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The government of West Nusa Tenggara Province, through the concept of geopark, needs to develop Mount Rinjani region into a world tourism destination in Indonesia, following the designation of the area as a global geopark. Mount Rinjani, in the Indonesian island of Lombok in West Nusa Tenggara, has been designated by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as a world geopark and can be developed as a tourist destination of international standard, in an effort to improve the living conditions of the local population.

General Manager of Geopark Rinjani, Chairul Mahsul, stated in West Nusa Tenggara provincial capital of Mataram over the weekend that the UNESCO executive board has designated Geopark Rinjani as a new member of the UNESCO Global Parks. Mahsul, who is also an assistant for economy and development of the secretariat of the West Nusa Tenggara provincial administration, expressed gratitude to all parties for their assistance in achieving the Global Geopark status.

Mount Rinjani is located in Mount Rinjani National Park, which straddles around the four districts of Lombok Utara, Lombok Barat, Lombok Tengah, and Lombok Timur in West Nusa Tenggara Province. One of the charms of the national park is Lake Segara Anak, which is located 2,010 meters above sea level. Part of the lake is located in the 3,726-meter-high volcano. ( antara )


The Indonesian government has decided to drop 14 of its national strategic projects considering that no physical construction of the projects will be seen until the third quarter of 2019.

"If no physical construction of a project is seen not to begin until the third quarter of 2019 we will consider it as being canceled or dropped," Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Darmin Nasution said here Monday at a press conference at the presidential office after a cabinet meeting to evaluate implementation of national strategic projects in the first quarter of 2018.

Based on the evaluation some of the projects have been found not progressing well such as the Jambi-Palembang railway project, the railway development project in East Kalimantan, regional drinking water supply system in North Sumatra, Pelosika dam project in Southeast Sulawesi and special economic zone project in Merauke. Darmin said that those projects still had the potential to be revived as strategic projects in the future. He said the total value of the canceled projects reached Rp264 trillion.

According to the attachment of Presidential Regulation Number 58, 2017 on the amendment of Presidential Regulation Number 3, 2016 on Acceleration of the Implementation of national strategic projects there are 55 new projects and one aircraft industry program that are included in the national strategic projects to make the total number of national strategic projects into 245. Of the total, 10 have been finished and one is a new additional project in the education sector.

Following an evaluation the government decided to include 222 projects and three programs into National Strategic Projects 2018 consisting of 69 road development projects, 51 dam projects, 29 zone development projects including special economic zone, industrial zone and national strategic tourism zone, 16 railway projects, 11 energy projects, 10 ports, eight clean water and sanitation projects, six airports, six irrigation networks, six smelters, four technology projects, three housing projects, one farming-fishery, one sea wall and one education project which is the development of Indonesia International Islam University. 

Programs that are included into the National Strategic Projects are aircraft development program, agrarian and forestry programs. Darmin said the total value of the National Strategic Projects reached Rp4,100 trillion.


Indonesia`s government expressed concern over attacks by the United States and its allies against Syria and urged all parties to respect and value the international law, particularly the UN charter on international peace and security.

"Principles of the international law should be prioritized in response to the military attack," Foreign Affairs Minister Retno L. P. Marsudi had noted in Jakarta on Apr 13 following attacks by the United States, the United Kingdom, and France in Damascus.

Indonesia has expressed serious concern over the latest developments in Syria. Last week, Indonesia had expressed strong condemnation over the use of chemical weapons in Syria, the foreign ministry noted in a statement. Marsudi appealed to all the parties to exercise constraint and prevent escalation of tensions in Syria. The Indonesian government has reiterated the importance of a comprehensive settlement to the conflicts in Syria through negotiations and peaceful means. Indonesia has also called on all parties to ensure security and safety of the civilians, especially women and children.

"Since Sunday (Apr 15), Indonesia has continued to monitor the situation in Syria, as thousands of Indonesians still live in that country," Marsudi stated.

Marsudi had continued to communicate with the Indonesian ambassadors in the Syrian capital of Damascus and others, to ensure the safety of Indonesian citizens there.

"In addition to communicating with the Indonesian ambassador to Syria, I have communicated with other Indonesian ambassadors in the Middle Eastern Region and Europe," he stated.

She affirmed that the safety and security of Indonesian citizens remained a priority right now.

"I do not want any victims from Indonesia as a result of the situation in Syria," she explained.

Besides, the Foreign Affairs Ministry has issued a travel advisory for Indonesian citizens to not visit Syria over the security situation in the country.

"Taking into account the security situation in Syria, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has urged all Indonesian citizens to not travel to Syria until the situation improves," the Foreign Ministry noted in the statement.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has also urged Indonesian citizens in Syria to immediately report themselves and always communicate with the Indonesian Embassy (KBRI) in Damascus. Furthermore, Indonesian citizens, who want to provide or get the latest information on the security situation in Damascus and the surrounding areas, can use Safe Travel application launched by Minister Marsudi on April 14. The Safe Travel application can be downloaded in both Android and iOS formats.

Indonesian citizens in Syria in need of help or information can also contact the KBRI in Damascus hotline via phone on + 963 954444810 or + 963937021018 and can also contact the Indonesian Citizens Protection of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs via phone on +62 812-9007-0027.

Meanwhile, Dr Yon Machmudi, a political scientist at the University of Indonesia, remarked that attacks by the United States and allies will escalate the conflict and tensions in the Middle East

"Time and again, Syrian people have become victims. The US attacks will not be able to curtail Bashar Al-Assad`s regime to reduce its operation against armed rebels in Syria but will instead intensify retaliations against the enemy attacks," Machmudi had stated in Jakarta, April 14.

Syria is being used as a battlefield by the United States and its allies against Russia.

"Syria is Russia`s main ally in the Middle East. Punishing Syria means punishing Russia too. The conflict will spread if Russia is provoked to involve deeper in the war in Syria and to help the Al-Assad regime retaliate against the US-led attacks," he pointed out.

Moreover, the US-led attacks in Syria aimed to divert the world`s attention from Israeli brutal aggression against protestors in Gaza. The Israeli troops had shot dead 31 Palestinians in Gaza and wounded hundreds since the Great March of Return protests began in March 2018, drawing international criticism of the lethal tactics used against the unarmed protestors.

Prof Hikmahanto Juwana, an international law expert also from the University of Indonesia, has urged the Indonesian government to call for an emergency meeting of the UN to discuss the US-led attacks in Syria.

"The attacks committed by the United States, the United Kingdom, and France against Syria are highly regretted, as it has no mandate from the UN Security Council, regardless of the excuse," Juwana stated.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on April 14 expressed concern over the joint military action against Syria by the United States, France and Britain, and called for adherence to the UN Charter and international law on the issue.

"As secretary-general of the United Nations, it is my duty to remind member states that there is an obligation, particularly when dealing with matters of peace and security, to act consistently with the Charter of the United Nations and with international law in general," Guterres told an emergency Security Council meeting requested by Russia.

"The UN Charter is very clear on these issues. The Security Council has primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security. I call on the members of the Security Council to unite and exercise that responsibility," he said.

"I urge all member states to show restraint in these dangerous circumstances and to avoid any acts that could escalate matters and worsen the suffering of the Syrian people."

He repeated the need to avoid the situation from spiraling out of control.

"In Syria, we see confrontations and proxy wars involving several national armies, a number of armed opposition groups, many national and international militia, foreign fighters from everywhere in the world, and various terrorist organizations." he said.

"From the beginning, we have witnessed systematic violations of international humanitarian law, international human rights law, and international law tout court -- in utter disregard of the letter and spirit of the United Nations Charter."

A Russian-drafted resolution, which would have condemned the military strikes on Syria carried out by the United States, France and Britain, failed to be adopted by the Security Council. Three of the 15 members of the Security Council -- Russia, Bolivia and China -- voted in favor. Four countries -- Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Kazakhstan, Peru -- abstained. The remaining eight members of the council voted against it.

The draft resolution contains only five paragraphs with three operative ones. It condemns "the aggression against the Syrian Arab Republic by the U.S. and its allies in violation of international law and the UN Charter."

It further demands that the United States and its allies immediately end military action against Syria and refrain from any further use of force in the future. After the vote, Russian ambassador to the United Nations Vassily Nebenzia said: "Today is a sad day for the world, for the United Nations, and for its Charter, which was blatantly violated."

Following reports of alleged use of chemical weapons in Douma near the capital city of Damascus on Apr 7, the United States, France, and the Great Britain had launched missile attacks on Syria on April 13, a day before a team from the UN Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons will begin work to determine whether chemical weapons were used in Douma. (antara)


Indonesia`s exports rose 10.24 percent to US$15.58 billion in March 2018, from $14.13 billion a month earlier, according to the Central Statistics Agency (BPS). March 2018`s exports were fueled by a 11.77 percent rise in non-oil/non-gas exports, while oil/gas exports fell 3.81 percent, BPS Chief Suhariyanto noted in a press briefing here on Monday.

"Compared to February 2018, there is a 10.24 percent increase due to a rise in non-oil/non-gas exports," he remarked.

According to BPS, non-oil/non-gas exports made up 91.41 percent of the overall exports in March 2018, with the export of farm commodities rising 20.01 percent, manufactured goods rising 9.17 percent, and mining products rising 22.66 percent. Non-oil/non gas exports in March 2018 were valued at $14.24 billion, up 11.77 percent compared to February 2018, or 8.16 percent compared to March 2017. Mineral fuel was among the non-oil/non-gas commodities, which recorded the highest increase of $358.9 million, or 18.58 percent, in March 2018; followed by iron and steel at $209.7 million; and metal ore, crust, and ash at $133.3 million.

China remained the biggest market for Indonesia`s non-oil/non-gas exports in March 2018, with $2.36 billion; followed by the United States, with $1.59 billion; and Japan, with $1.43 billion. Non-oil/non-gas exports to the three countries made up 37.78 percent of the total. Meanwhile, non-oil/non-gas exports to 28 European Union countries were valued at $1.53 billion. 

Cumulatively, Indonesia`s exports in January to March 2018 period reached $44.27 billion, up 8.78 percent compared to the same period last year. (antara)