Voice of Indonesia presents “Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia,” a lesson in the Indonesian language on the radio. We introduce some Indonesian vocabulary and tips on how to use it in a conversation. This segment is a joint initiative of Voice of Indonesia and the Language and Book Development Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture. Today’s topic is Saya tidak mengerti in English ‘I don't understand’
Read to this conversation about Saya tidak mengerti in English ‘I don’t understand’. Kevin does not understand yet about the explanation of one subject, he asks the lecturer.
Kevin : Bapak, saya ingin bertanya.
Dosen : Iya, silakan.
Kevin : Apa itu diftong?
Dosen : Baik. Diftong adalah gabungan vokal.
Now, I am going to introduce the vocabularies and expressions related to the topic today. I will say each word slowly and twice, you can follow after me.
Bapak which means Sir
Saya ingin bertanya? I have a question.
Iya, silakan. Yes, please
Apa itu diftong? What is diphthong?
Diftong adalah gabungan vokal. Diphthong is a combine of
If you want to ask something at a forum or formal event, such as a lecture forum, you can use a sentence Bapak, saya ingin bertanya.Apa itu diftong? In English ‘Sir, I would like to ask you, what is diphthong?’
The use of the word ingin in a sentence Bapak, saya ingin bertanya can be changed with the word izin, like the sentence Bapak, saya izin bertanya.
That was “Let’s Speak Bhs Indonesia”, a lesson in Bahasa Indonesia or the Indonesian language on the radio. Hopefully, this edition will be useful for those who want to know more about Bahasa Indonesia.