The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) region aims to stay the course amid a challenging global environment and sustaining economic growth is a delicate balancing act, said a new report issued by the APEC Policy Support Unit was received in Jakarta on Sunday.
As trade tensions undermine global trade, investment and output, growth in the APEC region is expected to moderate to 3.8 percent in 2019, down from 4.1 percent in 2018, according to the report.
In 2020, gross domestic product (GDP) growth for the region is projected to decelerate further, within the range of 3.5 to 3.7 percent, the report forecasts. However, downside risks may be mitigated if trade frictions ease.
"The upside potential for growth could come from the quick and positive resolution of trade tensions that would significantly reduce policy uncertainty," said Denis Hew, Director of the APEC Policy Support Unit.
The global economy grappled with heightened policy uncertainty in 2018, as economies issued tariffs and counter-measures. Deceleration of GDP growth ensued in parallel to the announcement of trade-restricting measures in the second half of 2017, culminating in the imposition of tariffs and counter-measures in 2018.
Today, trade restrictive measures comprise nearly 60 percent of total trade and trade-related measures, according to the report.
In contrast, for decades trade drove the expansion of the regional economy, from US$23.5 trillion in 1990 to US$63.6 trillion in 2017. The declining influence of trade on the region’s growth is pivotal for APEC.
"Sustaining economic growth amid trade tensions and policy uncertainty is a delicate balancing act. However, it also presents opportunities to pursue more structural reform that encourages growth that is sustainable and inclusive," Hew explained.
The APEC region faces other challenges, such as growing income inequality, greenhouse gas emissions and encroaching climate change, industry-disrupting technology. APEC’s approach to economic policy cooperation, however, can help members navigate cross-border complexities and find solutions.
The APEC 2019 is hosted by Chile, an economy that has thrived largely due to its trade with the Asia Pacific region. In an effort to broaden opportunities, Chile has included the economic empowerment of women and internationalization of small and medium enterprises as regional priorities.
An Indonesian warship KRI Yos Sudarso 353 visited Fani Island which is one of Indonesia's outermost islands located in the Pacific Ocean bordering Palau, a country situated north of Indonesia's province of West Papua. The visit was a sea control operation carried out by the Navy's 3rd Fleet Command in its territory of Papua's waters.
Commander of the 3rd Fleet Command Admiral I N.G. Ariawan said here on Sunday that the visit was aimed at giving enthusiasm and motivation to the Indonesian Navy soldiers on duty in Fani Island guarding the country's borders.
He emphasized that Fani Island is Indonesia's outermost island in Raja Ampat district, West Papua Province which borders Palau.
Fani Island is the jurisdiction and becomes the responsibility of the Navy's 3rd Fleet Command, so that it places Navy soldiers on the island to protect sovereignty.
At the same time, this visit which was led by Col. Luddy Mulyadi was providing logistics to the soldiers of the Task Force for Safeguarding the Outer Islands on Fani Island, Ariawan said.
The Indonesian man-of-war was also reviewing some of the supporting facilities around, such as machinery and communication facilities as well as conducting dialogues with the soldiers to provide motivation," he said. (ant)
The Indonesian Ambassador to Azerbaijan, Husnan Bey Fananie, has affirmed that Indonesia and the member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) continue to support Palestinian independence.
"Indonesia continues carrying out creative diplomacy, with special support for the Palestinian issues in Gaza," Ambassador Husnan said at a breaking-fast event held by the Indonesian Embassy in Baku recently, in a statement received by Antara here on Friday.
The Indonesian Embassy in Baku held the event and invited the ambassadors of OIC countries on the 10th day of the holy month of Ramadan, in an atmosphere of friendship.
Some ambassadors of countries attending the event were from the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Tajikistan, Palestine and Lebanon.
Ambassador Husnan said the breaking fast meal was an annual event at the Indonesian Embassy in Baku.
According to Husnan, this event is a form of "soft diplomacy", or diplomacy through social and cultural approaches, by Indonesia and OIC member countries.
"Let's continue to maintain friendship among OIC members, unite and build mutual respect, and help each other," Ambassador Husnan said. (ant)
President Joko Widodo has appointed nine members of the Selection Committee (Pansel) for the Head of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) for the term of office from 2019-2023. The Pansel was formed to guarantee the quality and transparency in the selection of KPK leadership candidates regarding the end of the current KPK leadership term on December 21, 2019.
The stipulation was stated in the Presidential Decree of the Republic of Indonesia Number 54 / P Year 2019 concerning the Establishment of the Candidate for the Corruption Eradication Commission Leadership Selection Committee for the Year 2019-2023 signed by President Joko Widodo on Friday, May 17, 2019.
The KPK Committee Chancellor 2019-2023 is led by Yenti Ganarsih as chairman. Yenti is an academic lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Trisakti University. Professor of Criminal Law at the University of Indonesia, who is also former Acting. The head of the Corruption Eradication Commission, Indriyanto Senoadji, was appointed as deputy chief of committee.
As a pansel member, the President appointed Harkristuti Harkrisnowo, an academic who is also an expert in criminal law and human rights (HAM); Hamdi Moeloek, academics and psychology expert at the University of Indonesia; and Marcus Priyo, an academic and criminal law expert at Gadjah Mada University.
Then there are also Hendardi, founder of the Setara Institute NGO, and Al Araf, Imparsial Director, sitting as a member. In the pansel also sat two elements of the government, namely Diani Sadia, Expert Staff of Bappenas, and Mualimin Abdi, Director General of Human Rights at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.
The KPK Committee Chancellor from 201-2023 will work to select candidates for KPK leadership for the period 2019-2023 since the Presidential Decree was stipulated. They will be tasked with filtering and proposing names of candidates to the President and working until the formation of KPK leaders for the period 2019-2023.
Following is the composition of the Pansel membership as follows:
Chairperson concurrently member:
Dr. Yenti Ganarsih, S.H., M.H.
Deputy chairman concurrently member:
Prof. Dr. Indriyanto Senoadji, S.H., M.H.
1. Prof. Dr. Harkristuti Harkrisnowo
2. Prof. Dr. Marcus Priyo Gunarto, S.H., M.Hum.
3. Prof. Dr. Hamdi Moeloek
4. Dr. Diani Sadia Wati, S.H., LL.M.
5. Dr. Mualimin Abdi, S.H., M.H.
6. Hendardi, S.H.
7. Al Araf, S.H., M.T.
(biro pers media)