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Thursday, 06 February 2020 09:42

President Ensures Indonesian Coronavirus Patient Receives Embassy Aid

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 President Joko Widodo speaking to reporters at the State Palace in Jakarta, Wednesday (5/2/2020) President Joko Widodo speaking to reporters at the State Palace in Jakarta, Wednesday (5/2/2020) ANTARA

President Joko Widodo said that Indonesian nationals who contacted the coronavirus in Singapore will continue to receive assistance from the Indonesian Embassy in Singapore.

"There has been one Indonesian in Singapore (who contacted the coronavirus), who is being treated by Singapore and is, of course, being assisted by the Embassy," said President Joko Widodo at the State Palace in Jakarta, Wednesday.

The President said there were no plans to have the Indonesian national returned home and he hoped that the national would receive proper treatment in Singapore.

"Let it (procedure) be completed in Singapore first," he said.

Additionally, President Jokowi expressed relief that no one has been infected by the virus until now.

"We should be grateful for the fact that there are no coronavirus cases in Indonesia," he said.

With regard to the outbreak of the virus and its influence on Indonesia's economic growth, President Jokowi acknowledged the possibility of an impact.

Any form of global economic slowdown, he said, will affect almost all countries, including Indonesia.

"A slowdown in global growth is certain; other countries conveyed the same issue. Other countries will also be affected. I say it like it is, that includes our country Indonesia, but we have to be able to calculate the percentages," he said.

The President also stressed that the Indonesian government will continue to prioritize national interest despite talks of being overly reactive with regard to the coronavirus outbreak.

"I say that our national interest remains the number one priority," he said. (ANTARA)

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