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Program Highlight (3006)

PLN Gradually Recovers Electricity Supply

PLN Gradually Recovers Electricity Supply (0)

State-owned electricity firm PT PLN has recovered electric power to Balaraja Extra High Voltage substation in Banten Province, and furthermore it will be channeled to Suralaya steam-fueled power plant (PLTU) to gradually recover its operation to reach its capacity of 2800 MW of electricity.

In addition, power supply from Gandul Extra High Voltage substations in Depok, West Java Province, will be channeled to Muara Karang gas and steam power plant (PLTGU) to supply electricity to the Indonesian capital city, Jakarta.

Acting President Director of PLN Sripeni Inten Cahyani said here on Sunday that the power supply to Jakarta was expected to recover within three hours.

"We apologize for the inconvenience today, and currently all efforts have been made to recover the Java-Bali power system, especially in the area of West Java, Banten, and Jakarta," Cahyani said.

The company has focused on power supply to PLTGU Muara Karang and PLTGU Priok to recover the system in the capital city.

Previously, PLN has recovered the operation of hydro-generated power plant (PLTA) Saguling and PLTA Cirata which are functioned as power stabilizer, and, at the same time, supply the electricity to PLTU Suralaya through Cibinong, Depok, Gandul, Lengkok, Balaraja and Suralaya extra high voltage substations.

PLTU Suralaya is expected to return to its normal operation within six hours to normalize power system in West Java and Banten.

Blackout that affected thousands of homes and public facilities in West Java, Jakarta, and Banten was caused by several troubles in the extra high voltage 500 kV transmission of Ungaran - Pemalang.

"PLN has taken its best efforts and will have evaluation to prevent recurrence of today's incident," Cahyani said.

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VOInews, Jakarta: ASEAN leaders welcomed Canada as a Strategic Partner at the 11th ASEAN-Canada Summit in Jakarta, Wednesday (6/9/2023). President Joko Widodo in his remarks said Canada is a strategic partner of ASEAN in building food security, downstream industry and open and fair trade in the region.

"Today, the partnership between ASEAN and Canada enters a new phase, namely as a Strategic Partner. Welcome to the ASEAN family, PM Trudeau. Hopefully, this will provide greater benefits for our people and the region," he said.

On that occasion, President Joko Widodo expressed hope that Canada could become an anchor of regional peace and stability.

"Who obeys international law and encourages more concrete and inclusive cooperation, especially in the Indo-Pacific region," he said.

Meanwhile, Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi explained, the 11th ASEAN-Canada Summit officially established the ASEAN-Canada Strategic Partnership through the ratification of the Joint Leaders' Statement on ASEAN-Canada Strategic Partnership.

In addition, he said, the ASEAN-Canada Summit also adopted the ASEAN-Canada Joint Leaders' Statement on Strengthening Food Security and Nutrition in Response to Crises. (VOI/Andy)






VOInews, Jakarta: Leaders of ASEAN and the People's Republic of China (PRC) agreed to take their cooperation to the next level. Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi said the Leaders agreed to strengthen economic cooperation through enhancing the ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement (ACFTA) 3.0.

"Why 3.0, because it includes new cooperation for example in the digital economy, green economy, and supply chain. The Leaders also welcomed the guidelines for accelerating COC (Code of Conduct) negotiations in the South China Sea," she said in a statement delivered in Jakarta, Wednesday (6/9/2023).

Retno further said that the ASEAN-RRT Summit produced several cooperation in various sectors, which were contained in 6 documents.

Two documents adopted are the ASEAN-China Joint Statement on Mutually Beneficial Cooperation on ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific (AOIP) which contains an agreement to encourage concrete cooperation on the implementation of AOIP, including in the fields of maritime, energy transition, infrastructure, smart cities, e-commerce, and MSMEs, as well as the ASEAN-China Joint Statement on Deepening Agricultural Cooperation.

"This contains a cooperation agreement that makes agriculture a new growth engine to build food security," she said.

While the 4 documents noted are:

1. ASEAN-China Action Plan on Green Agricultural Development. Aims to increase the competitive value of ASEAN agricultural products in the middle of the global supply chain.

2. ASEAN-China Joint Initiative on Enhancing Cooperation on E-Commerce. Aims to promote e-commerce cooperation to promote inclusive economic growth and reduce regional development gaps.

3. Guidelines for Accelerating the Early Conclusion of an Effective and Substantive Code of Conduct in the South China Sea. Aims to accelerate the completion of COC negotiations with effective and substantive outcomes.

4. Joint Initiative on Advancing the China-ASEAN Science, Technology and Innovation Enhancing Program. Aims to strengthen technology transfer cooperation and joint research on strategic issues such as Industry 4.0, digital infrastructure, and clean energy. (VOI/Andy)





VOInews, Jakarta: Leaders of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) have decided to change the name of the ASEAN Secretariat to ASEAN Headquarters.

"In line with the priority of strengthening ASEAN leaders, we want the ASEAN secretariat to be strengthened and in line with the priority of strengthening ASEAN, ASEAN leaders decided to change the name of the ASEAN secretariat to ASEAN headquarters," Retno Marsudi explained on Tuesday (5/09/2023) in Jakarta.

The name change is an effort by ASEAN leaders to strengthen the ASEAN Secretariat office and strengthen the decision-making mechanism.

"All leaders agreed to change the nomenclature because once again the leaders agreed to strengthen the ASEAN Secretariat," Retno continued.

Previously, the ASEAN Secretariat had signed an inter-Secretariat Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Indian Ocean Coastal States Association (IORA) and the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) on Monday (4/09/2023).

The MoUs contain agreements to strengthen inter-Secretariat cooperation in several priority areas, including maritime, connectivity, SDGs, blue economy, green economy, digital economy and disaster management. (VOI/Andy)






VOInews, Jakarta: President Joko Widodo said that ASEAN is not immune to various global challenges and geopolitical rivalries, especially in the Indo-Pacific region. Therefore, according to him, the ASEAN Indo-Pacific Forum (AIPF) was held to change the paradigm of rivalry into fruitful cooperation.

"The ASEAN Indo-Pacific Forum is here to turn rivalry into fruitful cooperation and build a habit of cooperation that is win-win formula without anyone feeling excluded," he said in his remarks at the opening of the AIPF 2023, in Jakarta, Tuesday (5/9/2023).

President Joko Widodo explained that AIPF 2023 has a number of main agendas that will be discussed, namely green infrastructure and resilient supply chains. According to him, the ASEAN economy will grow stronger through downstream industries.

"The development of the ev ecosystem is a concrete example of building a regional supply chain," he said.

Another thing that will be discussed in AIPF 2023 is sustainable and innovative financing. The President explained that ASEAN needs around USD29.4 trillion for the energy transition.

"And innovative financing schemes are needed through profitable and sustainable partnerships," he said.

In addition, AIPF 2023 also has a main agenda related to digital transformation and creative economy. According to the President, the digital economy in ASEAN in 2030 is expected to grow to USD1 trillion.

"The adoption of digital innovation needs to be strengthened to support the creative economy and MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises)," he said.

The President also expressed his appreciation for the support and contribution of ASEAN countries and ASEAN Partners, resulting in 93 cooperation projects worth USD38.2 billion and 73 potential projects worth USD17.8 billion.

"This reflects our commitment to work the talk. Building a peaceful, stable and prosperous Indo-Pacific. Hopefully our efforts can provide great benefits for the people in the region and the world," he concluded. (VOI/Andy)






VOINews, Jakarta - Indonesia is a leading country in food security in the ASEAN region, Head of the National Food Agency (NFA) Arief Prasetyo Adi said at the ASEAN Business & Investment Summit (ABIS) here on Sunday.

"We can be relied upon for the food sector in the ASEAN region," Adi said.

He said Indonesia has raised several issues that become concerns at the regional level, for instance, food security.

The ABIS is a sideline event of Indonesia's 2023 ASEAN Chairmanship's ASEAN Business Advisory Council (ASEAN-BAC) and is currently hosted by the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) on September 3-4, 2023.

To achieve the goal of food security, ASEAN-BAC this year created a single narrative that includes commodity profiling, commodity balance sheet, key success factors and roadmap, and key policies to address food security.

In this regard, the Indonesian Government has allocated Rp108.8 trillion (US$7.1 billion) in the 2024 State Budget Draft (RAPBN).

Some Rp89.6 trillion (US$5.8 billion) is for the central government's spending, and the rest Rp19.2 trillion (US$1.3 billion) is for regional governments.

Adi explained, apart from the Ministry of Agriculture, other ministries are also involved in food security efforts, in terms of infrastructure, social and food assistance, food reserves, to cheap interests for funding.

"It (budget for food security) has been prepared, just (waiting for) execution," he said.

In addition, he believed that Indonesia has more abundant food commodities compared to other ASEAN countries.

He mentioned that Indonesia together with Vietnam and Thailand have agreed to strengthen regional food cooperation, with Myanmar likely to participate in the regional food cooperation soon.

However, among these countries, he said, Indonesia has better food commodities.

"Food in Thailand and Vietnam is surplus, but their productions are still below ours. Indonesia has entered the top four, along with China, India, and Bangladesh," he said.

Food security was also one of the issues discussed at the 10th Meeting of Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors (AFMGM).

ASEAN finance ministers and central bank governors have expressed their commitment to strengthening fiscal collaboration to boost the region's food security. (Antaranews)






VOINews, Jakarta - ASEAN member countries need to collaborate to maximize investment potential in the region which is estimated to reach US$20 trillion by 2045, Chairman of the ASEAN-Business Advisory Council (ASEAN-BAC) Arsjad Rasjid said.

"With ASEAN's epicentrum of growth, we can realize the investment potential (reaching) US$20 trillion by 2045. This is a tremendous potential," he said at the ASEAN Business and Investment Summit (ABIS) here on Sunday.

This year's ASEAN-BAC series, held on September 1-8, carries the theme "ASEAN Centrality: Innovating to Greater Inclusivity". It is part of Indonesia's ASEAN Chairmanship in 2023, which is focusing on ASEAN development to become a fast-growing, inclusive, and sustainable economic region.

Through ASEAN-BAC, Rasjid said, Indonesia encourages the formation of a solid business ecosystem within the region, so that all member countries can grow together.

According to him, in the past, many parties were pessimistic over ASEAN's move as a regional organization.

However, he argued, amid the increasingly tense geopolitical and geoeconomic challenges, ASEAN can remain resilient and is seizing the opportunity to become the center of global economic growth.

He also emphasized that the vision of ASEAN Centrality is not just about being in the strategic geographical position but also how to reconstructing the mindset of growing together.

Rasjid also talked about his trip around the regional bloc's member countries to find solutions on how businesses in the region can grow.

"From the interactions (with ASEAN business players), we gathered all aspirations on how ASEAN should progress. Everything translates into policy recommendations," he said.

The policy recommendations had been conveyed to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) as the Chair of the 2023 ASEAN Chairmanship on September 1 at the Presidential Palace.

"President Jokowi supports our vision of a unified ASEAN where the public and private sectors work closely to develop our region," he said. (Antaranews)






VOInews, Jakarta: During Indonesia's chairmanship of ASEAN in 2023, Indonesia's initiative to accelerate the Code of Conduct (COC) negotiation process in the South China Sea (LTS) was successfully agreed upon by all ASEAN countries and China.

"In addition to accelerating negotiations, Indonesia's initiative in the form of Guidelines can be a practical guideline that also contains substantive material to keep the COC effective and actionable," the Foreign Ministry's Director of ASEAN Security Political Cooperation, Rolliansyah Soemirat, said in a statement received by Indonesia Window here on Friday (1/9/2023).

The first-of-its-kind guidelines summarize ASEAN-RRT aspirations to complete the COC in three years or less, through intensive discussion of pending issues and other proposed working methods to make negotiations faster and more effective.

"Given the complexity of the elements in the COC, the parties involved have been very cautious so a breakthrough is needed to accelerate the process," Rolliansyah said.

The COC is expected to be a code of conduct that reflects international norms, principles and rules that are in line with and refer to international law, especially UNCLOS with the aim of achieving a stable, safe and peaceful LTS region.

Indonesia always supports confidence building measures (CBMs) and reducing tensions to support prosperity in the region, and continues to ensure ASEAN centrality in LTS issues.

During Indonesia's Chairmanship of ASEAN, the COC negotiations have successfully completed the second reading or second round of negotiations. This shows a positive development that is expected to continue to be a momentum to accelerate the agreement of the code of conduct.

Indonesia has hosted the COC negotiations between ASEAN and China last March. At the end of 2023, Indonesia plans to host another round of COC negotiations as a contribution to accelerating the process.

In addition to the COC negotiations, Indonesia will continue to promote practical maritime cooperation between ASEAN and the PRC for the LTS region that can enhance mutual trust, in order to support and maintain peace, security and stability in the region. (VOI/Andy)






VOINews, Jakarta - Indonesia is ready to hold the ASEAN Indo-Pacific Forum (AIPF) on September 5 and 6, 2023, in Jakarta to discuss and establish business cooperation.

The forum's theme is focused on the implementation of the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific (AOIP).

Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs), Erick Thohir, informed here on Monday that AIPF is Indonesia's initiative as this year's ASEAN chair.

"There are three areas that AIPF will focus on, namely green infrastructure and resilient supply chain, digital transformation and creative economy, and sustainable and innovative financing," Thohir said.

The AIPF will serve as a platform for the private sector, the public, and SOEs from ASEAN and its partners to discuss and establish inclusive, collaborative, and concrete business cooperation, he added.

The forum will have panel discussions and talk shows that will bring together industry leaders, government expert staff, international financial bodies, international organizations, as well as world-class companies from ASEAN and its partners in the Indo-Pacific region.

It will include project exhibitions and business matching meetings.

At least eight SOEs, namely Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI), Pertamina, Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN), Bank Mandiri, Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI), state holding MIND ID, Telkom Indonesia, and InJourney will participate in the event.

Meanwhile, the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), Standard Chartered, Google, Sun Cable, and the British Chamber of Commerce will also take part in the AIPF series.

A number of leaders from organizations and companies, including the World Economic Forum, ASEAN-BAC (Business Advisory Council), Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin), Maybank, Airbus, Microsoft, and the US Trade and Development Agency, will serve as speakers and panelists at AIPF.

"AIPF is a momentum to show the strategic role of SOEs and to expand investment cooperation in strategic SOE projects for the development of Indonesia, and strengthen ASEAN's position as the epicentrum of economic growth," Thohir said. (Antaranews)






VOINews, Jakarta - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) arrived at the Kualanamu International Airport, Deli Serdang, North Sumatra, on Friday morning, after embarking on a five-day visit to the African continent.

Upon his arrival, the head of state was welcomed by North Sumatra Governor Edy Rahmayadi, Bukit Barisan Regional Military Commander Major General Danier Chardin, and Chief of North Sumatra Police Inspector General Agung Setya Imam, according to the Presidential Secretariat's Press Bureau on Friday.

Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi, and Secretary of Cabinet Pramono Anung accompanied the president during his flight from Africa.

The president made the most of his visit to attend the 15th summit event of BRICS, an alliance comprising five developing countries, in South Africa, where he delivered a speech to emphasize the importance of all parties to consistently respect international law and human rights.

In front of four leaders of the five BRICS countries of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, President Jokowi also underscored that the current global economic order is highly unfair, adding that such a situation cannot be left unaddressed.

"We must continue to advocate for equal and inclusive cooperation. BRICS can be at the forefront of fighting for just development and reforming world governance to be fairer," he remarked at the summit.

Apart from attending BRICS as an invitee, the head of state also made the most of his stay in Africa to hold bilateral meetings with leaders of several African countries: Kenya, Tanzania, and Mozambique.

Earlier, the president and his entourage took off from the O. R. Tambo International Airport, Johannesburg, South Africa, on Thursday (August 24) at 2:35 p.m. South African time, or 7:35 p.m. Western Indonesia Standard Time (WIB)

In North Sumatra, President Jokowi is scheduled to visit Binjai City to directly greet and distribute aid to merchants before inaugurating installation of the Drinking Water Supply System (SPAM) in the Medan-Binjai-Deli Serdang region as well as the Aek Tano Ponggol Bridge. (Antaranews)






VOINews, Jakarta - Indonesia's Foreign Ministry and the New Zealand Government have continued to communicate on efforts to free Susi Air pilot and New Zealander, Philip Mark Mehrtens, who is being held hostage by a Papuan separatist terrorist group.

"They (the New Zealand government) know what the (Indonesian) government is currently doing to free the hostage," Director General of Public Information and Diplomacy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Teuku Faizasyah said in Padang, West Sumatra, on Monday.

He did not deny that freeing the New Zealand pilot will not be an easy task and will take time. However, the most important thing is that the communication between the two countries continues.

"I, myself, and the New Zealand Ambassador to Indonesia meet every two weeks," he informed.

At the routine meeting, the ministry and the ambassador share information, including consular facilitation.

In other words, he said, the Indonesian Government has continued to try to save Mehrtens from the armed group. At the same time, it is hoped that efforts to free the pilot are also made known to all parties.

Earlier, Papua Police Chief Inspector General Mathius Fakhiri said the location where the Egianus Kogoya-led group is keeping the Susi Air pilot is difficult to reach.

According to him, efforts to free the pilot are still prioritizing negotiation by providing space to the community and religious leaders and the Kogoya family to communicate so that they become willing to free the pilot safely.

The New Zealand pilot was abducted by the armed separatist terrorist group on February 7, 2023, shortly after landing in Paro, Nduga district, Papua Pegunungan province. The group also torched the Susi Air aircraft that he had piloted.  (Antaranews)

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