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Friday, 14 December 2018 15:56

Internal Challenge For Theresa May

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Internal Challenge For Theresa May

With tireless efforts, Theresa May, the current British Prime Minister is trying to get the results of the referendum that sets Britain out of the European Union. There were two things that May did to immediately arrive at the end of this agreement. The first approached European leaders some time ago, until finally EU leaders agreed. Now Theresa May is approaching EU leaders again to revise the Brexit agreement. However, May found her efforts rejected. European Union leaders say the Brexit agreement cannot be renegotiated. 

The second is convincing his own party to support his steps in the Brexit issue. In this case, May faced difficulties. The British Prime Minister faces challenges from his own camp, the Conservative party. Actually this is a continuation of May's own decision to postpone voting / voting in Parliament because May felt the need to lobby European Union leaders first. May's leadership was shaken, because last Wednesday (December 12, 201), the Conservative parliamentarians had reached a quorum to carry out a motion of no confidence in May. The quorum was reached after at least 48 Conservative party MPs supported the motion. 

Why did May postpone voting? It seems that May feels that if the vote is carried out beforehand, the Brexit agreement will be rejected with a significant vote difference. Instead of getting support, the resignation of voting time even made May on the edge. Some figures have been included in the May replacement candidate queue; like Boris Johnson, Sajid Javid and Amber Rudd. 

After Thursday's voting, British Prime Minister Theresa May escaped a vote of no confidence with 200 votes in support of 117 opposing votes. Thus, at least May will still be the Prime Minister for the next year. May's task is to oversee the Brexit plenary session on March 29, 2019. After Brexit is finished, what else will Theresa May do? The world looks forward to what drama will happen in Britain after Brexit.

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