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Friday, 25 May 2018 00:00

United States-North Korea Planned Meeting Cancelled

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United States-North Korea Planned Meeting Cancelled


The planned meeting between US President Donald Trump and North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un in Singapore in June has been cancelled and it was colored with tension and uncertainty. However, North Korea has shown its seriousness to close the Punggye-ri nuclear site in North Hamgyong Province. So seriously, North Korea blew up three tunnels and supporting devices that international media journalists witnessed on Thursday (May 24, 2018). A journalist who was present said that the explosion was seen in three tunnels and could be spotted from close observation around 500 meters away.

The presence of international media journalists at Punggye-ri nuclear sites has been reported by South Korea's News Agency –Yonhap. Some journalists of South Korea, the United States, China, Russia and England were present last Tuesday. Yonhap also mentioned that North Korea will destroy underground tunnels and other facilities on the site.

But the tension still happened because North Korea had threatened to stop the dialogue, when it was alleged, the United States and Korea South launched joint military exercises. Mike Pompeo's mission to keep inviting North Korea to the next stage seemed to succeed after North Korea wanted to destroy its nuclear facilities. The destruction was conducted by North Korea after the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un.

The meeting itself took place in a friendly atmosphere. But in the midst of a less conducive atmosphere, US Vice President Mike Pence made a statement to the media on Monday (May 21) that could have damaged what Pompeo has been trying to do.

The United States pledged to help North Korea and not overthrow North Korean regime if North Korea would stop its nuclear program. President Trump then issued a statement through tweeters that sadly, President Donald Trump was forced to cancel the 4-eye meeting with Leader Kim Jong-un in Singapore.

We certainly hope that even though the planned meeting between US President Donald Trump and North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un in Singapore next June was canceled, goodwill towards peace that has begun to grow should be followed-up next. We encourage that there should a meeting which is based on mutual trust. If the issue on the Korean Peninsula is over, there are still problems in other regions around the world that must also be dealt with.

Read 1390 times Last modified on Wednesday, 30 May 2018 08:07