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Wednesday, 24 March 2021 16:13

Lingkungan Rumah which means Neighborhood

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Voice of Indonesia presents Let’s Speak Indonesian, a program that introduces the Indonesian vocabulary and guides you to speak in the language. Mari Berbahasa Indonesia or Let’s Speak Indonesian is a joint initiative of Voice of Indonesia and the Language Development Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture.  Today’s topic is still about Lingkungan Rumah which means Neighborhood. 

Read to the conversation entitled Setiap Tanggal Berapa?which means On What Date?. This conversation is between Kevin and Boris, his new neighbor. Boris asks about a regular schedule to pay cleanliness fee. 



Setiap tanggal berapa kita membayar iuran kebersihan?


Setiap tanggal lima belas.

Having listened to the conversation, now I am going to introduce some vocabulary and expressions related to the topic of the day.

Tanggal berapa? (2x)

which means what date?

Setiap tanggal berapa? (2x)

which means on what date?

Membayar (2x)

which means pay

Iuran (2x)

which means fee

Iuran kebersihan (2x)

which means cleanliness fee

Setiap tanggal berapa kita membayar iuran kebersihan? (2x)

which means on what date do we pay cleanliness fee?

In the dialog, you listen to a question Setiap tanggal berapa kita membayar iuran? (2x) which means On what date do we pay fee? The phrase setiap tanggal berapa? (2x) which means on what date? is used to ask information about a regular schedule to do something. The words setiap tanggal berapa?(2x) which means on what date? is followed by a complete sentence. For example: Setiap tanggal berapa kita membayar iuran kebersihan?

Other examples

The phrase setiap tanggal berapa? (2x) which means on what date? can be placed in the end of the topic too. Here are the other examples of conversations to ask a regular schedule to do something.

Boris    : Setiap tanggal berapa kita membayar iuran kebersihan? (2x) which means On what date do we pay cleanliness fee?

Kevin     Setiap tanggal lima belas. (2x) which means On the fifteenth.

Boris    : Kita membayar iuran kebersihan setiap tanggal berapa? (2x) which means On what date do we pay cleanliness fee?

Kevin   Setiap tanggal lima belas. (2x) which means On the fifteenth.

The expression setiap tanggal berapa? (2x) which means on what date? can be used to ask information about a celebration or commemoration day in certain period. For instance: Setiap tanggal berapa perayaan hari kemerdekaan setiap tahun? (2x) which means On what date we celebrate Independence Day every year? The answer is completed with the name of month. For example: Every August 17.

That was “Let’s Speak Indonesian for today. Hopefully, this edition can be useful for those of you who want to know more about Indonesian language

Read 558 times Last modified on Saturday, 27 March 2021 07:57

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