Welcome back to “Mari Berbahasa Indonesia” or “Let’s SpeakBahasa Indonesia”, a segment which introduces you to Indonesian vocabulary and guides you to speak in the Indonesian language. “Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia” is a collaboration between Voice of Indonesia, the Overseas Service of Radio Republik Indonesia, and the Language Centre and Development Agency at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia. Today’s topic is “Di Karimunjawa” (2x) which means “In Karimunjawa”.
Here is a conversation entitled “Telinga Saya Berdengung”(2x) which means My Ears Are Ringing. This conversation took place between Chris, a vlogger from Australia, and Ayu, Chris's vlog community friend from Solo. Chris informed Ayu that there was a problem with his hearing.
Ayu (W) : Akhirnya sampai juga di Karimunjawa.
Chris (P) : Maaf, apa, Ayu? Saya tidak bisa mendengar dengan baik. Telinga
saya berdengung sejak dalam pesawat.
Here are some vocabulary related to today's material, "Telinga saya berdengung" (2x) which means “My ears are ringing”.
telinga saya (2x) which means my ears
berdengung (2x) which means to ring
sejak (2x) which means since
di dalam (2x) which means inside
pesawat (2x) which means aeroplane
Telinga saya berdengung sejak dalam pesawat (2x) which means My ears have been ringing since I was on the plane.
akhirnya (2x) which means finally
sampai juga (2x) which means finally arrive
di Karimunjawa (2x) which means in Karimunjawa
maaf (2x) which means sorry
tidak bisa (2x) which meanscannot
mendengar (2x) which means to hear
dengan baik (2x) which means well
In the conversation, there is a sentence“Telinga saya berdengung sejak di dalam pesawat”( 2x) which means My ears have been ringing since I was on the plane. In this sentence there is an expression "telinga saya berdengung" ( 2x) which means my ears are ringing. The word "berdengung" (2x) which means ringing explains the condition of the ear which feels like hearing a buzzing sound. In the context of the conversation, Chris informed Ayu about the condition of his ears, which could not hear well because they were ringing.
Central Java Province is home to the Karimunjawa National Park which is a nature reserve area consisting of islands and waters. In 2020 UNESCO designated Karimunjawa as a world biosphere reserve. Karimunjawa has a unique ecosystem in the form of a combination of islands, lowlands, mountains and waters. There are mangrove forests, white sandy beaches and underwater habitats that are worth visiting.