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Indonesia is the fourth largest coffee producer in the world after Brazil, Vietnam and Columbia. Through business forum of “Promoting Indonesia – Vietnam Cooperation in Coffee", the Indonesian embassy in Hanoi along with Vietnam Coffee – Cacao Association (VICOFA) on February 6, Indonesian coffee started its market in Vietnam’s potential market.  Indonesian Ambassador to Vietnam, Ibnu Hadi said that the forum is aimed to promote the opportunity and to cooperate in reaching the target of bilateral trade worth $10 billion dollars in 2020. In 2017, Indonesian and Vietnam’s total trade increased 16.36 percent to become $6.50 million dollars from $5.58 million dollars. The forum was attended by ambassadors from neighbor countries, coffee industry players/ Indonesian entrepreneurs and Vietnamese companies. The invitees appreciated positively the Indonesian coffee and the forum was filled with coffee cupping Specialty Coffee. The forum ended with business matching between Indonesian and Vietnamese entrepreneurs.


Russia and Indonesia immediately agree to buy Sukhoi jets.

Russia and Indonesia will immediately approve the technical details of the Sukhoi Su-35 fighter jet delivery contract. The Sukhoi delivery is a form of military’s cooperation between Russia and Indonesia. This was stated by Vice Director of Russian Federal Service for Technical and military’s cooperation, Mikhail Petukhov, as reported by Russian News Agency website which was quoted by Republika on Tuesday (6/2). According to Petukhov, the experts of the both sides will immediately prove technical aspect which is separated. Before being reported, Indonesia planned to buy 10 multi-function Sukhoi jets of Su-35 to replace Tiger F-5 made in the United States of America, which has operated since 1980. Then, hi-tech Rusia Rostec Company reported that Indonesia has received a commercial offering for 11 fighter jets of Su-35. Sukhoi Su-35 is multi-war fighter, heavyweight, and has high cruising range. 


Indonesia’s nurse in Kuwait achieves the best award.

An Indonesian Diaspora who works as nurse of Health’s Ministry in Kuwait received an award as the best Staff Nurse 2017 at Farwaniya hospital. He is Suparman, a nurse who succeeded to give good image of Indonesian nurse in Kuwait, especially Farwaniya region. The nurse is known as a person who is friendly, religious and responsible for his job which is assigned on him at medical room. The awarding event was attended by Governor of Farwaniya province, Sheikh Faisal Al-Hamud Al-Malik Al-Sabah. The Indonesian nurse has shown his ability to compete with his co-nurses from many countries. Last month, Ali Pulungan also received an award as the best nurse staff and Agung Setiadi was as the third best nurse staff.





Ikke Nurjanah

Published in Music

Welcome back to the regular program -Music Corner, a musical segment which introduces you to Indonesian music either traditional or modern one. In today’s edition, we will present Indonesian regional songs from Jambi. The song is "Batanghari" by Susi. This lyric tells about the Batang Hari River, the longest river in Sumatra which becomes a famous tourist attraction in Jambi province. Batang Hari is described as a river that looks calm, though actually swift. Batanghari song also mentions some places flown by the Batang Hari River, such as Penyaguan and Tanggo Rajo. The uniqueness of the song -Batanghari is the lyric in the form of poem from beginning to end. Jambi region's mainstay song is also impressive that Jambi is a region of poem. Rang Kayo Hitam is a powerful and courageous king who lived in the days of the Jambi Malay Kingdom which was under the rule of Mataram Kingdom. One day, Rang Kayo Hitam thwarted a tribute delivery from his brother to the Mataram kingdom. The Mataram kingdom also planned the attack and told a master to make a dagger. The keris was taken by Rang Kayo Hitam and named Siginjai. The legend of Rang Kayo Hitam's bravery and magic power was also revered in the song "Rang Kayo Hitam". The song "GADIS RIMBU BUJANG" comes from Tebo Sub-district and was composed by Lukman Sa'i. This song is often sung in a duet because it is a song about a young man who is interested in a girl from Rimbo Bujang. The initial lyric of the song "GADIS RIMBO BUJANG " is sung by men, because it tells the youth attraction to the girl. Meanwhile, the reff song "GADIS RIMBO BUJANG" is sung by women who tell that the girl also likes the youth. The song composed by Yahya AB tells the story of someone who always fared badly. In addition, he is materially deprived, but the person always faces trials and insults. But at the end of the lyric of the song "KETIMUN BUNGKUK", there is a message that the wheel of life continues to spin; after bad luck, surely good fortune will come soon. 


Welcome back to the segment of My Indonesia over RRI World Service -Voice of Indonesia. Today, we’ll present you a topic about the Indonesian Government Seriously Recovers Citarum River.

The Indonesian government seriously restores condition and environment along the Basin of Citarum River. Citarum River is located in West Java and flows eight districts and cities. Citarum River as the longest river in West Java is a source of water for three large reservoirs. The damage in the Citarum River basin reaches 8 hundred thousand hectares. Uncontrolled problems of industrial waste, agriculture, livestock, and households have also damaged the water quality. As a result, the water cannot be consumed. Pollution and serious sedimentation also occur up to the downstream of the river.


President Joko Widodo held a limited meeting on the revitalization of Citarum River in Bandung on Tuesday (16/1). The President requested that the recovery of the Citarum River should be done quickly and should be completed within 7 years. He asked all central and regional governments to work together, because the river management must be integrated, starting from the preparation of the concept, implementation, to the supervision in the field.


Coordinating Minister of Maritime Affairs, Luhut Pandjaitan has targeted, the water of Citarum River can be consumed in the next 5 to 10 years. The government is ready to spend trillions of rupiah from the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget and Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget. He views that the Government of West Java province cannot solve the Citarum River problem alone and it needs synergy. Therefore, President Joko Widodo will soon issue a Presidential Regulation.


Minister Luhut Panjaitan said in a press release in Jakarta on Wednesday that at an early stage, the government will start rehabilitating the forests and inviting both civilian and military leaders in their respective regions to call  for all communities to tackle this issue together. The Citarum River will be divided into 22 sectors and high-ranking TNI officials are demanded to coordinate with environmental experts, lawyers, humanists, students and the whole community.


Previously, the Regional Military Command -Kodam III/Siliwangi has initiated the revitalization of the Citarum River since early 2018, by cleaning from upstream to downstream area. Head of Information of Kodam III / Siliwangi Colonel Dessy Arianto explained, the Citarum upstream area was done with a greening movement, on an area of 690 thousand hectares. Therefore, it takes 121 million trees. In 1 to 6 months, they plan to restore the area by cleaning up garbage, reducing sedimentation and building communal toilets. 


Commander of Regional Military III/Siliwangi, Doni Monardo also conveyed his presentation before the entrepreneurs related to the revitalization of Citarum River on Friday 12/1. 


A number of entrepreneurs have expressed their commitment to participate in the recovery of Citarum River ecosystem. Various forms of contribution will be accommodated through a foundation which will be established, especially related to the recovery of Citarum River. On that occasion, hundreds of entrepreneurs from various regions were invited to discuss about the recovery issues. A number of businesspeople then agreed to distribute relief funds amounting to Rp20 billion. 



That was My Indonesia.





Welcome back in Book and Film Review, presenting you a brief review of Indonesian books and films. In today’s edition, we will review a book entitled “(im) Perfect Serenade” written by Irene Dyah. Since 2014, Irene had written more than 10 books. Although her books are mostly about love drama, Irene always put important messages for the readers. In her masterpiece entitled “Around the World With love”, Irene collected several love stories written by her and some other Indonesian authors. 

“Ya it’s the newest batch of around the world with love series so in the fourth batch we have four books all written by different authors”. Irene said. 

Irene wrote another love story in “(im) Perfect Serenade”. The book was about a smart woman named Serenade and her husband – Bansar. In an interview with Voice of Indonesia, Irene shared further detail about the book. 

“The main character her name is Seranade she is working in Verona as secretary of Juliet. Her job is to answer letters or emails from all around the world. So the girls mainly or anyone can do curhat in email or letter to Juliet like asking Juliet advise or telling their story and the secretary of Juliet will answer it that’s why the story happen in Verona. In her job Seren meet a lot of love story happy and not happy, she found that many people is looking for a perfect couple, a perfect love story, a perfect ending which is for her actually that never exist” Irene added. 

The 242-page book contains deep meaning in its simple conflict. Irene explained that the plot apparently was not that simple, if the reader tried to read deeper. 

“If we talking about a novel or love story film usually the story is about two person and they start like and love each other and then as the ending they are married and finish. Actually the married also the other start of another love story it’s also not easy. It has more challenge so I always want to write a story after married which is for me I understand it is more up and down here compare to the love story before married because we need to keep the sparks in our married for years with the same person. With us 24 hours 7 days a week so it’s not easy”. She said. 

Everyone has their own stories. Love can blind all who experience it, but love will also unite all people across boundaries in the world. Alright listener, that was our brief review of a book entitled “(im) Perfect Serenade” written by Irene Dyah.