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Thursday, 01 September 2022 12:43

Coordinating Minister Luhut Ensures Bali is Clean Ahead of the G20 Summit

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Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Menko Marves) Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, ensured that Bali will become a clean province. Especially ahead of Indonesia's G20 Presidency.

This was conveyed during a visit to one of the construction projects of the Final Waste Processing Site (TPST) in Denpasar. Namely TPST Kesiman Kertalangu, Denpasar, Wednesday (31/8/2022).

"We are currently building 3 TPST in Denpasar and will be completed in the second week of October and can operate immediately. So that when the G20 Summit is held in November, Bali will be clean of garbage," said Coordinating Minister Luhut, in a written statement, Thursday (1/9/2022).

According to Coordinating Minister Luhut, the main machine for processing waste used in the TPST will be developed in Indonesia. He added that the government would develop 52 TPST points throughout Indonesia.

"Later on, the main engine will be produced in various factories in Indonesia. To support domestic products," he said.

These three TPSTs are used to replace the Suwung TPA which has exceeded its capacity. Later, the buried waste will be processed at the TPST.

Collaboration with Udayana University (UNUD) is needed to conduct research related to the remaining waste remaining in the Suwung TPA. Including making new innovations in waste management.

“We need to study the management of wet and dry waste. With UNUD being involved, whatever we make will be based on science," he said. (RRI)

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