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Wednesday, 07 November 2018 13:53

US Mid Term Election in Donald Trump Change of Policy Perspective

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The people of the United States, have cast their votes in mid-term elections on Tuesday local time. This political event in the United States is a characteristic of the state political system that does not occur in other countries including Indonesia. There are at least two interesting things from the mid-term elections in the United States. First, in terms of numbers, voters in the general election are usually less than the presidential election. The impact of this also does not necessarily change the position of the President. The impact that is very likely to occur is a change in the President's policy changes, especially in the country.Through the general election, the people of the United States elected members of the Parliament, Conggres and Senate and also gave opinions on a number of actual political agendas.If at the parliamentary level the results show the victory of the opposition, then at least President Donald Trump will increasingly face obstacles in continuing his main policies in the country. If the results of the mid-term elections increase the number of seats of the Democrats, then the balance of power in Parliament will change. If for example the Democrats have won a majority vote both in the Congress and the Senate, a number of foreign policies will get indirect obstacles. Through the commission in the legislature, the Democratic Party can block the process of selecting government officials who take care of foreign policy. The majority of the Parliament and Senate members from the Opposition faction can also re-strengthen the urge to realize an investigation about indications of Russian interference that allegedly helped Donald Trump won in the last election. Changes in foreign policy did not directly change when the opposition won this mid-term elections.Whatever the Democratic victory in this mid-term election, what will happen is increasing domestic political pressure on Trump's policies. What is certain from this mid-term election is that the international community can see that the model of democracy in the United States is still running well according to the laws of the country.

Read 1463 times Last modified on Thursday, 08 November 2018 07:53