The Indonesian government, at the Ministerial Meeting on Nuclear Disarmament and Non-proliferation Treaty, impelled nations to strengthen their political commitment towards nuclear disarmament.

The appeal was made by the Indonesian delegation participating in the meeting held in Stockholm, Sweden, on Tuesday (June 11), according to a written statement issued by the Indonesian Embassy in Stockholm and received  in Jakarta on Wednesday.

Participants from 15 nations, including those at the ministerial level from Finland, Germany, Japan, Norway, New Zealand, and Jordan attended the meeting that was presided over by Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallström. Indonesian Ambassador to Sweden Bagas Hapsoro headed the Indonesian delegation at the meeting.

At the meeting, Ambassador Hapsoro reiterated the significance of boosting the multilateralism approach, reasserting political commitment to the nuclear disarmament agenda, and stepping forward in future by reverting to past agreements and setting sights on "low hanging fruits" to become the building blocks for implementing thorough nuclear disarmament.

The Indonesian delegation at the meeting underlined Indonesia's active role and contribution in creating world order, particularly with a strong track record at several multilateral discussions on nuclear disarmament architecture, including the Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon Free Zones (SEANWFZ), Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty ( CTBT), and the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW).

On the occasion, the Indonesian delegation also drew focus on the concept applied by Indonesia's Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi on the Indonesian Foreign Policy that helped implement the gender equality approach, including in the efforts towards nuclear disarmament, and focusing on human rights from a woman's perspective for realizing a safer, fairer, and more prosperous world. (ant)