Monday, 02 October 2017 20:19

Family Planning Day

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June 26 is annually celebrated as National Family Planning Day or also known as National Family Day (HARGANAS). In 1949 on which the nation of Indonesia's situation and condition at that time was not yet fully conducive; it was mandatory for every citizen to do conscription. So, they wereto be separated from the family, including

Lieutenant Colonel Suharto (former Indonesian president) who was assigned as Guerilla Commander in Jogjakarta. Through persistent struggle, finally on 22 June, the Dutch surrendered Indonesian sovereignty. One week later, on June 29, all fighters returned to their families. Lieutenant Colonel Soeharto also reported to Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX that every soldier who fought had been reunited with his family. The report also became anhistorical moment that became the background of the birth of Family Day. Family Planning Day was declared by President Soeharto on 29 June 1993 in Lampung province. Lampung was chosen at that time, because it is a miniature Indonesia that has a population of various ethnic groups.

National Family Day (Harganas) is commemorated based on Presidential Decree No. 39 of 2014 as National Family Day. This year, the 24th commemoration day of the National Family Day is to be held in Bandar Lampung City, Lampung Province on July 15, 2017. The Harganas’ theme of the year 2017 is "With National Family Day, We Build Nation Character through Respected Families". Harganas is commemorated to be a momentum for every Indonesian family to get back together and interact with their families together as well as exchange experiences directly with quality communication.

To commemorate the 24th Harganas in 2017, the National Family Planning and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) held various activities consisting of pre-Harganas and Harganas peak activities.The pre-Harganas organized socialization about harganas to young filmmakers, and car free day in some cities. In addition, there were also the declaration of the Harganas logo, scholarship submission, homecoming, bazaar or cheap market, family planning service of MKJP, IVA-test, and papsmear, meeting of National Population, Family Planning and Family Development (KKBPK) program manager in national level.


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Read 1007 times Last modified on Monday, 02 October 2017 21:45