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Monday, 29 October 2018 07:12

President: Progress must be rooted in local wisdom

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"Don't let Indonesia advance in technology but retreat in culture, civilization. Don't happen."

A piece of the sentence was said by President Joko Widodo when he opened the 5th ASEAN 2018 Indigenous and Indigenous Festival (FKMA).

Starting his remarks, the President invited all parties to continue to maintain, maintain, and maintain a sense of unity, brotherhood and harmony among the people of the nation. Because according to him, these three things are the biggest assets of the Indonesian people.

"On this good occasion we can meet, the king, the Sultan of the Sultanate across the archipelago. How can we see now our differences. Different religions, customs, traditions, tribes, this is a gift that God gave us to the people of Indonesia," the President said in Sumenep District Square, Sunday, October 28 2018.

These differences, according to the President, will be potential and strength if the Indonesian people unite and get along well.
He also stressed, did not want the Indonesian nation to advance in technology but to retreat in culture and civilization.

"Progress must continue to be rooted in local wisdom. I remind you to maintain unity. Don't be trapped in the utterance of hatred, slander, hoaks. It was not taught by our ancestors, ancestors, sultans and kingdoms. Let's advance respectful and civilized civilization," he stressed. .

At the event which will take place on October 27 to 31, 2018, the President appears to be dressed in a typical Javanese king's clothes complete with a golden crown and a black beskap crown. Likewise with First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo who looked elegant wearing clothes that were in harmony with the President's clothes.

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