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Thursday, 16 May 2019 09:42

Indonesia-Argentina Targets Twice Trade Increase, Team Work Will Be Formed

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Minister Enggar and Minister Dante Minister Enggar and Minister Dante kemendag twitter

 Indonesian Minister of Trade Enggartiasto Lukita and Argentina's Minister of Production and Labor Dante Enrique Sica agreed to double trade between the two countries from 2018 achievements in the next two years or by 2021. Agreements reached at the meeting bilateral ministers took place on Tuesday (5/14) in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

"Indonesia and Argentina agreed that with the potential of the two big countries, the value of both trade is currently too low. For this reason, the two countries agreed to increase trade up to twice in the next two years. In 2018, the trade value of the two countries is recorded at USD 1.7 billion. With a double increase, in 2021 it is expected that a trade balance of USD 3.4 will occur, "explained the Minister of Trade.

According to the Minister of Trade , Argentina responds positively proposal to improve bilateral trade relations. Indonesia and Argentina are regional market hubs in both ASEAN and Mercosur whose potential has not been maximally exploited by the two countries. "Strengthening trade and investment cooperation with Argentina and Mercosur is important in the midst of uncertainty over global economic conditions this year which is expected to continue next year," added Enggar. To achieve this target the two countries will form a work team. "The work team will be on duty as soon as possible to identify ways to increase trade more equitably for Indonesia and study the possibility of negotiating agreements between Indonesia and Argentina and Mercosur," explained the Minister of Trade.

Meanwhile, DanteSica said that the meeting was very positive. "Indonesia is in the same framework. Dante Sica also said the work team could immediately begin to check the potential of trade products that could be increased to achieve the trade target." The work team will involve the Indonesian Embassy and the Argentine Embassy in each the country as a liaison, "added the Minister of Trade. In addition to complementary products, the two Ministers discussed the potential of cooperation in the industrial sector and the possibility of trade returns." The railroad and aircraft industry, as well as infrastructure are the ind "The strategic industry can be increased cooperation with Argentina," explained the Minister of Trade.

After meeting with Minister DanteSica, Trade Minister Enggar continued the meeting with the President of the Argentine Chamber of ImportsRuben Oscar Garcia and the Air of the Committee of Asian Affairs from the Council of Governors for International Relations Ambassador Eduardo Sadous. The two private organizations welcomed Indonesia's proposal to strengthen trade and investment cooperation. Indonesia is seen as having a strong influence in ASEAN which has the potential to become a strategic partner for Argentina and Mercosur. (rel-kemendag)

Read 1179 times Last modified on Thursday, 16 May 2019 10:06