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WDD 2018-19 key messages

The primary aim of the World Diabetes Day and World Diabetes Month 2018–19 campaign is to raise awareness of the impact that diabetes has on the family and to promote the role of the family in the management, care, prevention and education of the condition.

There are three main focus areas:

  • Discover diabetes
  • Prevent diabetes
  • Manage diabetes

Detecting diabetes early involves the family too

  • One in every two people with diabetes is undiagnosed. Early diagnosis and treatment is key to helping prevent or delay life-threatening complications.
  • If type 1 diabetes is not detected early, it can lead to serious disability or death. Know the signs and symptoms to protect yourself and your family.



National Health Day (HKN) is celebrated every November 12, both at the central and regional levels. The theme of the National Health Day in 2018 is almost the same as the theme of HKN 2011, namely "I Love Healthy", while in 2011 it was, "Indonesia Cinta Sehat." While the sub-theme of HKN 2018 is, "Let's Live Healthy, Start from Us".


History of National Health Day

The history of the birth of the National Health Day commemorated every November 12 begins with efforts to eradicate Malaria in Indonesia. In the era of the 50s, Malaria was widespread in Indonesia. This disease affects almost all people throughout the country. There were hundreds of thousands of people killed in the Malaria outbreak. As a result of the many casualties, the government immediately took action by making various efforts to eradicate Malaria.

Efforts to eradicate Malaria began in 1959 with the establishment of the Malaria Extermination Service by the government. Four years later, namely in 1963, his name was later changed to the Malaria Extermination Operation Command which was shortened to KOPEM. This extermination effort was carried out by the government with the assistance of WHO world health organizations and USAID. With the efforts to eradicate Malaria, the government hopes that Malaria can be completely eradicated.
The form of efforts to eradicate Malaria itself is done using DDT type drugs. The spraying of the drug was carried out en masse to residents' houses on the islands of Java, Bali and Lampung. President Soekarno, who served as President of the Republic of Indonesia at that time, symbolically sprayed the first on November 12, 1959, in the village of Kalasan, Yogyakarta. This date is then designated as National Health Day (HKN) to be commemorated annually.
National Health Day Celebration
The celebration of National Health Day on November 12 was first commemorated in 1959. It was symbolically sprayed with Malaria mosquitoes by President Soekarno. After symbolic spraying is done, counseling is also given with the aim of providing an understanding of the danger of Malaria and so that they are more aware of it. In the following years, National Health Day (HKN) continued to be commemorated with the aim of providing health education and counseling for the people of Indonesia. ( divers ) 


From 1 to 9 November 2018, Maluku region to East Nusa Tenggara –NTT becomes the transit areas of Bank Indonesia mobile cash -BI. This activity is part of Bank Indonesia's services on remote, foremost and outermost islands (3T) with the name "Exploring the Archipelago, Defending Country without Weapons". This was affirmed by Head of the Bank Indonesia Money Management Department, Heru Pranoto to the media on Jamdena Island, West Southeast Maluku Regency, Maluku province on last Sunday (4/11).

Head of Expedition Team of mobile cash at the 3T, Bonaryadi said that BI in collaboration with the Indonesian Navy holds a Mobile Cash Expedition to renew the physical rupiah owned by residents in the 3T islands. In detail, the activities include the exchange of new money, the socialization of the authenticity of the rupiah to minimize counterfeit money, and worn-out or improper circulation of money. Besides, there is also provision of social assistance such as free medical examinations and treatment. Heru added that the mobile cash activities on the 3T islands have been carried out by BI and the Indonesian Navy since 2012 for 38 times and with the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs for 9 times.

For this year, BI will conduct 14 mobile cash activity, and this is the 12 times held on 3T islands. Meanwhile, BI will also implement it on some islands in East Java, Ambon and Papua.

The struggle of Bank Indonesia and Indonesian Navy to reach remote, foremost and outermost islands deserves being appreciated. Strong sea waves and bad weather become a distinctive challenge. They are likely to take high risk of bringing new money to the people of Indonesia in remote places. The exchange of the worn-out money aims to enable people in the 3T region to feel or see the latest money of Indonesia issued by the government recently.

It is still inherent in the Indonesian nation's memory of how Indonesia lost its two islands: Sipadan and Ligitan over the dispute against Malaysia. The reason was that there was no rupiah circulating on the two islands. For this reason, Indonesian’s central bank -BI must strengthen the distribution of national currency on the border and outermost islands so that similar problem will not occur anymore.

Actually, what can Indonesian citizens do in big cities to maintain rupiah sovereignty? Of course, it is by loving the rupiah without buying dollars or other foreign currencies for personal gain. They should also prioritize the consumption of domestic products instead of foreign ones.