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Wednesday, 24 November 2021 00:00

This Batik is Less Sold than That One (Batik Ini Kurang Laris daripada Batik Itu)

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Voice of Indonesia presents Let’s Speak Indonesian, a program that introduces the Indonesian vocabulary and guides you to speak in the language. Mari Berbahasa Indonesia or Let’s Speak Indonesian is a joint initiative of Voice of Indonesia and the Language Development Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture.  Today’s topic is about Berbelanjawhich means Shopping. 

Here is the conversation entitled Batik Ini Kurang Laris daripada Batik Itu which means This Batik is Less Sold than That One. This conversation happens between Kevin and a clerkKevin wants to buy batik cloth. Let’s read to the conversation.


Mengapa batik ini kurang laris daripada batik itu?


Sepertinya batik ini kurang cerah daripada batik itu.


After reading to the conversation, now I am going to introduce some vocabulary and expressions related to the topic of the day.


(2x) which means why

batik yang ini

(2x) which means this batik

kurang laris daripada

(2x) which means is less sold than

batik ini kurang cerah daripada batik itu

(2x) which means this batik is less brighter than that one

In the dialog, you hear a comparison in the sentence batik ini kurang laris daripada batik itu(2x) which means this batik is less sold than that one. To compare two different things, you can use the expression kurang ... daripada ...(2x) which means less…..than.

Let’s read to the other examples of comparison.  

Pria   : Kain batik mana yang lebih murah? (2x) which means Which batik cloth is cheaper?

Wanita       Kain berbahan katun lebih murah daripada yang berbahan sutera. (2x) which means The cotton one is cheaper the silk one.

Wanita       Apakah baju yang hijau lebih murah daripada yang merah?(2x) which means Is the green clothes cheaper than the red one?

Pria   : Iya, Bu. Silakan bandingkan! Yang hijau ini kurang halus daripada yang merah. (2x) which means Yes, ma’am. Compare it, please! The green one is less softer than the red one.

That was “Let’s Speak Indonesian for today. Hopefully, this edition can be useful for those of you who want to know more about Indonesian language

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