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Friday, 11 January 2019 00:00

Kim Jong-un's visit to Beijing

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Kim Jong-un's visit to Beijing


Earlier this week, North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un paid a visit to Beijing, China. During the three-day stay, he met Chinese President, Xi Jin Ping. This is the second visit of North Korean leader to Beijing. Last year, ahead of Kim Jong-un's meeting with US President Donald Trump in Singapore, Kim Jong-un had also met President Xi Jin Ping.

From this second meeting, North Korea received support from China to continue negotiations with the United States. In addition to discussing the issue of negotiations, Kim Jong-un also invited President Xi Jin Ping to visit Pyongyang. President Xi Jin Ping agreed without mentioning when he will pay the visit. Kim had felt the need to go to Beijing because North Korea had made Beijing its partner.

Kim Jong-un had expressed his disappointment in his New Year's speech, because the nuclear negotiations seem to be slowing down, not as expected. Kim Jong-un even   threatens that his attitude will change if Washington does not alter the sanctions imposed on his country.

While South Korean President, Moon Jae-in who had acted as the mediator, at a press conference on Thursday (January 10, 2018), said that Kim Jong-un's second meeting with President Donald Trump will be held again. He emphasized that Seoul would cooperate with Washington on sanctions against Pyongyang.

President Trump and Kim's second meeting has been awaited by many parties. Now, it depends on the United States whether to let Kim Jong-un's patience run out and cause the North Korean nuclear program to be resumed or to respond to Kim Jong-un's invitation to immediately resolve this issue. The world is looking forward to the further development.

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