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Indonesia Supreme Court (MA) deserves being appreciated since it has issued a ban on fugitives listed on the People Search List (DPO) to file a pre-trial lawsuit. Supreme Court’s Circular No. 1/2018 dated on March 23, 2018 closes the fugitives’ opportunity to file a pre-trial. The letter also confirms that if a pretrial petition is still filed by the lawyer of fugitive suspect, the judge does not accept it. The suspect also cannot file a legal action regarding the verdict.

So far, people have often got very angry because many fugitives, especially corruptors escape abroad. They file a pretrial through their lawyer or family. As a result, some of them win the pretrial. One of them is Sudjiono Timan convicted of corruption case of Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance (BLBI) that made the state money worth Rp 1.2 trillion lose. He fled a few days before being convicted by the Supreme Court (MA) on a higher court with the sentence 15 years in prison. In his escape, Timan's wife filed a Judicial Review (PK) and the Supreme Court accepted the judicial review on July 31, 2013, and Timan was free without attending the court.

The judicial review (PK) is a legal effort which can be taken by a convicted person in a legal case against a court’s verdict that has permanent legal force within the judicial system in Indonesia. The court ruling which has the permanent legal force is the verdict of the District Court that has not been filed an appeal, the verdict of the Supreme Court which is not appealed at higher court or the higher verdict of the Supreme Court.

The circular of the Supreme Court No. 1/2018 that bans the fugitives to file a pre-trial lawsuit should be appreciated by all circles. This is an appropriate step for law enforcers to legally process the fugitives without being in absentia. A fugitive in exile could file a pretrial and then he or she wins. Of course, this cannot be tolerated because it will make the concerned do anything. If this is allowed to occur, there will be inequality and even injustice because such persons are still given access to leeway.



A Cultural Parade welcoming  the 536th anniversary of Cirebon Regency took place successfully. It featured a variety of traditional art attractions and parades. As reported by the National Radio News Agency, Cirebon Regent caretaker, Selly Andriany Gantina, in Cirebon Regency, Saturday, March 31, expressed appreciation for the Cultural Parade though it still   needs to be further enhanced. This involves maximizing the role of all levels of society, including the Regional Leadership Unit with a variety of creativity and innovation. Meanwhile, Head of Department of Culture, Tourism, Youth and Sports of Cirebon Regency, Hartono, said the implementation of the Cultural Parade ​​this year went well with the enthusiasm of high participants. Hartono hopes, through the Cultural Parade, the young generation can find out about the traditional art in Cirebon regency and can repackage it  like in 1960-1970. KBRN 01.04.2018 Sg trans by Rezha



As the current global economic growth is less encouraging, Indonesia tries to improve the economy by cutting barriers that make domestic economic growth rise. One of the government’s efforts is by streamlining regulations that tend to hinder domestic and foreign investment at both the central and regional levels. The effort is aimed at developing and improving economic growth in the country.

In the work meeting of the government on ’Acceleration in Implementing Business in some Regions at JIExpo Kemayoran in Jakarta on Wednesday, attended by Vice President Jusuf Kalla, cabinet ministers and Regents/Mayors and Chairmen of DPRDs throughout Indonesia, President Joko Widodo asked each minister to streamline at least 100 regulations in a bid to improve climate of domestic investment. In addition, the President also asked the regional heads for each month to have the courage to make major reforms in order to facilitate the business climate, investment climate with online system methods and to avoid many obstacles that impose or burden the business world, and the people.

Earlier, Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Darmin Nasution said that the government found it difficult to remove or streamline various regulations due to the many different standards in each ministry or related institutions. In addition, he views that the removal requirements should also refer to the existing regulations in the region to avoid overlapping and instead of becoming a burden in the country, especially for import export policy. Therefore, each of the central and regional stakeholders in the implementation of the streamlined policy should communicate and coordinate well.

President Joko Widodo said that currently, Indonesia still has 42,000 regulations that might hamper the business world and make the government unable to move quickly. All of these must be addressed immediately. The regulations are at the central and regional levels. Seeing a great number of regulations that tend to hinder investment, logically, if President Joko Widodo is worried about Indonesia's economic growth that has been pegged 5% cannot be achieved. In addition, the mindset and the way of doing business must also change. In the modern and fast era, online process is now a major and appropriate choice. The importance of streamlining unnecessary regulations


Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi will soon meet Air Force Chief of Staff Marshal Yuyu Sutisna to solve Air Force land used for the construction of railway lines linking Adi Soemarmo Airport to Balapan Station in Solo, Central Java.

"I will meet him on Monday to discuss the use of the land owned by the Air Force for the project," he said in Boyolali, Central Java, on Sunday.

The minister made the remarks while inspecting the construction of railway station at the airport, along with Solo Mayor FX Hadi Rudyatmo. Nearly 2.5 hectares of land owned by the Air Force will be affected by the project, he said. The minister said his side has no problem to compensate the land owned by local people for the project.

"Admittedly, there is small problem particularly related to the clearance of land owned by the Air Force," he said.

However, the construction of the railway tracks in several places has been running as expected, he said.

"We have set ourselves the target of completing the project at the end of 2018 and the railway line will become operational early 2019," he said. (antara)