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Saturday, 18 May 2019 14:14

Kutuh Village in Bali Builds a 'Sport Tourism' Area from the Village Fund

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President Jokowi talked with the flying athlete while visiting Kutuh Village, in South Kuta, Bali, Friday (5/17) afternoon. This village develops Tourism Sport with Village Funds. President Jokowi talked with the flying athlete while visiting Kutuh Village, in South Kuta, Bali, Friday (5/17) afternoon. This village develops Tourism Sport with Village Funds. kemensetkab

After a working visit to West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) continued his working visit to Bali Province on Friday (5/17) afternoon, and arrived at I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport, Bali at around 2:40 p.m.

The president and his entourage then headed to the location of the Village Fund Program Review in Kutuh Village, South Kuta District, Badung Regency.

Previously while in NTB, President Jokowi observed the Mandalika Special Economic Zone (KEK), in Central Lombok Regency, which would be the location of the MotoGP 2021 with the concept of the Street Race Circuit. After carrying out Friday prayers at Nur Syahada Mosque, Sade Hamlet, Rembitan Village, Pujut District, Central Lombok Regency, the President and his entourage went straight to Zainuddin Abdul Majid International Airport to continue working visits to Bali.

In Kutuh village, the President arrived at the soccer field which was still in the process of being greeted enthusiastically by local residents. The President then had a dialogue with the Village Head, the local Customary Chief regarding the construction of a sports tourism area accompanied by the Governor of Bali I Wayan Koster, PDTT Village Minister Eko Putro Sanjojo, Seskab Pramono Anung and PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono.

Furthermore, the President also took time to talk together with 3 (three) paragliding players before they showed their action before the President.


President Jokowi assessed that Kutuh Village is one of the villages that has successfully take benefit from the Village Fund for the welfare of its people, by concentrating on sport tourism by renting out soccer fields for training, for international competitions.

Then there is paragliding which also can produce Rp800 million a year. So that for the village itself has an income of Rp50 billion per year.

"Try to imagine. This is how the Village Fund can trigger the economy that exists in the region so that people really benefit from it, "the President said, adding that the model carried out by Kutuh Village could be copied elsewhere which has similarities, whether in Sumatra, either in Java, can be a model of the success of a Village Fund management management for the benefit of the community. (kemensetkab)

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