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Ani Hasanah

Ani Hasanah


Canadian ambassador to ASEAN, Marie Louis Hannan in her speech conveyed ASEAN and Canada cooperated in responding various cross-border threats, such as terrorism and extremism with violence, organized crime, arm proliferation and cybercrime in effort to build the more peaceful world. On the commemoration of the 151st Canadian National Day in Jakarta on Monday (2/7), the ambassador mentioned that relation of ASEAN and Canada as speech partner, is a perfect example of cooperation in facing global challenge. Canada and ASEAN also cooperated in the field of promotion of gender equality.

“We are advancing gender equality by leveraging regional cooperation among ASEAN members: to enhance the leadership role of women on important issues, such as conflict prevention and resolution and to promote women’s economic empowerment and ensure all women participate fully in the global economy, Marie Louis Hannan said.

Ambassador Marie Louis Hannan further explained that Canada and ASEAN will also continue discussion related to Free Trade Agreement. The agenda also includes strong commitment on honor the worker’s right and local stakeholder and responsibility business. According to the ambassador, ASEAN and Canada have much cooperation in facing various current challenges. But, there are many which can be conducted to face the future opportunity and challenges.(VOI/Sekar/Trans-yati/AHM)


Embassy of Canada for Indonesia held the reception of Canada's 151st National Day in Jakarta, Monday (2/7). This celebration was also attended Indonesian Minister for Women Empowerment and Child Protection Yohana Susana Yembise. In her speech, Minister Yembise said, Indonesia and Canada had good relations and cooperation, among other in advancing gender equality.

"Indonesia and Canada share much in common when it comes to gender equality. Both Presiden Joko Widodo and the Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau are champions for the United Nation's HeForShe campaign. Our two countries are also committed to advancing quality and the empowerment, promotion, and advance in gender equality. I'm happy to say that gender equality and women empowerment are the core of Canadian development assistance," Yohana Yembise said.

Minister Yohana Yembise further said, Indonesia had applied gender-mainstreaming program in the ministries and institutions across the country. Besides that, women and children right protection had been guaranteed in various laws and regulations. Minister Yohana also said, Indonesia will welcome support and cooperation from Canada in a bid to advance further the gender equality issues. (VOI/Steve/AHM)


The Indonesian women make valuable contribution in increasing national economy and alleviating poverty. That was stated by Indonesian Minister for Women Empowerment and Child Protection Yohana Susana Yembise in her remarks during the celebration of 151st Canadian National Day held in Jakarta, on Monday (2/7). The Minister also said, Indonesian women can contribute if given proper access.


"Indonesian women also make valuable contribution to Indonesian economy and alleviate poverty. Household welfare increase as women gain access to education, freedom to work in public space, and independent income. Data shows that Indonesian women are contributing to 40% of workplace in Indonesia, 60% of small & medium enterprise owners, and 70% of Indonesian migrant workers," Yohana Yembise said.


Minister Yohana Yembise further explained, considering such contribution of Indonesian women for the country, the government will keep pushing the quality and quantity of women in politics, economy, and social-culture. Minister Yohana also said, Indonesia will also ensure equal representation in every aspect of politics and decision-making. (VOI/Steve/AHM)


President Joko Widodo visited the 2018 Asian Agriculture and Food Forum (ASAFF) exhibition held at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC). This exhibition is part of a series of ASAFF held by the Association of Indonesian Farmers (HKTI) on June 28-July 1, 2018.

Arriving at JCC at around 14.11 WIB, the President, wearing a white shirt and black pants, was greeted by Minister of Agriculture Amran Sulaiman and Chief of Staff of the Moeldoko Presidency. The three then immediately went in to take a look at the exhibition, Sunday (1/7/2018).

Not only agricultural commodities, in ASAFF exhibition themed "Transforming Challenges into Opportunities: Agricultural Innovation and Food Security" is also exhibited various innovations in agriculture.

The President also vsited the stands of modern agricultural tools ranging from drones to Controlled Atmosphere Storage (CAS) or storage machines that could store fresh food for up to six months.

Related to this innovation, the Minister of Agriculture Amran Sulaiman mentioned that innovation could be the key to success in agriculture, such as the achievement of food self-sufficiency.

"Food self-sufficiency can happen, even food sovereignty will occur when we encourage and develop our innovations. The key to success in agriculture should encourage innovation from seeds to post-harvest processing," the Agriculture Minister told the media.

In line with the Minister of Agriculture, Chief of Staff of the President who is also Chairman of HKTI Moeldoko said that countries that have a level of progress in agriculture must have a very high innovation.

According to him, Indonesia's agriculture can be more developed with a technology approach that is cultivated.

"Our society is almost partially still using the traditional approach. The innovations here we take, we communicate with the entrepreneurs so that later all the development of products that can be developed and used by farmers, "said Moeldoko. (KBRN/Rsp/HF/AHM)