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Zona Integritas
Ani Hasanah

Ani Hasanah


The Peruvian Embassy in Jakarta Friday (27/7) celebrated its 197th Independence Day anniversary in Jakarta. This commemoration is celebrated by holding a Cultural Night in Jakarta. The celebration was highlighted by performances of traditional Peruvian dances and music. The guests were also entertained by the performance of Los de Antano music group. Peruvian Ambassador to Indonesia Julio Cardenas has said the aim of this cultural show is to strengthen bilateral relations with Indonesia. Moreover, now Peru and ASEAN are trying to realize the Agreement of Friendship and Cooperation with ASEAN. He said Indonesia is one of the countries that has an important role in the regional organization.

“As you may realize, it is our central objective to reinforce bilateral relations with Indonesia, as well as the consolidation of Peru’s presence in the Asia-Pacific region and specifically, in the ASEAN. In this regard, Peru is in the process of adhering to the Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation of Southeast Asia, which no doubt, will bring us closer to this dynamic and promising region,”  Julio Cardenas said. 

On the same occasion Indonesian Minister of Manpower M. Hanif Dhakiri, representing the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo attended the celebration of the 197th Peruvian Independence Day Celebration in Jakarta. On behalf of the Government of Indonesia, he expressed his congratulations and hoped that the cooperative relationship that has been going well between Indonesia and Peru can continue to increase in the coming years. According to him, the Government of Indonesia and Peru have established mutual relations to enhance and strengthen friendship and cooperation based on equality and mutual respect. He also explained the bilateral trade volume between Indonesia and Peru showed a positive trend. The 2017 total trade increased to 229.98 US dollars. (VOI / Rezha/AHM)


The SKALA Association with the Indonesian Geologists Association (IAGI) and Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) conducted an expedition in the Palu-Koro region of Central Sulawesi Province to reveal the potential of the earthquake and map disaster risk reduction efforts. Indonesia with 17,500 islands has three intersecting tectonic plates. The intersection of some of these plates resulted in 295 fault points or active earth fault which then trigger the earthquake, activate the volcano and even cause a tsunami. Surely this is a major threat that lurk various parts of Indonesia. Trinurmalaningrum, Expedition Team Chairman of Palu Koro on Friday (27/7) in Jakarta said, records of major earthquake events that occurred around Palu Koro fault have successfully be found by the expedition team while doing a survey on the traditions of the people living in the region. According to her, the earthquake and tsunami disaster will not give a deadly impact if the people in disaster prone areas have good knowledge.

“Actually, this earthquake and tsunami is not deadly if the knowledge of the people, our knowledge is good enough, meaning to build under the cesarean section should use a kind of specification to be earthquake resistant. Well, what we met in Kulawi is that the people still live in the bamboo houses that are actually earthquake resistant. Secondly we also just found out yesterday they also have songs. The dance and one of the messages is, to beware of earthquakes because of God's punishment. This means that there is a record of earthquake events and it is already embedded in the community,” Trinirmalaningrum said. 

Further Trinirmalaningrum said the results of the Palu-Koro Expedition will be documented and socialized to the community to tackle disaster risks through a series of several publications of books and documentary that will be aired on private television. The Palu-Koro expedition team is scheduled to leave on July 30, 2018 and two days later they begin to explore Kulawi region and along the fault line in Central Sulawesi. The expedition itself involves a number of researchers and experts in the fields of culture, anthropology, sociology, history, geology, earthquake, and disaster management representing various government institutions, national research institutes and universities as well as media. (VOI / Rezha/AHM)


The Indonesian Ministry of Transportation and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) signed a contract for the construction of Port Patimban I for package 1 of container terminal construction and four-wheel vehicles worth Rp 6 trillion out of a total of Rp 8.9 trillion. The construction of port which includes in the National Strategic Project (PSN) will commence in the near future. In his speech at the signing of the contract for the Port of Patimban Package I project in Jakarta on Friday, July 27, 2018 Minister of Transportation, Budi Karya Sumadi said the Patimban Port project signifies the close relationship between Indonesia and Japan which this year is celebrating the 60th anniversary.

“Patimban Port is one of the National Strategic Projects according to Presidential Regulation No. 47. It is a Strategic Project in Subang, West Java. And we know that this project is a project with Official Development Assistant or ODA Loan from Japan and signifies a close relationship between Indonesia and Japan, marking 60 years of relations between Indonesia and Japan,” Budi Karya Sumadai said.

On the same occasion, Economic Counselor of Japanee Embassy to Indonesia, Mari Takada, said that his side will commit to the cooperation of Patimban Port because it will help the Japanese economy considering the location of the port is very close to the manufacturing area of ​​Japanese companies in Indonesia. Many Japanese companies set up manufacturing plants in Cikarang, (Bekasi District), Karawang, and Purwakarta in West Java which distance from Patimban Port is less than 150 km. According to Takada, Patimban Port has the advantage of being able to unravel the congestion that has occurred along the distribution channel to Tanjung Priok Port, Jakarta. Meanwhile, on the demand for more dominant operator of the Japanese consortium, Takada said it follows in accordance with the agreement with the Government of Indonesia. He said the Government of Indonesia and Japan agreed to cooperate with the operation, he also hoped the private sector would be involved. Indonesia and Japan have agreed to operate together with Patimban in a consortium in which Indonesian companies own 51% of the shares, while Japanese companies own 49% of the shares. (VOI / Rezha/AHM)


World Hepatitis Day is celebrated every July 28th. The disease caused by inflammation or swelling of the liver has become an international concern to be addressed. A Consultant Gastroenterology Hepatology or Persahabatan General Hospital, Doctor David Reinhard in a special interview with RRI World Service Voice of Indonesia in Jakarta Friday said the Indonesian government is also paying full attention to reducing and even eliminating hepatitis.

“I think all efforts must be deployed and we must always be optimistic, how should we do to achieve the target of hepatitis free in 2020. Indeed everything will be gradually done. The movement started from 2017, there is always a target every year. So if in 2017 the target was 30 percent, in 2018 the target is 60 percent, in 2019 we target 90 percents and is expected the hepatitis will be eliminated in 2020, said dr. David Reinhard.

David Reinhard also said to continue to prevent the transmission of hepatitis, the Indonesian government should increase the coverage of immunization for infants. He said the immunization program for infants from hepatitis disease has been a government program since 1997 until today. David asked the government to continue focusing and raising awareness so as hepatitis can be prevented and cured. (VOI/AF/AHM)