RSS Feed for Voice Of Indonesia Sat, 27 Jul 2024 19:25:37 +0700 Joomla! - Open Source Content Management en-gb Deputy Minister Nezar Patria Appreciates RRI for Building Public Trust to Indonesian Government

Nezar Patria at the Launch of the RRI News Application at the RRI Building in Jakarta on Friday (26/7). Photo: Daniel/RRIVOI

VOI News, Jakarta: Deputy Minister of Communication and Informatics of the Republic of Indonesia, Nezar Patria appreciates the role of RRI in building public trust through critical reporting and representing public problems and aspirations. This was conveyed by Nezar Patria at the Launch of the RRI News Application at the RRI Building in Jakarta on Friday (26/7).

I often hear criticism arising from a number of news reports that question, for example, social assistance does not reach here and does not reach there, and it is done by RRI. I think it is good criticism because we capture some of the problems that exist in the community.  This also makes public trust in the media  even though it belongs to the Government, but it can take a place as a medium for positive communication between the community and the government, he explained.

Moreover, in his speech,  Nezar Patria also expressed the importance of maintaining RRI's value proposition as a government-owned media as well as a professional media that continues to seek feedback and educate the public.

He also emphasized the importance of RRI following digital technology trends to remain relevant and present information more innovatively as the development of RRI News and RRI Digital. (Daniel/Rini/AF/Rahmana)

]]> (Ahmad Faisal) Indonesia Today Sat, 27 Jul 2024 13:48:23 +0700
President Joko Widodo inaugurates operation of Batang Integrated Industrial Estate

Presiden Joko Widodo meresmikan operasional Kawasan Industri Terpadu (KIT) Batang di Kabupaten Batang, Provinsi Jawa Tengah, pada Jumat, 26 Juli 2024. Foto: BPMI Setpres/Vico


VOI News, Jakarta: President  Joko Widodo inaugurated the operation of the Batang Integrated Industrial Estate  in Central Java on Friday (26/7), which can accommodate industries and factories  and create jobs. According to President Joko Widodo as stated in the YouTube account of the Presidential Secretariat which was witnessed in Jakarta on Friday, Batang Integrated Industrial Estate will become an industrial area that is truly efficient and attractive to investors  and open up as many jobs as possible.

“By saying bismillahirrahmanirrahim, I inaugurate the operation of the Batang Integrated Industrial Estate in Batang Regency, Central Java Province,” he said.

Moreover, President Joko Widodo  also conveyed that the Batang Industrial Estate was built because of geopolitical  tension in 2019 between the United States and China.  The President considered  at that time, there was a great opportunity from the condition of many companies flocking to relocate their industries and factories to countries with good economic growth, low inflation  and good stability and politics.  

If Indonesia did not make a quick decision and implement this decision, the opportunity would lost. Moreover,President Joko Widodo   is also grateful that Indonesia ranks 27th in the World Competitiveness Index, due to good economic performance as well as efficiency for businesses in Indonesia. Batang Integrated Industrial Estate is built on an area of 400 hectares in the first phase and is planned to reach a total area of 4,300 hectares which will accommodate industries and factories. It is also projected to absorb up to 250 thousand workers. Currently, investment in Batang Integrated Industrial Estate has reached Rp14 trillion and absorbed around 19 thousand workers. (Secretariat-Mar)/AF/Rahmana)

]]> (Ahmad Faisal) Indonesia Today Sat, 27 Jul 2024 13:25:14 +0700
Deputy Minister Nezar Patria Appreciates RRI for Building Public Trust in Media

Launching of RRI News at RRI Headquarters by Deputy Minister Nezar Patria, Jakarta on Friday, 26 July 2024. Photo: Daniel/VOI
VOInews, Jakarta: Deputy Minister of Communication and Information (Wamenkominfo) RI, Nezar Patria appreciates the role of RRI in building public trust in the media through critical reporting and representing public problems and aspirations. This was conveyed by Deputy Minister Nezar during the launch of RRI News at the RRI Headquarters in Jakarta on Friday 26 July 2024.
"I often hear criticism that comes from a number of news reports that ask, for example, social assistance does not reach here, does not reach there, and it is done by RRI. I think that's a good criticism, because we are capturing some of the problems that exist in society. And that makes people trust the media, even though it is owned by the government, but it can take a place as a medium for positive communication between the community and the government. " said Deputy Minister Nezar.
In his remarks, Deputy Minister Nezar Patria expressed the importance of maintaining RRI's value proposition as a government-owned media as well as a professional media that continues to seek feedback and educate the public. RRI benefits from being part of the state, but of course we cannot survive if we just become a media known as PR, we have to be more professional to get good feedback from the public. And the public will get quality explanations about the policies and problems facing the nation,' he continued.
Nezar also mentioned the importance of RRI following the trend of digital technology to remain relevant, training human resources and presenting information more innovatively to survive in the era of media disruption. Human resource development is very important, increasing the upskilling and reskilling capacity of RRI's human resources to be more creative, skilled and innovative. Secondly, product development is important, one of which is what RRI is doing today (launching event of RRI News, ed.),' concluded Deputy Minister Nezar.
]]> (Daniel) Indonesia Today Fri, 26 Jul 2024 13:08:24 +0700
MGI Tests Effectiveness of Government Migration Policy

Director of Social Culture and International Organizations for Developing Countries, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Penny Dewi Herasati when giving her speech on Tuesday July 23rd 2024, (Photo : NK-VOI) - 




VOInews, Jakarta : The Indonesian government is committed to strengthening cross-sectoral coordination in strengthening the management of migration of Indonesian citizens. Director of Social Culture and International Organizations for Developing Countries, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Penny Dewi Herasati, revealed this at the National Symposium on Migration Governance for Sustainable Goals in Indonesia, at Jakarta, Tuesday (23/7).

According to Penny Dewi Herasati, this effort was carried out, among other things, through training and outreach, so that Indonesian citizens migrate through well-managed procedures. To the media, Penny Herasati explained to measure the effectiveness of the existing migration policy implemented, the Migration Governance Indicator (MGI) is used. 

"Migration governance indicators are a tool prepared by the IOM (International Organization for Migration) where the government is asked to carry out introspection. So this tool is a tool that will measure how effective our migration policy is, from there we can see whether our migration policy is good enough or there is something that needs to be strengthened based on that tool", Penny added. 

Director of Social Culture and International Organizations for Developing Countries, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Penny Dewi Herasati, explained that cooperation in strengthening migration governance between the Indonesian Government and UN agencies in Indonesia is one of the good practices of the UN's efforts to support increasing Indonesia's capacity.

National Symposium on Migration Governance for Sustainable Goals in Indonesia is organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia in collaboration with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the United Nations Agency for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

This activity marks the peak of the progress of the Migration program Governance for Sustainable Development after running for two years//VOI

]]> (nuke) Indonesia Today Wed, 24 Jul 2024 12:11:59 +0700