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Ani Hasanah

Ani Hasanah


President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo calls on the people of Indonesia to welcome the Islamic New Year by asserting the determination to practice 'Hijrah' (migration).

Hijrah can be interpreted as a change of behavior from the bad ones to the better aspects.

"[Change] from individualistic behavior to caring for others. From lazy behavior to become a hardworking character. And to become a more patient individual. Let go of pessimism and build optimism," the president said on his Instagram post, Thursday, August 20.

He hopes the people of Indonesia can get through the COVID-19 pandemic.

"With the pleasure of the Almighty, we can get through this hard time together," Jokowi said.

Today, August 20, marks the first day of Muharram (first month of the Islamic calendar), the Muslim community celebrates the Islamic New Year of 1442 Hijri. (TEMPO.CO)


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State airliner Garuda Indonesia recorded more than 50 percent occupancy during the long weekend holiday, on August 19-23, with the highest mobility to tourist destinations.

"More than 50 percent depart to holiday getaways such as to Bali," said Garuda CEO Irfan Setiaputra on Thursday, August 20.

The passenger traffic this weekend is higher than regular days during the pandemic, which usually saw no more than 50 percent daily. The company set the maximum occupancy to 70 percent as regulated by the Transportation Ministry.

Garuda Indonesia has reactivated several flights that were forced to be halted temporarily due to the Covid-19 social restriction (PSBB). However, Irfan has yet to detail the exact number of the fleet.


The airliner also offers various discounts and promotions to attract more passengers. (TEMPO.CO)


Indonesia's trade deficit with China narrows by nearly 46.08 percent

Director General of National Export Development of the Indonesian Trade Ministry Arlinda (left), Indonesian Ambassador to China and Mongolia Djauhari Oratmangun (second left), Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Luhut B. Panjaitan (third left) witnessed the signing of a trade contract between Indonesian and Chinese businessmen in Shanghai, China, Tuesday Nov 6, 2018). (ANTARA/Ahmad Wijaya)

Indonesia curbed its trade deficit with China by nearly 46.08 percent in the first half of 2020, with exports surging 11.74 percent and imports plunging 11.86 percent, from that during the corresponding period last year.  

Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi stated at a virtual press conference held after attending a bilateral meeting with the Chinese government in Sanya City on Thursday night.

Indonesia's exports to China rose by 11.74 percent to US$13.77 billion in the first semester of 2020 as compared to $12.32 billion during the corresponding period last year, she noted.

With imports from China recording an 11.86-percent drop, Indonesia was able to curb its trade deficit by up to 46.08 percent, the minister noted.

In connection with efforts to intensify trade cooperation between both nations, Marsudi spoke of having put forth a suggestion to form a joint working group for Indonesia-China trade at the meeting.

"Indonesia proposed a joint working group for trade to cope with various trade barriers and facilitate greater access to the Chinese market for Indonesian products," she expounded.

China is currently ranked second next to Singapore in terms of investment in Indonesia.

The minister noted that China's investment in the first semester of 2020 increased by nearly nine percent to reach $2.4 billion, from $2.2 billion during the corresponding period last year.

The Indonesian delegation to the meeting was co-chaired by Marsudi and State-Owned Enterprises Minister Erick Thohir, while the Chinese delegation was led by Foreign Minister Wang Yi.

The bilateral meeting discussed a broad range of issues including the efforts to boost cooperation in the fields of trade, investment, health, and security.

"At the bilateral meeting, (we discussed), first, the commitment of the two countries to forge bilateral cooperation based on mutual respect and mutual benefit; second, the commitment of the two countries to maintain regional stability and security; and third, the commitment to enhance cooperation in the field of vaccines," she added. (ANTARA)


With 2,017 additional recoveries from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on Thursday, the tally reached 100,674, so far, while the number of new confirmed cases touched 2,266, bringing the count to 147,211 nationwide.

Based on the Ministry of Health's information update here on Thursday, the data also indicated that the number of deceased increased by 72, thereby bringing the death toll to 6,418.

Jakarta is the province with the highest number of recoveries nationwide, with 774 people recovering, followed by 409 people in East Java and 136 patients in Central Java.

On the other hand, the largest number of new fresh cases were reported in Jakarta reaching 594 on Thursday, followed by 371 in East Java and 199 in West Java.

At least 13 provinces recorded new confirmed cases below 10 within the last 24 hours.

Furthermore, five provinces recorded zero cases of COVID-19 on Thursday.

Bengkulu, Jambi, Central Sulawesi, East Nusa Tenggara, and Gorontalo were the five provinces with zero cases. In the meantime, West Nusa Tenggara Provincial Police Chief Inspector General Mohammad Iqbal on Wednesday revealed that the Gili Trawangan tourist destination in North Lombok District was declared free from COVID-19 or had zero cases.

"We ensure that tourism in Gili Trawangan (is safe), as it has zero (COVID-19 cases). No cases of the virus at all, at zero. There are no more virus infections," Iqbal noted on Wednesday.

To keep Gili Trawangan safe and free from COVID-19, Iqbal has deployed his officers along with the Indonesian Defense Forces (TNI) and tourism service officers to patrol the region and continually supervise the implementation of health protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

According to Iqbal, officers will ensure that people, including tourists, wear face masks. He believes it would be better if the officers checked their body temperature and had sound health records.

"Please come to visit. However, we will order those, who do not (comply with the health protocols), to go home," he remarked.(ANTARA)