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Monday, 28 October 2019 00:00

Minum obat tiga kali sehari (Taking medicine three times a day)

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Voice of Indonesia in Jakarta presents Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia, a lesson in Bahasa  Indonesia or the Indonesian language on the radio, which introduces   some  Indonesian vocabularies and  guides  you to use them in a conversation. The segment of Let's Speak Bahasa Indonesia is a cooperation of Voice of Indonesia, with the Language Development and Cultivation Agency, the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture.  Today’s topic is Minum obat tiga kali sehari   or in English ‘Taking medicine three times a day’.  

Next is a conversation about  Minum obat tiga kali sehari or in English ‘Taking medicine three times a day’. Tony is sick and he has to see a doctor. Now, he wants to buy medicines at pharmacy.


Bapak Tony. Bapak Tony.


Ya, saya.


Ini obat untuk Anda. Ini obat diare, ini obat mual, dan ini vitamin. Minum obat ini setelah makan!.


Baik. Berapa kali sehari saya harus minum obat ini?.


Tiga kali sehari. Semoga lekas sembuh.


Terima kasih.

After the conversation, now I’ll introduce some vocabularies and expressions related to the topic today.

Ya, saya

(2X)which means

Yes, I am

Ini obat untuk Anda


Here is your medicine.

Ini obat diare, ini obat mual, dan ini vitamin.


This is medicine for diarrhea, this is for nausea, and this is   vitamin.

Minum obat ini setelah makan!


Take this medicine after  eating!

Berapa kali sehari saya harus minum obat ini?


How many times a day should I take this medicine?

Tiga kali sehari


Three times a day

Semoga lekas sembuh!


Get well soon!

If you want to ask about frequency in doing something in a certain time, in Indonesian language it usually starts with

berapa kali sehari                         which means   how many times a day

berapa kali seminggu                  which means   how many times a week

berapa kali sebulan            which means   how many times a month

berapa kali setahun            which means   how many times a year

Berapa kali sehari saya harus minum obat ini? which means how many times a day should I take the medicine?

Berapa kali seminggu Anda berolahraga? which means how many times a week do you do exercise?

Now, let’s listen to the use of frequency expressions  in the next sentences:

-Saya harus minum obat ini tiga kali sehari  which means I have to take the medicine three times a day.

-Saya berolahraga dua kali seminggu  which means I do exercise twice a week.

Next, to give instruction for taking medicine, you can use some expressions among others:

-Minum obat ini tiga kali sehari    (take the medicine three times a day) 

-Minum obat ini sebelum makan  (take the medicine before eating)       

-Ini antibiotik. Obat ini harus habis (this is antibiotic. This medicine must be taken up)

Read 1598 times Last modified on Friday, 01 November 2019 09:31

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