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Ani Hasanah

Ani Hasanah


To commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, the Iranian Embassy in Indonesia is holding Iranian Culture and Art Festival in Jakarta. In his remarks at the opening of the festival on Saturday (02/16/2019) at Taman Ismail Marzuki, Jakarta, Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran Valiollah Mohammadi said that in 2019 Iran and Indonesia would be more active in the field of culture.

“I hope in 2019 we’re trying to be more active in the field of culture and other sectors related to culture, science and technology, education, music, films, and other parts," said Valiollah Mohammadi. 


Ambassador Valiollah added that these days one team from Indonesia, from the Tourism Ministry and also from cultural centers of Indonesia in Tehran, have been active in promoting Indonesian tourism in Iranand organizing Indonesian cultural performances in Iran. In addition, they will also hold a Hijab exhibition in one of the cities in Iran. The Iranian Culture and Art Festival is held at Taman Ismail Marzuki, Jakarta from February 16-19 2019. (VOI / AHM)

As many as 50 thousand Indonesians living in Australia will vote in the upcoming presidential elections said Fakhrido Susilo, Member of the Indonesian Overseas Election Committee in Canberra, Australia. He said most of the Indonesian students, professionals and diplomats currently living in Australia are eligible to vote. The committee has hosted events at university campus’ and advertised within Indonesian communities to encourage as many people as possible to register to vote and exercise their democratic right. 
"We proactively engage with a whole set of different communities. We engage them directly. We initially wanted to make the process online centred by establishing an online platform to register. But, we found it is much more effective to engage with the community directly. Going to the community activities and opening up a booth there. For example, there was student activity during orientation week in which we opened up our booth where we got students to register as voters," said Fakhrido Susilo.
The election in Canberra will be held on Saturday April 13, 2019. Fakhrido Susilo said there are three methods for voting. Votes can be cast through circulating drop box or post office. However, most people have indicated they will vote by going directly to their closest polling station. He also said Indonesians can still register to vote in Australia by contacting the Overseas Elections committee. (VOI/LISA/DP)
Serbian Ambassador to Indonesia Slobodan Marinkovic, encouraged the increase of trade cooperation with Indonesia. During a recent dialogue with the RRI Voice of Indonesia in Jakarta, Ambassador Slobodan Marinkovic, conveyed the importance of direct trade between Indonesia and Serbia. He said trade relations between Indonesia and Serbia still involved third parties. According to him, this is an obstacle to increasing trade value between the two countries.
"Many products from Indonesia who go to the Serbian market they are from Holland, from US, from some other country but originally product from Indonesia. From coffee, cocoa, spices, products to shoes, textile, coming on the name of some multinational company. And its very relatively. We have to work in real cooperation between representatives of companies and without third parties. The profit goes to the third part not divided honesty between two involved companies," said Slobodan Marinkovic.
Ambassador Slobodan Marinkovic also hoped for an increase in relations between communities or people to people contact between Indonesia and Serbia. According to him, the tourism sector is one sector that can contribute to increasing people to people contact between the two countries. He ensures that there is convenience for the Indonesian people who want to visit Serbia. He also called the interest of the Serbian community to visit Indonesia because of their interest in the tourism sector in Indonesia. (VOI/Ndy)

Ten Indonesian students and one Indonesian school received awards in "the 2019 Lidice children fine art competition” from the Czech Republic government. The awards were given by the Czech Republic Ambassador to Indonesia Ivan Hotek, Thursday (14/02/2019) at the residence of the Ambassador of Czech Republic in Jakarta. More than 20,000 art works by children from 79 countries were entered in the competition this year. From Indonesia, out of 336 entries that took part, only one student received The Medal whereas nine other received the Honorable Mention. The Medal was awarded to Kennard Alvaro Hadinata, the student of Nirvana Visual School, Surabaya,  East Java.

“So, as I said, this competition was created to commemorate victims of the second world war in the Czech village Lidice. And, to commemorate to all of us that usually during each conflict, the most suffering people are ladies and children. And, that is why we have to do everything in this modern world to prevent conflict. It doesn’t matter if you are Christian, if you are Muslim or if you are Budist. In the end, everyone suffers the same,” said Ivan Hotek.

In addition to ten Indonesian children receiving the awards from the competition,  one Indonesian school,  Fajar Hidayah Islamic school was awarded a plaque of acknowledgement for their work in helping educate orphaned children. The ambassador asked all participants to re-enter the competition next year and encourage their class-mates to do the same. (VOI/LISA/AHM)