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Monday, 11 July 2022 00:00

Where Do You Live? (Anda Tinggal Dimana?)

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Voice of Indonesia presents Let’s Speak Indonesian, a program that introduces the Indonesian vocabulary and guides you to speak in the language. “Mari Berbahasa Indonesia” or “Let’s Speak Indonesian” is a joint initiative of Voice of Indonesia and the Language Development Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. Today’s topic is about Buying Medicine at the Pharmacy.

We are going to present you a conversation entitled “Anda Tinggal di Mana?” (2x) which means Where Do You Live? This conversation happens between Dev Singh, a tourist from India and a pharmacy clerk. The pharmacy clerk asks Dev’s address and he answers by telling her his living place. Let’s listen to the conversation.



Anda tinggal dimana?



Saya tinggal di Hotel Thamrin

After reading to the conversation, now I am going to introduce some vocabulary and expressions related to the topic of the day.

Saya (2x)

which means I

Tinggal (2x)

which means live

Di Hotel Thamrin (2x)

which means at Thamrin Hotel

Saya tinggal di Hotel Thamrin   (2x)

which means I live at Thamrin Hotel

In the conversation, you read the sentence “Saya tinggal di Hotel Thamrin” (2x) which means “I live at Thamrin Hotel”. In the sentence, there is an expression saya tinggal (2x) which means I live. It is used to inform a living place. In the sentence, the expression saya tinggal (2x) is used to inform where Dev lives, namely at Thamrin Hotel. To inform a living place, you can use the phrase saya tinggal (2x) which means I live, followed by the living place, such as di Hotel Thamrin (2x) which means at Thamrin Hotel.

Besides the expression saya tinggal (2x), which means I live, you can also use the expression alamat saya (2x), which means my address, to inform a living place. Let’s listen to the expressions to inform a living place.

Saya tinggal (2x) which means I live

Saya tinggal di Perumahan Permata, Kota Bogor (2x) which means I live at Permata Residence, Bogor city

Alamat saya (2x) which means My address

Alamat saya di Jalan Mawar Nomor 11, Kota Medan (2x) which means My address is on Mawar Street Number 11, Medan city

In Indonesia, an address consists of a street or a residence name, number, subdistrict/village, district, city/regency and province. For example, Jalan Venus Nomor 1, Desa Jelantik, Kecamatan Kopang, Kota Mataram, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat (2x) which means Venus Street Number 1, Jelantik village, Kopang district, Mataram city, West Nusa Tenggara province.

That was “Let’s Speak Indonesian” for today. Hopefully, this edition can be useful for those of you who want to know more about Indonesian language.

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