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Thursday, 15 March 2018 05:00

Name of Former President in the Constellation of General Election

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Name of Former President in the Constellation of General Election


The great event of the democratic party of both legislative and presidential elections in Indonesia is still one year ahead. But the atmosphere of competition has begun. After the announcement of the political parties to participate in the General Election some time ago, the public are enlivened with discussions about the political maneuvers, such as the possibility of any party that will dominate the acquisition of votes and the candidates of vice president and president to challenge the incumbent. In the discussions, there is a classical story about a new political party –Working Party (Partai Berkarya) led by Hutomo Mandala Putra alias Tommy wanting to raise the name of Indonesian second President Soeharto. This new political party’s symbol is almost similar with Golkar Party which was the political vehicle of past ruling government during New Order. In addition, Tommy's presence as the chairperson clearly indicates that Soeharto's name would be his political commodity. Party Secretary General of Partai Berkarya, Baddarudin Andi Picunang admitted that his party will adopt successful programs in the New Order era.

Although some people underestimate the presence of Partai Berkarya, it is interesting to observe to what extent the new political party's action is in the election later. Entering reform era, some old political parties and Suharto’s family have lost their sympathy. However, the recent results of several surveys mention that Suharto was a successful president. So, this can be interpreted that the memory of some people about the Five Star General who had been in power for 32 years is still strongly implanted in their mind in some remote areas across Indonesia. At least, this is visible with the fulfillment of the provisions of the number of Board members and members of the Working Party throughout Indonesia, as a condition to follow the election. Is that a proof? Tommy was imprisoned from 2002 to 2006 for some crimes, such as plotting the murder of Supreme Court Justice, Syafiuddin Kartasasmita on July 26, 2001, possession of firearms and ammunition, and deliberate escaping. Now, he is chairing one of the political parties to participate in the 2019 presidential election.

It is not something new if the former president's son who had been marginalized eventually returns to the center of the political contestation in Indonesia. Likewise, Megawati Soekarnoputri, the daughter of the Indonesian first president, could also ultimately lead and raise one political party –PDIP that took her as the fourth president of Indonesia. Something impossible could be achieved in the New Order.

Now, the point is that how every political party either the new or old ones has to take the wisdom of what has happened. The life keeps going on. But positive aspects or goodness must be put forward. When someone is in power, he or she cannot forget the grass-root people. This must be a reference of the voters in determining who will lead this country. The former president's great name may be the political commodity of general elections’ participants. But constructive criticism must always come up. Because, a famed name is never enough to build a challenging future with different characteristics from one each other.

Read 1788 times Last modified on Sunday, 18 March 2018 10:26