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Ani Hasanah


Ministry supports tourism revival plan by applying health protocols

Chief Secretary of the Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry N. W. Giri Adnyani. (Antaranews/I Komang Suparta/2020)

The Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry backs the Bali provincial government to breathe new life into the tourism industry by implementing health protocols amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

"The Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry always supports the regional governments' efforts to invite foreign tourists by applying health protocols," the ministry's chief secretary, N. W. Giri Adnyani, stated during the launch of digitalization of QRIS-based tourism and small and medium enterprises in Bangli District in Bali on Sunday.

Adnyani pointed out that Bali had been recognized as one of the world's main tourist destinations. In the face of the new normal, the provincial government had made necessary preparations to welcome foreign tourists, including by renovating facilities at tourist sites.

"We have coordinated with the regional government in making preparations for the arrival of tourists, including disseminating information on (the program) and reviewing tourist locations as advanced preparations to welcome the arriving tourists," she revealed.

Adnyani noted that tourist attractions in Bali have since long been known as the world's main tourism destinations. In 2019, tourists arriving in Bali constituted 40 percent of the total tourist arrivals in Indonesia.

"Looking ahead, we are optimistic that the number of domestic and foreign tourists visiting Bali will return to normal and will increase as compared to the previous year," she stated.

Speaking in connection with the use of the digital payment system (QRIS BPD), Adnyani welcomed the banking industry’s efforts to provide such service.

"The step taken by the banking industry to introduce QRIS is very good. This can reduce direct contact and help maintain physical distancing by complying with health protocols," she added. (ANTARA)




COVID-19 vaccine candidate clinical trial prioritizes efficacy, safety

Screen Capture of Head of the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM), Penny Lukito, at a press conference in Jakarta, Tuesday (19/5/2020). ANTARA/Prisca Triferna/ac.

Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) Head Penny Lukito emphasized that efficacy along with guaranteed safety and quality were the key parameters during the clinical trial process conducted by Indonesia for the COVID-19 vaccine candidate.

"Clinical trials are important stages in the vaccine development," Lukito said as quoted from the BPOM official site on Monday.

The agency’s head noted that the clinical trials underway must meet scientific aspects and uphold research ethics in accordance with the Guidelines for Good Clinical Practice (GCP). Test results are required to support the COVID-19 vaccine registration process as a form of access to the product's needs.

In addition to the clinical trials, Lukito remarked that the vaccine to be tested must also be produced in accordance with the standards for Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). Specifically, for vaccines, the BPOM extensively conducts release certifications to maintain product safety and quality.

"Given the urgent need for the COVID-19 vaccine, the BPOM remains committed to monitoring compliance with regulations, standards, and requirements throughout the vaccine journey cycle, starting from the phase-appropriate formulation development to drug distribution, including the stage III clinical trial stage," she expounded.

On Thursday (August 6), Lukito stated that the BPOM, along with several stakeholders, had held a kick-off meeting and simulation of the COVID-19 vaccine’s clinical trials at the Faculty of Medicine Bandung's Padjadjaran University. This was aimed at commencing a clinical trial of the SARS-CoV-2 virus vaccine attenuated by Sinovac, China.

The BPOM head sought the public’s continued support to the government's efforts to expedite the handling of COVID-19, including through becoming a phase III clinical trial volunteer.

Lukito also appealed to the research team and parties involved in the vaccine’s clinical trials to comply with all applicable regulations for their smooth implementation.

"Availability of the COVID-19 vaccine offers a ray of hope to all Indonesian people. Hence, the aspect of caution and accuracy in the implementation of this clinical trial procedure must be a common concern. Thus, the vaccine produced can actually provide efficacy along with guaranteed safety and quality in addition to being available within the expected timeframe," she remarked.

Lukito believes the public can also play an active role by being prudent and wise in responding to information circulated on the development of the COVID-19 drug. Residents should not easily believe news or information from unaccounted sources. (ANTARA)


Fisheries Ministry's Rp474 billion disbursal for economic recovery
Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Edhy Prabowo ANTARA/HO-KKP/pri. (ANTARA/HO-KKP)

The Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry will expend Rp474.9-billion additional budget funding for accelerating national economic recovery and facilitating the maritime and fisheries sector to become among the main players in tackling the COVID-19 pandemic.

"I feel more confident that the maritime and fisheries sector would grow and strengthen to win the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic," Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Edhy Prabowo stated in Jakarta on Monday.

The minister drew attention to the aspect of marine resource management yet to reach an optimum level, with merely 10 percent of the potential resources being utilized. In fact, Indonesia has the second-longest coastline in the world.

Prabowo opined that managing marine resources was not a difficult task since Indonesia had sufficient human resources and technology.

Secretary General of the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry Antam Novambar noted that the additional budget is based on a letter from the Finance Minister No. S-180/MK.2/2020 dated August 8, 2020.

The additional budget increased the amount of budget fund allotted to the ministry to Rp5.1 trillion, from Rp4.6 trillion.

"In principle, the additional budget fund is designed to assist stakeholders of the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry in coping with the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The fund will be made available to fishermen to procure fish-catching tools and develop fish farming, including fish feed, seeds, and insurance as well as floating nets and market fish, In addition, it will be used to lend assistance in salt farming and encourage labor-intensive activities," he stated.

Novambar spoke of having held a coordination meeting with the Finance Ministry’s directorate general of budgeting for a comprehensive discussion on each activity and mechanism of utilizing the funding. (ANTARA)


COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials: 21 volunteers undergo swab test

A would-be volunteer consults a doctor in charge of the clinical trials for the Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine at the Educational Hospital, Padjadjaran University (Unpad), Bandung, West Java. (ANTARA/Bagus Ahmad Rizaldi)

A research team has conducted a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test on 21 volunteers seeking to participate in the clinical trials for the COVID-19 vaccine developed by China-based Sinovac Biotech at Padjadjaran University (Unpad).

The PCR test was conducted at the Unpad Educational Hospital on Monday, said Dr. Sunaryati Sudigdoadi, a representative from the hospital.

"We have conducted swab tests on 21 volunteers. They were all in good health while being checked," she said.

The results of the swab test will be announced on August 11, 2020. The volunteers will be inducted into the clinical trials for the vaccine if their COVID-19 tests come back negative.

Volunteers who test positive for COVID-19 would not be allowed to participate in the clinical trials, she added.

Even if they test negative for COVID-19, the volunteers will still have to take a rapid test to ensure they are healthy before they are administered the vaccine on Tuesday (August 11, 2020).

“Some of the 21 volunteers are young people and mothers. They are all in good health. The results of the test will be known tomorrow, and later, they will take a rapid test,” Dr. Sunaryati said.

"If all of them meet the qualifications, the 21 people will surely undergo vaccine injection as part of the clinical trials," she elaborated further.

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is scheduled to visit the venue for the clinical trials at the Unpad Educational Hospital in Bandung on Tuesday.

He will also visit PT Bio Farma where the vaccine will be produced. (ANTARA)