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Monday, 05 March 2018 11:20

To increase investment, Ministry of Industry establishes task force

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Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) establishes Task Force –Satgas of  Acceleration of Business Implementation at industrial sector. The task force is established as a follow-up to the issuance of Presidential Regulation No. 91/2017 on Acceleration of Business Implementation. Head of Industrial Research and Development Agency (BPPI) at the Ministry of Industry, Ngakan Timur Antara  in his official statement in Jakarta on Friday (2/3) said that this task force will perform escort and acceleration to handle business permit for investment in industrial sector. He further explained that to increase investment in the industrial sector, the Ministry of Industry have several strategies to be carried out by optimizing the utilization of fiscal facilities such as tax holiday, tax allowance, and import duty exemption of capital goods or raw materials. In addition, the Ministry of Industry has proposed a breakthrough of new facilities for investment activities in the form of super deduction for research and development activities and vocation as well as reduction of value-added tax for labor-intensive industries that can employ more than 1,000 people. In addition to investment, the government's ongoing effort is to boost exports. Ngakan views that as an initial strategy to increase exports, the Ministry of Industry has identified 15 export-oriented priority industries by 2018, covering the palm oil processing industry and its derivatives, food and beverage industry, paper and paper industry, crumb rubber industry, tires, and rubber gloves, as well as wood and wooden goods industries. Besides, there are also textile and textile products, footwear, cosmetics, soap and cleaning industries, automobile industry, electrical cable industry, pipe industry and iron pipe line, agricultural machine tool industry, electronics industry, jewelry industry, and craft industry. He also affirmed that his side has encouraged the expansion of exports to non-traditional markets, such as countries in Central and South America, the Caribbean, Central and Eastern Europe and regional organizations, Africa, Middle East and countries around the Indian Ocean with potential market to work with. Other strategies are through lobbying and negotiations within the framework of enhancing bilateral and multilateral cooperation by reducing tariff and non-tariff barriers to open ease of market penetration. Improved efforts are the facilitation of product promotion and business matching in new export destinations. Ngakan added, there are export financing facilities that need to be optimized in a bid to improve the competitiveness of the prices in export destination countries. Meanwhile, Minister of Industry, Airlangga Hartarto at Public Lecture at Syiah Kuala University (Unsyiah), Banda Aceh on last Sunday (25/2/2018) said that Indonesia's economic power is considered as one of the key players in encouraging global economic growth. Indonesia is able to contribute 2.5 percent to world growth. The achievements outperformed South Korea, Australia, Canada, England, Japan, Brazil and Russia. Based on the results of the World Economic Forum analysis, Asia was increasingly dominating world growth in 2017 and it is expected to be the same this year.

Read 1289 times Last modified on Monday, 05 March 2018 19:03