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Thursday, 01 February 2018 10:44

Foreign Minister Opens Third Indonesia-United Nations Consultative Forum Plenary Meeting Featured

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Foreign Minister Opens Third Indonesia-United Nations Consultative Forum Plenary Meeting VOI-Rezha
Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno LP Marsudi jointly opened the plenary meeting of Indonesia - United Nations Consultative Forum (IUNCF) in Jakarta on Thursday 1 February 2018. In addition to the Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Director of Multirateral Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Febrian Alphyanto Ruddyard, UN Resident Coordinator in Indonesia, Anita Nirody participated in this meeting. This meeting discussed and followed up on the results of the Working Group (WG) meeting on Information Sharing and Cooperation Development and WG on Administration which was implemented last year. The meeting will also discuss and endorse the outcome document related to the update of Indonesian cooperation list, contact point, joint review of the programs of the United Nations (UN) agencies in Indonesia. In addition, this meeting will also present representatives from the Ministry of Finance to explain the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) no. 99 year 2017 on Grant Management Administration./// (VOI/Rezha)
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