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Thursday, 05 July 2018 00:00

Registration of Legislator Candidates 2019 - 2024

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Registration of Legislator Candidates 2019 - 2024

Registration of legislators or members of the House of Representatives –DPR from 2019 to 2024 period has officially opened on Wednesday, July 4 to July 17, 2018 by the Election Commission. Prior to the opening of the registration, low hissing sound occurred in the public regarding the requirements stipulated by the Election Commission to legislator candidates ranging from the lowest educational limit to a candidate's past history. The most public spotlight is related to the past history of the candidates. General Election Commission –KPU underlined that candidates who have been involved in legal cases, whether criminal or corrupt, cannot register as candidates for legislators. There are pros and cons related to the decision of the KPU in submitting such requirements.

Regarding the KPU's decision, President Joko Widodo said that he respects what the KPU's decision is following a ban on ex-corruption inmates for the 2019 legislative elections. The President views that based on the act, KPU is authorized to make the regulation. However, if any parties object to the regulation, the President invites to use existing mechanisms such as submitting court material test to the Supreme Court.

In regard to this, the House of Representatives -DPR invited representatives of five state institutions: General Election Supervisory -Bawaslu, General Election Commission -KPU, Ministry of Home Affairs, Attorney General Office, and Ministry of Law and Human Rights -Menkumham to discuss KPU regulation about the prohibition of ex-corruptors to be legislators is currently becoming hot debate. The meeting is scheduled to take place on Thursday (July 5, 2018).

Several institutions caring for the general elections assess what has been decided by the KPU on terms of registration requirements of 2019- legislative candidates is prone to trigger dispute. Secretary General of the Independent Election Monitoring Committee, Kaka Suminta said that the potential lawsuit to the General Election Commission -KPU is predicted to occur at the point of banning former prisoners as candidates for legislative members. According to Kaka Suminta, the political parties may include elements of former corruption inmates as prospective candidates from their political parties.

Indeed, the prohibition of former corruption inmates as legislative candidates is stipulated by KPU Regulation No. 20/2018 on the nomination of members of the DPR, Provincial legislative members -DPRD and district-city DPRD on Saturday 30 June 2018. The question is whether the KPU has such authority in relation to the prohibition. The worry of the return of loot and corruption by former corruptors if they become policy makers is well reasonable. The deterrent effect on corruptors is still perceived as having little impact on the people. But we also must recognize that the political rights of an Indonesian citizen should not be ignored. For the meeting of 5 state institutions, scheduled this Thursday, it can provide the best solution based on deliberation and consensus for Indonesian nation.

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