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Ani Hasanah

Ani Hasanah


In commemoration of the 89th Anniversary of Jammu & Kashmir Martyrs Day (Yom e Shuhada) Monday (13/07), the Embassy of Pakistan Jakarta, in collaboration with “Dyplo Corps”, a Youth Forum of the Sharif Hidayatullah State University Jakarta, held a webinar on the Topic “Foreign Policy of Pakistan & Regional Challenges". a release received by Voice of Indonesia, Tuesday (14/07) said.

​Speaking on the occasion, the Charge d’ Affaires of Pakistan to Indonesia, Sajjad Haider Khan highlighted various contours and highlights of the Foreign Policy of Pakistan, and gave a detailed description of Pakistan’s History, Geography, Strategic location, and Regional Dynamics. He discussed various issues faced by the world including the rising wave of Islamophobia, US-China trade war, Covid-19 Crisis, Great powers contestation in the Indo-Pacific Region, Unrest in the Middle East, Afghan Peace Deal, and India’s hegemonic posture in the South Asian region with special reference to the recent problems created by India with its neighbors, including Pakistan, China, Bangladesh and Nepal.

Sajjad Haider Khan highlighted the importance and history of Jammu & Kashmir Martyrs Day. He described in detail, the ongoing wave of intolerance and state sponsored repression against minorities (especially Muslims) in India. He specifically highlighted the plight of innocent people of Indian occupied Jammu & Kashmir where the Indian occupation forces have unleashed a reign of terror and brutalities since 1947. Quoting the recent illegal attempts of changing the demography of Jammu & Kashmir by the Indian Government, Mr. Khan strongly condemned and rejected these steps, and expressed the resolve of the Government of Pakistan to fight the case of Jammu & Kashmir at all forums. He spoke at length about the targeted hatred and discrimination against Muslims in India by the Modi Government such as the Babri Mosque verdict, the discriminatory Citizenship (Amendment) Act (CAA), the controversial National Register of Citizens (NRC), and the lynching of Muslims by the cow vigilantes.

​He also addressed various other aspects of the Jammu & Kashmir dispute including gross Human Rights Violations, Sexual abuse and violence against women and Children, Indian illegal actions of doing away with Articles 370 and 35-A of the constitution to bring demographic changes in the region, Hindutva ideology of the RSS inspired Modi Government, the implementation of the UNSC resolutions, and Pakistan’s desire to resolve all issues with India, including the Jammu and Kashmir dispute, through dialogue, in accordance with the UNSC resolutions.

​The Webinar was attended by a large number of youth, scholars, and intellectuals. At the end of the Webinar, Mr. Khan responded to the various queries of the participants. (Release of Embassy of Pakistan in Jakarta)


President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) presides over a cabinet meeting on the COVID-19 management at the State Palace in Jakarta, Monday, June 29, 2020. ANTARA/Akbar Nugroho GumayPresident Joko Widodo (Jokowi) presides over a cabinet meeting on the COVID-19 management at the State Palace in Jakarta, Monday, June 29, 2020. ANTARA/Akbar Nugroho Gumay

During a casual meeting with journalists at the Merdeka Palace on Monday, President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo said he believed Indonesia would be able to produce a COVID-19 vaccine early next year.

He is positive about this as tests are being done in parallel with international pharmaceutical companies.

"We predict the [vaccine] will be produced between January-April next year," said the president on Monday.

Earlier reports said state-owned enterprises such as Bio Farma and Kalbe Farma had opened partnership with international pharmaceutical companies such China's Sinovac Biotech in producing a COVID-19 vaccine. 

Jokowi said once the vaccine was produced it would be prioritized for healthcare workers and groups prone to the lethal effects of the virus. The government predicts the nation needs up to 347 million doses of the vaccine. (


President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has given instructions to his aides to conduct massive campaigning on health protocols to thwart the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

At a limited cabinet meeting held at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, on Monday, the head of state highlighted the significance of public discipline in applying health protocols to stop the transmission of the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2).

"We have to conduct massive national campaigning on the importance of maintaining discipline in implementing health protocols, maintaining physical distancing, wearing masks, and washing hands," Jokowi remarked during the meeting on discussions over accelerating the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Jokowi cited a survey in East Java that indicated 70 percent of the province’s residents did not wear masks during outdoor activities, thereby demonstrating low public participation in the endeavors to cut the chain of transmission of COVID-19.


The president has instructed his aides to intensify campaigning on the implementation of health protocols that also involved public figures, academicians, volunteers, the military, and police.

"This is the sort of mobilization that I am looking for, mobilization of the Indonesian Police, the military, civil organizations, volunteers, public figures, and academicians, all of which are directed to campaign and monitor the implementation," he affirmed.

As of Sunday (July 12), the number of COVID-19 patients in Indonesia had reached 75,699, with 35,638 recoveries and 3,606 deaths.

The virus has spread across the country’s provinces, with the highest number of cases recorded in East Java, reaching 16,658, followed by 14,517 in Jakarta, 6,973 in South Sulawesi, 5,473 in Central Java, 5,077 in West Java, 4,146 in South Kalimantan, 2,653 in South Sumatra, 2,323 in North Sumatra, 2,267 in Papua, 2,195 in Bali, 1,660 in North Sulawesi, 1,593 in Banten, 1,550 in West Nusa Tenggara, and 1,196 in Central Kalimantan. (


President Joko “jJokowi” Widodo asserted that strategic food reserves need to be created to anticipate a world food crisis as warned by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

Thus, he appointed Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto to lead the national food storage project in Pisau Island, Central Kalimantan.

According to the former Jakarta Governor, food security is part of the national defense. “Defense is not only about defense systems (alutsista), but also food security,” said the President to reporters at the Merdeka Palace, Central Jakarta, Monday, July 13.

He stressed that the project helmed by Prabowo will be supported by the Agriculture Ministry. “The Agriculture Minister will back him up. Other agricultural and food matters will still be the authority of the Agriculture Minister,” he added. 

Lands that will be used for food storage later are not peat land, he underlined. The government had inspected and made sure there are alluvial lands. The food estate will later turn into a food reserve based on existing needs.

“For example the country faces a shortage of rice, farmers will then plant rice. If it is short of corn, farmers will plant corn. We checked the lands yesterday, and we can plant corn, rice, chili there,” Jokowi outlined. (