RRI following the trend of digital technology to remain relevant, training human resources and presenting information more innovatively to survive in the era of media disruption. Human resource development is very important, increasing the upskilling and reskilling capacity of RRI's human resources to be more creative, skilled and innovative. Secondly, product development is important, one of which is what RRI is doing today (launching event of RRI News, ed.),' concluded Deputy Minister Nezar.
]]> (Daniel) Indonesia Today Fri, 26 Jul 2024 13:08:24 +0700
MGI Tests Effectiveness of Government Migration Policy

Director of Social Culture and International Organizations for Developing Countries, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Penny Dewi Herasati when giving her speech on Tuesday July 23rd 2024, (Photo : NK-VOI) - 




VOInews, Jakarta : The Indonesian government is committed to strengthening cross-sectoral coordination in strengthening the management of migration of Indonesian citizens. Director of Social Culture and International Organizations for Developing Countries, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Penny Dewi Herasati, revealed this at the National Symposium on Migration Governance for Sustainable Goals in Indonesia, at Jakarta, Tuesday (23/7).

According to Penny Dewi Herasati, this effort was carried out, among other things, through training and outreach, so that Indonesian citizens migrate through well-managed procedures. To the media, Penny Herasati explained to measure the effectiveness of the existing migration policy implemented, the Migration Governance Indicator (MGI) is used. 

"Migration governance indicators are a tool prepared by the IOM (International Organization for Migration) where the government is asked to carry out introspection. So this tool is a tool that will measure how effective our migration policy is, from there we can see whether our migration policy is good enough or there is something that needs to be strengthened based on that tool", Penny added. 

Director of Social Culture and International Organizations for Developing Countries, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Penny Dewi Herasati, explained that cooperation in strengthening migration governance between the Indonesian Government and UN agencies in Indonesia is one of the good practices of the UN's efforts to support increasing Indonesia's capacity.

National Symposium on Migration Governance for Sustainable Goals in Indonesia is organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia in collaboration with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the United Nations Agency for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

This activity marks the peak of the progress of the Migration program Governance for Sustainable Development after running for two years//VOI

]]> (nuke) Indonesia Today Wed, 24 Jul 2024 12:11:59 +0700
UN Encourages Migrant Workers to Use Travel Apps

Head of United Nations Representative in Indonesia, Gita Sabharwal, giving her speech at the National Symposium in Jakarta on Tuesday July 23rd 2024 (Photo : NK-VOI) - 



VOInews, Jakarta : The Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the United Nations held a "National Symposium: Migration Governance for Sustainable Development" in Jakarta Tuesday (23/7). The event marked the peak of progress of the Migration Governance for Sustainable Development Program after running for two years.

Met after the event, Head of United Nations Representative in Indonesia, Gita Sabharwal said Indonesia has the largest number of migrant workers. Therefore the UN is collaborating with the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and UN Women to ensure migrant workers use travel applications to ensure welfare they. 

"So Indonesia is a champion country for migration and we are working very comprehensively from planning to introducing securing livelihood of migrants that are returning back from their countries of work and securing their livelihood of those of the families in the country. In addition we are also working with women migrants and ensuring that they are start using the travel application that has been develop in partnership with Kemlu to secure their live and provide them access to justice to models of justice in their country of origin and the destination country", Gita explain. 

Gita Sabharwal added the global agreement on migration reflects the joint commitment of countries to improve migration management.

The Migration Governance Program for Sustainable Development is a collaborative program between the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, United National Development Program (UNDP), International Organization for Migration (IOM ) and UN Women. The program is funded by the Migration Multi-Partner Trust Fund (MMPTF).

The program aims to strengthen the capacity of central and regional governments in managing labor migration//VOI

]]> (nuke) Indonesia Today Wed, 24 Jul 2024 11:34:30 +0700
Two Years of Progress: Indonesia Improves Migration Governance for Sustainable Development

Migration Governance for Sustainable Development, a collaborative program between the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the United National Development Program (UNDP), the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and UN Women supported by the Migration Multi-Partner Trust Fund (MMPTF), (Photo : NK-VOI) - 



VOInews, Jakarta : Migration Governance for Sustainable Development, a collaborative program between the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the United National Development Program (UNDP), the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and UN Women supported by the Migration Multi-Partner Trust Fund (MMPTF), held a National Symposium to marks the culmination of the program's progress after running for two years.

This initiative focuses on increasing the capacity of government officials at the central and regional levels to develop policies and programs that are gender responsive, rights-based, and recognize the potential of migrants as development actors in line with the Global Compact for Migration (GCM).

The project has achieved three important results:

1) Strengthening gender-responsive migration governance.* This project has developed a series of ten studies including the development of migration governance indicators, special training sessions, and facilitation of dialogue on gender-responsive migration at the national and regional levels. This program also supports progress in efforts to protect and strengthen an integrated criminal justice system for female migrant workers who are victims of gender-based violence and human trafficking. This program also integrates several migration governance arrangements into the 2025-2029 RPJMN draft which will be adopted at the end of this year.

2) Increased government capacity at the regional level.* Through special training at the regional level, this project has provided important tools for local governments, including three provinces, and five cities/districts to integrate migration into planning and budgeting and increase capacity beyond 3,000 stakeholders to prevent and respond to violence and human trafficking. This is to ensure that all government stakeholders can effectively manage and utilize migration for development.

3) Promote innovative sustainable financing.* This project has developed and tested three innovative financing and gender-responsive economic empowerment initiatives to support migrant workers to empower their economic capacity.

Migration is often the only option for Indonesian people who have limited opportunities or no opportunities at all. In 2023, the number of Indonesians working abroad will increase by 36.95% compared to the previous year, the majority of whom are women working in the informal sector.

However, these opportunities come with significant risks, including irregular placements, gender-based violence, human trafficking, fraud, and exploitative working conditions. To address this problem, the Indonesian government has adopted the GCM, which aims to maximize the benefits of migration while ensuring comprehensive protection for Indonesian migrant workers.

According to a release received by Voice of Indonesia on Tuesday (24/07/24), the GCM emphasizes effective migration governance and is in line with SDG target 10.7, which focuses on “orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration. Therefore, this project plays an important role in shaping the future of migration governance in Indonesia.

In addition to establishing a sustainable financing mechanism, later this project will officially launch two innovations, namely

(1) the Chat Bot feature, which is an additional feature to complement the existing mechanism, namely a safe travel application that allows quick access for women migrant workers who are victims of violence to seek help.

(2) Juang Mobile Application, which is a financial management application to help migrants manage their expenses effectively which is estimated to benefit more than 3 million Indonesian migrant workers//VOI


]]> (nuke) Indonesia Today Wed, 24 Jul 2024 10:55:25 +0700