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Ani Hasanah


Indonesian President Joko Widodo discussed various education programs when delivering information from the government on the 2019 Draft Law on the State Budget (RAPBN) before the General Assembly of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) and the House of Representatives (DPR). In 2019, the education budget is planned to be at Rp. 478.9 trillion. This education investment becomes important because it is part of improving the quality of human resources. According to President Jokowi, in the five-year period from 2014-2019, there were around 27 thousand people who received scholarships for the Education Fund Management Institute (LPDP) throughout the country. Another interesting thing is that when Jokowi said next year there would be 400 thousand more Bidikmisi Scholarship recipients for those from disadvantaged groups.


"In 2019, the Government will provide scholarships to 20.1 million students through the Smart Indonesia Program and 471.8 thousand students through the Bidik Misi scholarship. In addition, in the 2014-2019 period, the Government also invested through the Education Fund Management Institute (LPDP) by providing scholarships to around 27 thousand students from all over the country to continue their masters and doctor degree at the best universities in Indonesia and abroad, as well as financing 123 selected research contracts," President Joko Widodo said.

In addition, according to President Jokowi, the state spending on education in 2019 will also be directed to strengthen the school operational costs (BOS) program for 57 million students, improve the quality of civil servant and non-civil servant teachers through professional allowances, and accelerate school development and rehabilitation. In addition, it is also aimed at building 1,407 practice rooms at Vocational Schools and assistance for training or certification of 3,000 students, strengthening more massive and integrated vocational programs across ministries, as well as the construction of classroom and laboratory facilities for 1,000 Islamic boarding schools (pesantren). (VOI/REZHA/AHM)


On Saturday, August 18, the 2018 Asian Games was officially opened at the Gelora Bung Karno Main Stadium, Jakarta. The organizing committee and the athletes have been preparing themselves to be the best in this Asian sporting event. // This year Indonesia has hosted the Asian Games for the second time, which was held 56 years ago, in 1962. // All Indonesians, especially in Jakarta and Palembang, South Sumatra, are very enthusiastic in welcoming the grand annual sporting event. Singapore, which is also involved in the 2018 Asian Games, is optimistic that Indonesia will be able to be an extraordinary host and be able to welcome all athletes and officials properly. It was stated by Ambassador of Singapore to Indonesia Anil Kumar Nayar in a special interview with Voice of Indonesia in Jakarta, recently.


"I think sports is something that brings us together. It gets everybody enthustiactic and excited and in fact I have seen you in Jakarta across from all of Indonesia very excited to be hosting the Asian Games here in 1962. I 'm very confident that Indonesia will be an excellent host because by nature Indonesia is very welcoming. And I think they will be an excellent host for this event. And I'm very sure it will be a success" Anil Nayar said.


Furthermore Ambassador Anil Kumar Nayal said, at the 2018 Asian Games, Singapore sends 265 athletes to compete in 21 sports. At the 2014 Asian Games, Singapore sent 223 athletes and was able to donate five gold, six silvers and 14 bronzes.  Singapore does not have a specific target to face the 2018 Asian Games. (VOI/Rezha/AHM)


Indonesia as a traditional friendly country of South Korea and North Korea has always played a constructive role in building peace in the Korean Peninsula. This was conveyed by South Korea's Ambassador to Indonesia Kim Chang-beom in an exclusive interview with Voice of Indonesia in the commemoration of Korea's Independence Day, on August 15, at the South Korean Embassy in Jakarta, recently. According to Ambassador Kim Chang-beom, the Korean Peninsula is currently in crucial crossing for a change, and Indonesia also acts as a bridge connecting the two Koreas in multilateral forums. He stressed that all the positive movements that have taken place can build the confidence of the United States, South Korea and North Korea. However, the resolution of problems in Semenjung Korea still requires the role of the international community including Indonesia.


"So all this series of positive movements can build trust between the US, North Korea and South Korea. However, the journey is still long, because building a permanent peace on the Korean Peninsula is like running a marathon, unlike a short distance of 100 meters, we cannot solve it with just one strong push, we need patience and need greater attention and need greater support from international community including Indonesia. Indonesia has played a constructive role in creating peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula," said Kim Chang-beom.

Kim Chang-beom further said that through Pyeongchang's winter olimpics, the two Koreas had been able to resolve some difficulties and agreed to join together in the athlete's parade at the opening of the Winter Olympics in South Korea and form a women's ice hockey team. He added, for the 2018 Asian Games in Jakarta and Palembang, South Sumatra, South Korea and North Korea will enter together with one flag in the opening parade. In addition, the two Koreas have agreed to form a joint team for several sports including basketball. (VOI/Lip. DP/AHM)


Indonesia and the UK agreed to revive the forum or partnership forum. The forum was a meeting place for ministers from both countries to discuss a number of bilateral cooperation. The agreement was reached when the Indonesian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, AM Fachir, and the British Minister of State for Asia and the Pacific at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Mark Field, held a bilateral meeting at the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jakarta, Tuesday, August 14, 2018. According to Fachir, the bilateral mechanisms between the two countries which are quite large in various fields, can be used to view and seek efforts to improve cooperation in various fields.


"We also agreed, among others, that it would revive the partnership forum. Where a number of ministers will meet in an effort to review various collaborations. Because our bilateral mechanism is quite a lot in various fields. And because of that there is a need to see as well as seeking efforts, ways to increase cooperation in these various fields," saaid A.M. Fachir.

Fachir added, in addition to reviving the cooperation forum, the two countries also agreed on Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) partnerships that has already existed between Indonesia and the European Union. The agreement provides official certification for Indonesian timber so that it can be exported to European countries including the UK after British Exit or Brexit. Based on data from the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the trade value between UK and Indonesia in the past five years has reached US $ 2.5 billion. In addition to bilateral issues, Fachir and Field also discussed a number of regional and global issues of concern to the two countries. The United Kingdom has agreed to continue to promote dialogue with Indonesia in dealing with various international issues, including the period of Indonesia's membership as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council (UN) for 2019-2020 period. Field trip to Indonesia is the first he has done since he was appointed as the British Youth Minister in 2017. Besides Indonesia, he will visit a number of other countries in the region such as the Philippines, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos on a 13-day tour in Southeast Asia. In addition to meeting Fachir, Field will also meet Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi, West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil, and ASEAN Secretary General Lim Jock Hoi. (VOI/Rezha/AHM)